Sanford-Brown College Alumni Association Forms Campus Chapters
Leadership Selected to Recognize Distinguished Alumni and Faculty.
St. Louis, MO (Vocus) July 9, 2008
Sanford-Brown College Alumni Association (SBCAA) announced today the formation of alumni chapter leadership groups for the Missouri and Illinois campuses. Graduates from the Fenton, Hazelwood, St. Peters and Collinsville (Ill.) schools will assist in the creation of services and programs specifically tailored for the alumni and future graduates. The SBCAA will honor successful faculty and alumni at the first Alumni Awards Reception, October 30.
The new board members have identified four areas to address in program development and delivery: alumni communication, mentoring and career services, alumni events and recognition awards.
“It’s been very exciting to see the enthusiasm of these alumni leaders” said Angela Rentfro, director of alumni relations, “Who better to help create programs for alumni, then alumni?”
In recognition of Sanford-Brown College’s 142-year history, the SBCAA has instituted an awards program to recognize distinguished alumni and the contributions of faculty. Each alumni chapter will present awards for Distinguished Alumni; Faculty Recognition, and Alumni Volunteer Spirit at the Alumni Reception, October 30, at the Sheraton Westport Chalet.
Julia Leeman, president of Sanford-Brown - St. Peters, said, “These enthusiastic volunteers are the voice of our alumni and have taken on an important responsibility. Not only will they be helping to create new programs for graduates, but they will work with campus leaders to support the needs of current and future students.”
The SBCAA leadership is:
Sanford-Brown College (http://www. sbcollinsville. com/) - Collinsville (Ill.): Kyle Pingsterhaus, President (Bartelso, Ill.), Dana Bearley Vice - President (Highland, Ill.), and Iyesha Foster, Secretary (Belleville, Ill.).
Sanford-Brown College (http://www. sbfenton. com/) - Fenton: Jeff Hilbert, President, St. Louis, Julie St. Moritz, Vice-President (Fenton), Tamara Crosby, Secretary (High Ridge).
Sanford-Brown College (http://www. sbchazelwood. com/) - Hazelwood: Tera Michelle Boyland, President, Valerie Huff Vice President (St. Louis), (Godfrey, Ill.), Stephanie Newton, Secretary (St. Louis).
Sanford-Brown College (http://www. sbcstpeters. com/) - St. Peters: Mary Maxwell, President (Moscow Mills, Mo.), Stephanie Donnelly, Vice-President (Silex, Mo.); Wendy Richardson Secretary (St. Charles, Mo.).
Complete board lists and photos are available.
About Sanford-Brown College
Sanford-Brown College is an in-demand career training and degree-granting institution with a 142-year history in the St. Louis area. Sanford-Brown College – St. Peters is a member of the Career Education Corporation (http://www. careered. com/) (NASDAQ:CECO) network of universities, colleges and schools. With campuses in Collinsville, Ill., Fenton, Mo., Hazelwood, Mo., St. Peters, Mo., Milwaukee, Wis. and Cleveland, Ohio, Sanford-Brown College offers career-oriented programs in the fields of healthcare, business, criminal justice, and more. Programs vary by location. Sanford-Brown College – St. Peters is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, the Missouri League for Nursing and the Missouri Healthcare Association, and is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. For more information about the Sanford-Brown College Alumni Association, contact Angela Rentfro, at 847-851-7569, or email: arentfro @ sbc-alumni. com.
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