Online Test to "Discover Your Mothering Type" Now Available for Free
Just in time for Mother's Day, any woman with online access can now take a free 15-question test to instantly learn "What Type of Mom Are You...Or Will You Be?"
Lake Forest, IL (PRWEB) May 9, 2006
Just in time for Mother's Day, any mother with online access -- and any woman who intends to someday be a mother -- can now take a free 15-question test to instantly learn "What Type of Mom Are You...Or Will You Be?" (http://www. sixwise. com/Survey/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe. aspx)
Whether they're new mothers, have been at the noble work for many decades, or look forward to someday being a mother, women who take the online test will discover if they are a:
Super-Mom Type
Affectionate Mom Type
Strict Mom Type, or
*Laid Back Mom Type
When they get their personal results, test-takers will also learn full detail on what their type -- and each of the other types -- mean.
CHECK OUT THE FREE "What Type of Mom Are You?" TEST NOW AT http://www. sixwise. com/Survey/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe. aspx (http://www. sixwise. com/Survey/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe/WhatTypeofMomAreYouOrWillYouBe. aspx)
SixWise. com is the home of the famous no-cost "How to Live a Happier Life" weekly e-newsletter, which includes insights from the world's top experts in the areas of health, relationships, personal safety, finances, career and enjoying life to its fullest. This includes a WIDE variety of fun, free online tests available right from SixWise. com's homepage.