Wednesday, December 4, 2002

Headspace of the Australian Cannabis Culture

Headspace of the Australian Cannabis Culture

We are a legitimate culture seeking our identity free from persecution. Until now we have been silent victims of cultural genocide to the detriment of the health of the planet and its people.

(PRWEB) April 27, 2005

"Welcome to our Headspace," says Editor Wayne Collins as he exhales a plume of sweet smoke thick enough to be from a bush fire. "We are going to combine the three separate arguments for law reform into one magazine, the great industrial hemp hope, medicinal marijuana magic and recreational lubricity matched by nothing else," he said.

"For too long in this country, and indeed around the world, recreational cannabis users have been blamed for denying the sick access to the best available medicine, and for not allowing industry a greener and better crop than anything currently being grown en-masse.

The views expressed in Headspace Australian Cannabis Culture are that we cannabis users, after almost a hundred years of persecution in this country; are seen as less than non-cannabis using citizens in the eyes of the law.

We reject this systemic apartheid. We reject judgments of us as criminals because of our educated decision to embrace the cannabis plant to what ever extent we do.

It is our further belief that users of cannabis are a part of a legitimate culture, the cannabis culture. Continued attempts to eradicate us and our choice of social lubricant to the detriment of farmers and the seriously ill equates to cultural genocide in this country; this multi-cultural country with a monopolistic attitude toward the alcohol industry and social drug use.

We intend to normalise cannabis.

We will be seen as radical by some, zealots by others, probable targets for law enforcement bureaus, and saviours of the smoke by millions worldwide when we succeed. It doesn't matter. We will not stop until there is positive change.

Due for release at Mardi Grass 2005, Headspace Australian Cannabis Culture is available for $4.95 + $2 p&h in Oz, $3 foreign. (Cheque/money order to P. O. Box 698, Nimbin NSW, 2480 Australia, with return address).

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