Skincare Trends to Combat Free Radicals: Topical Vitamin C in Skin Care Products
Skincare-News. com looks into the newest in anti-aging trends: vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid.
Sacramento, CA (PRWEB) April 15, 2008
Vitamin C isn't just great for health; it's an excellent addition to a skincare routine. Skincare-News. com's latest article, "Vitamin C" finds the latest research on vitamin C and its benefits. http://www. skincare-news. com/articles. php? ArtID=539 (http://www. skincare-news. com/articles. php? ArtID=539)
What is it? Touted as one of the most effective topical agents against wrinkles and fines lines, vitamin C, or L-ascorbic acid, is vital for collagen production and the reduction of free radicals -- natural by-products of oxidation that can be triggered by pollutants, sunlight, stress, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Left untreated, free radicals damage surrounding healthy cells and cause accelerated aging, damaged skin and even cancer.
Where to find it: Although oral ingestion of vitamin C is important for health, the body eventually flushes it out, so applying topical vitamin C is the best bet for getting the skincare benefits.
Vitamin C is included in a bevy of skincare products, including anti-aging formulas, cleansers, serums and moisturizing products.
Ready to buy a vitamin C product? Keep in mind that when vitamin C is exposed to air, it undergoes oxidation and renders the product ineffective. According to Smart Skin Care, if the formulation has turned a yellowish-brown color, toss it. The unpleasant shade indicates that the product has oxidized and is therefore useless or even harmful, as vitamin C in its oxidized form might increase the development of free radicals.
Avoid the possibility of purchasing an unstable vitamin C product by choosing from a trustworthy brand, checking the expiration date and packaging and always storing it properly. In addition, select products with 10 percent of vitamin C or more.
What to expect: Though research is being done to develop a more stable formula of topical vitamin C, studies have shown vitamin C might play a role in protecting against UV damage and sunburn and activating collagen production. In the meantime, as mentioned above, not all vitamin C products are created equal; many of the products on the market contain low concentrations of vitamin C and don't even penetrate the skin, so people might not get the results advertised. It's important to be especially diligent when choosing a vitamin C product that actually works.
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Skincare-News. com is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, SkinCare-News. com features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. SkinCare-News. com is located in Sacramento, California, but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit http://www. skincare-news. com (http://www. skincare-news. com).
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