Special Glasses Block Cancer Stimulating Light
Glasses that block blue light allow cancer fighting melatonin to flow.
Cleveland, OH (PRWEB) January 12, 2006
For Immediate Release
University Heights, OH (PRWEB) January 12, 2006 -- A press release from the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences states “Results from a new study in laboratory mice show that nighttime exposure to artificial light stimulated the growth of human breast tumors by suppressing the levels of a key hormone called melatonin. The study also showed that extended periods of nighttime darkness greatly slowed the growth of these tumors.” 12/19/2005
Light is known to suppress the secretion of melatonin, a powerful antioxidant and cancer fighter. It is also known it is the blue rays in ordinary light that suppress melatonin. Physicists at John Carroll University have identified eye glasses that remove the blue rays. They recommend that people at high risk for cancer put on the glasses in the evening to get melatonin flowing.
Scientists at Toronto University have proven that wearing goggles with filters that block the blue light allow people to make melatonin even though exposed to bright lights. Putting on blue-blocking glasses in the evening is thus a means for getting melatonin to be present for a longer time to fight cancer. Blocking blue light is the same as darkness (“virtual darkness”) for the pineal gland that makes melatonin.
Studies show that blind people and people who consistently sleep unusually long (9 hours or more) have a significantly lower cancer rate. They also produce melatonin for a longer time. This is consistent with the idea that avoiding light that suppresses melatonin during the evening will reduce the risk of cancer. It may take the body a number of days to adjust to wearing the glasses so patience is necessary. The glasses should not be worn all the time, as having melatonin present in the morning is thought to be the cause of S. A.D. which is successfully treated by exposure to blue light.
Studies with turkey hens with ovarian cancer showed that doubling the time they were held in darkness each day from 8 hours to 16 hours resulted in decreased tumor growth and complete remission in some birds. There is a huge difference between turkeys and humans so caution is necessary in drawing any conclusions. It is suggestive however, that long periods of real darkness combined with “virtual darkness” might be useful for patients with cancer. Melatonin has been shown to be beneficial in combination with some forms of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Special glasses and light bulbs that block blue light, and filters for TV and computers screens are all available at www. lowbluelights. com.
Dr. Richard Hansler
28120 Belcourt Rd.
Pepper Pike, OH 44124
(216) 397-1657