Wednesday, March 9, 2011

TrekDesk Announces “Movement Revolution” to Combat the Health Risks of Sedentary Lifestyles in America

TrekDesk Announces “Movement Revolution” to Combat the Health Risks of Sedentary Lifestyles in America

Thin or fat, individuals who are sedentary through the day face the same risks of diseases that are crippling our nation. TrekDesk has launched a Movement Revolution designed to educate Americans out of their chairs.

Phoenix, AZ (Vocus) October 28, 2010

“Who would you believe is more likely to develop heart disease during their lifetime, someone height weight proportionate who exercises daily or an overweight, sedentary individual?” asks Steve Bordley, CEO of TrekDesk. com. The answer surprises most that both are equally at risk for cardiovascular and a myriad of other diseases if they sit at a desk for most of the day. TrekDesk has launched a “Movement Revolution” designed to alert Americans to the health perils of sedentary lifestyles and to the growing body of scientific research that is re-tuning conventionally held exercise beliefs.

“While exercise is essential for good health, over time one cannot exercise away the health damage of eight hours spent sitting at a desk,” stated Bordley. “Keep going to the gym but avoiding the office chair and couch at home is actually more effective at extending life, boosting mood and preventing disease.”

Scientists are uncovering a litany of body defenses and mechanisms which depend on continual movement and 30-60 minutes in a gym or a 10 mile daily run is simply not enough protection when the rest of the day is spent sitting at work or at home.

While the health club industry and corporate wellness officers may cringe to hear that their regular exercising members who spend the rest of their day at a desk are technically (in the words of Dr. Marc Hamilton of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center) “exercising couch potatoes”, that message needs to be understood, accepted and acted upon.

“We have to re-engineer movement back into the equation to regain health. Our distant ancestors didn’t get up in the morning, push a rock around for an hour and spend the rest of the day sitting around the cave,” relates Bordley. “So it should not be a surprise that our bodies evolved over time distinct health mechanisms dependent upon movement throughout the entire day.”

Join the “Movement Revolution” to learn more about these studies on TrekDesk’s Facebook page at http://www. facebook. com/pages/TrekDesk-Treadmill-Desk/80743563805

TrekDesk is the first affordable, full sized, height adjustable work station which when added to an existing treadmill allows individuals the opportunity to walk at slow speeds while they work/study achieving 10,000 steps in as little as 3-4 hours. TrekDesk is currently available for sale online at TrekDesk. com for $479.00 including free shipping.

Steve Bordley
Ph: 877-449-8588
FAX: 877-449-8588
Http://www. trekdesk. com

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