HCCO Launches HIPAA EDI Testing and Certification for Healthcare
The HIPAA Conformance Certification Organization (HCCO), a non-profit partnership among the nation's leading HIPAA solutions providers and covered entities, is pleased to announce the launch of HIPAA Transactions EDI Testing and Certification. The HCCO Board of Directors approved the implementation of the HCCO Transactions Testing and Certification Program based on requests from our members, covered entities and vendors looking for an affordable solution to alleviate the high costs of testing and to help remove any barriers of entry from being able to get testing initiatives underway given the fast approaching October 2003 HIPAA Transaction deadline.
The HIPAA Conformance Certification Organization (PRWEB) August 28, 2003 -
Profit partnership among the nation's leading HIPAA solutions providers and covered entities, is pleased to announce the launch of HIPAA Transactions EDI Testing and Certification.
The HCCO Board of Directors approved the implementation of the HCCO Transactions Testing and Certification Program based on requests from our members, covered entities and vendors looking for an affordable solution to alleviate the high costs of testing and to help remove any barriers of entry from being able to get testing initiatives underway given the fast approaching October 2003 HIPAA Transaction deadline.
The new testing engine will help standardize validation of vendor products and streamline transaction compliance for covered entities. The testing engine uses the HIPAA Implementation Guides along with the compliance edits resulting from HCCO's Common Conformance Assessment Program (CCAP) as an industry baseline and provides testing for all recommended WEDI SNIP testing types.
"We are pleased to announce the launch of our HCCO Transaction Testing and Certification Program to fulfill the needs of our member organizations that demanded an intelligent and affordable solution for the implementation of HIPAA Transactions and Code Sets." said Mark Lott, Chairman of HCCO.
Mr. Lott continues, "Industry analysis will show that over 80% of all payers, the two largest EDI production validation companies and many regional SNIP's already utilize the HCCO CCAP compliance edit methodology for EDI validation. For HIPAA to work effectively it is imperative that covered entities, billing associates and vendors start from a common baseline and CCAP has helped immensely in aligning translator and validation edits which will save the industry millions of dollars in testing and implementation costs and greatly assist in the ramp-up of trading partners."
EDI testing and validation will always be available at no cost for any organization that wishes to utilize the HCCO testing community. For organizations that require it, HCCO Transaction Certification will be available for $199.00 and is valid from the time of issuance until application system changes or revisions to the HIPAA implementation guides warrant a re-certification.
HCCO will utilize independent HCCO Accredited Third Party Certifiers experienced in the fields of software testing and quality assurance to administer the program requirements.
HCCO, Inc.
HIPAA Conformance Certification Organization (HCCO) is a nonprofit organization serving the healthcare community with practical guidelines for complying with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and with accreditation standards and services. The organization is founded on the principle that cost-effective and successful compliance strategies require a common approach to implementation among communities of vendors and covered entities. HCCO members have come together in a spirit of cooperation to compile guidelines that help ensure business continuity among healthcare trading partners.