With More People Exercising Outdoors, Dr. Bakst Recommends Ways To Achieve Drug Free Foot and Knee Pain Relief
With the warmer weather taking hold, millions of people are taking it outside and doing more exercise. Unfortunately, many will experience knee and foot pain because of the rigors of running and doing other exercises on concrete. Dr. Bakst recommends ways to help achieve drug free foot and knee pain relief.
Palm Desert, CA (PRWEB) April 29, 2008
Once the warmer weather arrives, millions of people kick up their exercise routines and take to the streets with running and walking regimes. For many people, knee and foot pain can result in seriously hampering their exercise efforts. For safe, non-drug foot and knee pain relief (http://www. drbakstmagnetics. com/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id=24&Itemid=85) methods, Dr. Bakst offers effective, patented products.
"When the weather improves outside, you see the streets and trails filled with runners and walkers hoping to improve their cardiovascular and muscular health," comments Dr. Bakst owner of Magnatech Labs. "Unfortunately, many of these people will experience foot and knee pain due to a variety of reasons such as poor running shoes, genetics and trying to do too much too soon. When pain hits, it often stops people from continuing their exercise program," he explains.
Personal trainers and sport physicians recommend that anyone undertaking an exercise program speak with their doctor beforehand and to ensure that they have a proper pair of running or walking shoes.
"Knee pain relief used to consist of a brace, some potentially dangerous medications and staying completely off your feet," mentions Dr. Bakst. "Thankfully, with advancements in medical technology, foot and knee pain relief (http://www. drbakstmagnetics. com/index. php? page=shop. product_details&flypage=shop. flypage&product_id=32&category_id=6&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=111) is a reality without the use of drugs and messy ointments. Magnetic pain relief therapies have helped countless people live pain free."
Foot and knee pain relief (http://www. drbakstmagnetics. com/index. php? option=com_content&task=view&id=29&Itemid=87) is nearly instantaneous with proper magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy stops the pain at the source by disrupting the pain messages before they reach your brain and register pain and discomfort.
"For knee pain, we recommend our adjustable or slip on knee brace. For foot pain, we have magnetic ankle support or magnetic insoles depending on where the sufferer is experiencing pain," Dr. Bakst explains.
Anyone interested in learning more about the patented products that can help eliminate all types of bodily pain is encouraged to visit www. drbakstmagnetics. com.
About Magnatech Labs Inc: (http://www. drbakstmagnetics. com/)
Magnatech Labs, Inc., was founded and established by Dr. Alvin Bakst in 1994. Since its inception, the company has been dedicated to researching effective methods of alleviating and eliminating pain in the body without the use of drugs or invasive medical procedures. It has received the only U. S. patent for pain control issued by the U. S. patent office (5,707,333).
Magnatech Labs, Inc. has developed and now manufactures the highest quality magnetic pain relief products available on the market using both ceramic and neodymium magnets placed in a supportive neoprene material to provide maximum comfort and support.
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