Sunday, May 31, 2009

Post 9/11 - Back From the Brink - Travel Related Business Crawls Back to Health, Serves 10,000th Customer

Post 9/11 - Back From the Brink - Travel Related Business Crawls Back to Health, Serves 10,000th Customer

Three years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, Michael Worth almost lost his business. Crew Tags Int'l, LLC (www. crewtags. com) is one of many small travel-related businesses that saw sales plummet after 9/11. While many of those businesses were forced to close their doors, Crew Tags has crawled back to profitability. And now, almost exactly three years after the 9/11 tragedy, Crew Tags is making plans to celebrate serving its 10,000th customer.

Boise, ID (PRWEB) September 9, 2004

Three years ago, in the aftermath of 9/11, Michael Worth almost lost his business. Crew Tags Int'l, LLC (www. crewtags. com) is one of many small travel-related businesses that saw sales plummet after 9/11. While many of those businesses were forced to close their doors, Crew Tags has crawled back to profitability. And now, almost exactly three years after the 9/11 tragedy, Crew Tags is making plans to celebrate serving its 10,000th customer.

Only one sale came in the morning of the 11th, and that was the last one Worth would see for a while. For three months, he, his wife and 2-month old daughter lived off of savings. Then, just when he was ready to give up, 12 friends pitched in to help keep the business afloat for one more month. As reports came in about 250,000 airline employees losing their jobs, some of them Worth's friends, sales also plummeted. It quickly became obvious that tough times were ahead; "My friends were losing their jobs, and I started to wonder if I was going to lose mine as well."

Small businesses are often the invisible casualties of an industry downturn. "I don't think I realized right away how much of an impact this would have on my business. It was about April of 2002 when sales returned to a level that would keep us alive," Worth says, "In January of this year, sales finally reached the level they were at just prior to 9/11, and this past August was a record month."

Associates' confidence in Worth's abilities helped bolster him. "I had faith that Crew Tags' superb quality would pull them through the rough times," said Randy Cassingham of This is True, Inc. (www. thisistrue. com), and designer one of Crew Tags' best-selling - and most controversial - tags, the Get Out Of Hell Free (GOOHF) Card. "So many other companies failed, so for them to reach 10,000 customers is terrific! It's an achievement I'm proud to be a small part of."

Crew Tags is looking forward to continued growth, and the projections for 2005 (and beyond) are very promising. "Reaching this 10,000th customer mark really shows us that we have come a long way from that day. We have been able to rebuild our business one luggage tag at a time."

Crew Tags Int'l, LLC (www. crewtags. com) is the world's largest manufacturer of luggage tags for airline flight crews, and confident travelers, currently serving customers in more than 50 countries around the world.


Michael Worth

Crew Tags Int'l, LLC

Phone: (208) 412-7055

Fax: (208) 362-2205

10k@crewtags. com

Http://www. crewtags. com (http://www. crewtags. com)

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, Receives NCHL's 2010 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award

Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, Receives NCHL's 2010 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award

The National Center for Healthcare Leadership is pleased to announce that Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, is the recipient of the 2010 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award, recognizing his invention of quality measurement tools that are the basis for evidence-based medicine, as well as mentoring hundreds of researchers who have become leaders in health policy, academia and government. Dr. Brook's work bridges two organizations. He is Vice President and Corporate Fellow, RAND Corporation and Director of RAND Health. Additionally, he is Professor of Medicine and Health Services and co-Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, UCLA.

Chicago (PRWEB) July 6, 2010

The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL), a leading authority on researching and implementing best practices to achieve leadership and organizational excellence in healthcare, has named Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD as the recipient of its 2010 Gail L Warden Leadership Excellence Award, for his invention of quality measurement tools and elevating the importance of measuring healthcare outcomes, making a significant and lasting contribution to the field.

Dr. Brook’s work bridges two institutions. He is Vice President and Corporate Fellow, RAND Corporation and Director of RAND Health. Additionally, he is Professor of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, and Professor of Health Services, School of Public Health, and co-Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“Bob Brook – more than anybody else in the field – has created the quality measurement tools that are the foundation of evidence-based medicine,” NCHL President and CEO Marie E. Sinioris said. “At no other time has the need for healthcare leaders to provide affordable, quality healthcare been more pressing and more critical than today. And these tools have become the basis for the way we talk about, think about, and implement quality measurement in healthcare.

“As a result of Dr. Brook’s work, which includes creating patient-centered and clinically - oriented health services research that is used to determine the appropriateness of medical and surgical care, he helped to redirect the discussion about healthcare policy away from one of cost to one of ensuring value. While breathing life into evidence-based medicine, Dr. Brook is also lauded for mentoring and influencing hundreds of health services researchers who have gone on to become leaders in health policy, academia, and government.”

Dr. Brook will be honored on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at an award dinner at The Chicago Club, in Chicago, where he will be presented with an original glass sculpture by Czech-born artist Martin Rosol. The celebration brings together healthcare’s luminaries and notable leaders from academia, research, and the nation’s prominent health systems. It is held in conjunction with NCHL’s Invitational Symposium.

“This year’s symposium theme, Aligning Leadership and Culture in an Era of Transformation, will examine our primary research and shared knowledge from high-performing institutions to identify the competencies that leaders will need to align and inspire the culture change that is necessary to insure successful transformation to a high-quality, affordable healthcare system,” Sinioris said.

Dr. Brook is respected for his prolific and groundbreaking research, which spans nearly four decades, and for training some of the most influential physician leaders in the world. He received his BA in chemistry from the University of Arizona, and his MD and ScD degrees from Johns Hopkins University; he is also a board certified internist. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the American Association of Physicians and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. He has been the recipient of numerous honors and awards in healthcare, including the IOM’s Gustav O. Lienhard Award for his commitment to quality care issues, the HRET Trust Award, the David E. Rogers Award of the Association of American Medical Colleges, the Baxter Foundation Prize, the Rosenthal Foundation Award of the American College of Physicians, the Distinguished Health Services Researcher Award of the Association of Health Services Research, and the Robert J. Glaser Award of the Society of General Internal Medicine.

The Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award of the National Center for Healthcare Leadership is awarded annually to that individual who has made significant contributions to the health field, including the mentoring of future leaders toward the goal of transforming organizational performance and improving health and healthcare in the U. S. It is named for Gail L. Warden, founding chairman of the NCHL Board, Chairman Emeritus of Henry Ford Health System, and one of healthcare’s foremost leaders.

The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) is a not-for-profit organization that is an industry catalyst to assure the availability of accountable and transformational healthcare leadership for the 21st century. Its vision is to optimize the health of the public through leadership and organizational excellence. As the authoritative and objective source on healthcare leadership, NCHL conducts research on global best practices and tests new models for leadership excellence within its Leadership Excellence Networks (LENS). For more information please visit NCHL’s website at www. nchl. org.


Friday, May 29, 2009

2010 Oregon Film Awards Announces Winners

2010 Oregon Film Awards Announces Winners

Lily Erlingerʼs “Jesseʼs Tracks” triumphs with the Grand Jury Prize. “Gabrielʼs Calling” written by Megan Breen wins top screenplay honors. The jury prizes and top award winners of the 2010 Oregon Film Awards were announced Wednesday, September23rd. Topwinnerswereselectedineachofthemaincompetitive categories along with Special Jury Awards, and winners in the four top tiers of recognition: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze level achievements.

Wilsonville, OR (PRWEB) December 11, 2010

The 2010 Oregon Film Award Winners:

Visit http://www. oregonfilmawards. com for more information.

The Grand Jury Award was awarded to Jessie’s Tracks by Lily Erlinger (USA). A 15-year old deaf girl, Jesse, runs away from home to prove to her parents, and herself, that she is as capable as anyone else. She quickly finds herself out of cash and lonely, until she meets Scott, a 47-year old, never been married, recluse. Both alienated and misunderstood, they build a friendship and Jesse pushes the boundaries of affection and attraction turning the relationship into a mire of moral ambiguities and decisions. The relationship comes to a head when Jesse discovers the reason for Scott’s bachelor status, and still cannot fathom his rejection of her advances.
A Special Jury Award was awarded to A Far-Off Cry by Claudia Adams (Pakistan). A story of parallels, of opposites – two planets forced off course by the filmmakers. The parallel Pakistan worlds of the untouchables (street children addicted to solvents) and the intellectuals. According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime publication SOLVENT ABUSE AMONG STREET CHILDREN IN PAKISTAN, there are over 140 million street children in the world, most of which are victims of solvent abuse. Their needs, their feelings, their hopes for survival are nonexistent. The goal of this documentary is to give Karachi’s street children a platform, to give them a face, a voice, a way to reach out for help. But more than that, it puts them in the same room as Pakistan’s doctors, psychiatrists, and Government officials in an attempts to address this crisis – if not actually together in the same room, at least together on screen through the magic of film making.
A Special Jury Award was awarded to East Meets West: Oriental Medicine and the Future of Healthcare in America by Lynn Walker (USA). A compelling exploration of the depth, richness, and effectiveness of Oriental Medicine, as well as a call for a new system of integrative medicine that can lead us into the future. Though Western allopathic medicine is critical for diagnosis and emergency situations, it leaves much to be desired in the arena of helping people maintain a state of health. In so many situations in which Western medicine offers only drugs as an answer, Oriental Medicine has effective solutions that actually support the healthy functioning of the whole system. This film offers a vision for a system of integrative medicine that would much more effectively serve the needs of our growing population.
The Best Narrative Feature was awarded to Splatter: Love, Honor and Paintball by Donnie Schuyler (USA). Jack Reynolds, a lovable loser learns want he really wants out of life is the love of his ex-wife and the respect of his son. He sets out to win them back in this quirky comedy by entering a local paintball tournament. A tournament that has been dominated by a local real estate tycoon Elgin Saunders. A man who just happens to be Deb’s, (Jack’s ex-wife’s) new boss. Hilarity ensues as he in-lists the aid of friends and an ex-vet named, Two Finger Hank, who reluctantly takes on the task of training the pack of hapless losers.

The Best Documentary Feature was awarded to Expedition Inspiration by Scott Farquharson (USA). We follow the stories of five men and woman – each of whom has had their lives affected by breast cancer – as they climb a 13,000-foot mountain. The climbers include an oncologist who decided to specialize in breast cancer after witnessing the amazing strength of her patients; and a father-daughter team who have lost a family member to breast cancer and climb in her memory. Together, these climbers’ head up Mount Borah in Idaho, as part of Expedition Inspiration, a non-profit organization that takes breast cancer survivors up mountains after their treatment. The climbs are a way for the survivors to reclaim their bodies from the deadly disease, and a way for family members to honor the memory of those they have lost to breast cancer. We interweave the story of this Mount Borah climb with the life story of Laura Evans – the woman who founded Expedition Inspiration.

The Best Director was awarded to Phone Sex Grandma: The Short by Jack Truman (USA). A 60 something Grandma working a phone sex line in a small Southern ghost town

The Best First-Time Director was awarded to Earthwork by Chris Ordal (USA). The story of real-life crop artist Stan Herd. In 1994, Stan travelled from Kansas to New York City to create a massive environmental artwork on land owned by Donald Trump. The multi-acre piece was made from soil, rock, plants and vegetation near an underground railway tunnel. Stan recruited a number of homeless individuals living in the tunnel as his crew. Over the months it took to complete the earthwork, Stan dealt with the difficulties of bringing his unique, rural art form to an urban canvas and the many costs exacted upon his life. In an effort to show his unique perspective to a larger audience, Stan unexpectedly encountered the true meaning of his art and it’s ultimate, lasting rewards.

The Best Actor was awarded to Stop. Think. Rewind by Mattan Cohen (USA). A teenage boy wanders around a store. He finds the CD section where he browses, he finds one in particular that catches his eye. The Boy grabs it and puts it in his sweater and walks out. Next, he is seen driving along a road where he is pulled over by a Police Officer. The officer opens the trunk of the car and finds thousands of dollars of stolen electronics inside. As the boy is being arrested everything rewinds. He is now back in the store looking at the CD. This time though he puts it back and walks out. The screen flashes the words; Stop. Think. Rewind. Stealing starts small.

The Best Actress was awarded to Die Besucher by Ulrike Molsen (Germany). Karla hosts a couple in trouble. The visitors occupy her apartment as it was their own. They involve the young woman in contradictory and dangerous lies and familiarities until Karla is almost unable to breathe anymore. She can’t find out, who is telling the truth, but gets forced to help either the one or the other. – A story about the tiny step in the offside-trap.

The Best Narrative Short was awarded to No Asians…it’s just not my thing by Scott Eriksson (USA). Vince is an Asian-American guy casually enjoying dinner alone at his favorite restaurant when a handsome Latin guy named Frankie decides to “hit” on him. Vince is a bit annoyed yet polite to Frankie and at times even makes fun of Frankie’s nervous attempts to express interest and get a date out of him. Vince makes it clear he isn’t interested in a date or dating, yet somehow Frankie manages to get him over to his apartment and even make Vince fall for his charm and good looks. After their night together, Vince ends up with the feeling of “love at first sight,” but begins to think Frankie is unresponsive or at least not having the same intense feelings. This leads Vince into a very lonely state of fantasy, sexual obsession, confusion, pain, and him dealing with his own low self-esteem and negative body image as an Asian gay man.

The Best Documentary Short was awarded to Meet the Pedens by Lora O’Shaughnessy (USA). In October 2009, two film students from the University of Notre Dame ventured to Topeka, Kansas to tour the residence of the Peden family, an abandoned Atlas-E missile silo built over half a century ago. When Ed Peden first purchased the silo, it took him and his wife years to restore the facility enough to live in, and have since garnered national attention and recognition for their efforts. In one of the only structures of its kind to house individuals, the Peden’s have allowed for the first time in their ownership, students to film a short documentary about their rise from a typical household family, into the famous pair that calls the formerly government run structure their home. There home is an ongoing project that represents a transformation from ‘swords to plowsears.’ Gracing the pages of the likes of The New York Times and People Magazine, as well as being filmed by Japanese, German and Russian television stations, the Peden’s give a firsthand tour of their home and sit down for an interview that delves into the nature of their purchase, making for a great story for both children and adults alike.

The Best Produced Feature Screenplay was awarded to Rage by Christopher R. Witherspoon (USA). The story of Dennis Twist, a 30-something man who lives in a nice ‘Spielbergian’ suburb just outside Portland, Oregon says goodbye to his beautiful and loving wife, Crystal and heads into town. There he unintentionally provokes the wrath of a mysterious motorcyclist, ‘The Biker. The confrontation between the two sets in motion a daylong battle of cat and mouse. Beginning in the form of harmless taunts; quickly escalating into something more serious…then something unimaginable. RAGE, simultaneously seeks to redefine what is scary in current American horror-thriller cinema and even delves into existential questions about karma while addressing the very contemporary issue of infidelity and its ultimate destruction of the family unit.

The Best Produced Short Screenplay was awarded to Big Brother by Mattan Cohen (USA). The story of a younger sibling (Cole) who is bullied by a group of arrogant teens. After his older brother drops him off at school one day, the bullies tussle Cole to the point where he trips and falls onto the concrete floor. Cole, hesitant to tell the older brother what happened, is caught with a cut on his cheek. Still he refuses to explain what happened. The older brother, highly suspicious now, hides the car and watches Cole on his way to school the next day, where he catches the bullies pushing him around again. He instantly realizes what happened. Without hesitation, he jumps out the car, storms up to them fists clenched, and literally beats the living snot out of all four boys.

The Best Foreign Feature was awarded to The Frost by Amanda de Luis (Spain). After the accidental death of their only son, Rita and Alfred feel such remorse that they engage in a fierce fight of mutual destruction. Guilt confronts them with a painful recognition: obsessed by their selfish little needs, they forgot to love their son. As truth is revealed, all their inner demons are unleashed. They haunt and prick them on a road to hope or to damnation, whilst they desperately try to make amends for all those things they left undone in the past.

The Best Foreign Short was awarded to Diamond by Gerald Gutschmidt (USA). A socially inspired Psychodrama; 11 year old Diamond tries to connect with his father, who is in jail. His grandmother arrives to take care of him, but she thinks the father is nothing but poison for the child. Diamond grows more and more desperate to see his Dad.

The Best Animated Short was awarded to Vitruvius’ Toybox by Dennis Iannuzzi (USA). Experimental in nature; It explores the relationship between motion graphic techniques, electronic music and the use of traditional graphic design ideas as a way of visually organizing an animated film.

The Best Experimental Film was awarded to In Pursuit of a Dream by Bob Noll (USA). During the summer of 2008, twenty-four students left their homes in cities and towns across the United States, exchanged their shorts and sandals for long dresses and pioneer pants, and set off on a two-week journey on the Oregon and California Trails. Traveling by wagon in Wyoming and Oregon. They were, like 19th century emigrants, “In Pursuit of a Dream.”

The Best Short Film was awarded to The Mailbox by Joshua Wong (Hong Kong). A young girl’s weary and exhausting day is suddenly shaken by a strange, yet familiar sound. Her curiosity propels her deeper and deeper, and she quickly finds her pursuit has taken her much further than she’d realized. However, her curiosity may lead her where she’s not prepared to go.

The Best Student Film was awarded to Breadwinner by Cornelius Murphy (USA). Douglas is a hard working independent man who has made a great life for himself. This contrasts sharply with the life that his father led. Douglas’ father, Leonard was an often out of work writer who could not provide financial stability for Douglas as a child. Douglas is reflecting back on how he treated his father growing up and the disdain he felt for him not being a good provider. At first feeling justified about the way he acted in the past Douglas in the end questions whether he really knew his father at all, and if the man he often looked down upon wasn’t really all that he seemed to be.

The Best Music Video was awarded to Dagnese “Come Over After” by Gabriel Haze (USA). A premier for alternative pop/rock group Dagnese; ‘Come Over After’ is a highly enjoyable rock ballad that comes from their ‘Hard To Find’ EP produced by J. R. Richards of Dishwalla. This narrative video expresses the talent and vulnerability of brothers Chris and Craig Dagnese from live performance to emotive acting skills.

The Best Family Film was awarded to Elf Sparkle Meets Christmas the Horse by Ed Faulkner (USA). A magical adventure for Santa and Elf Sparkle as they are caught in a rainstorm. They have to put the sleigh down in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Horseshoe Pond. There they meet a horse named Christmas that helps pull the sleigh out of the mud. Christmas has the help of a jar of magic elf dust.

The Best of Oregon Award was awarded to Raw Faith by Peter Wiedensmith (USA). A surprisingly open and poignant portrait of a beloved but lonely minister as she considers leaving the ministry, yearns for love, and comes face-to-face with her deepest doubts and fears. This revealing documentary follows two years in the private life of a minister. Marilyn Sewell is successful and beloved in the pulpit, but behind the scenes she is lonely and yearning for change. As she considers leaving the ministry, she realizes she will be leaving her only social network. Yet when she falls in love for the first time, she realizes she does not trust intimacy. A study in contrasts, Marilyn must rely on raw faith as she questions her future, her difficult past, her God, and most importantly… her ability to love.

The Best Television Production was awarded to Hard to Be Me by Erik Cieslewicz (USA). Though thoroughly modern, with plot-lines borrowed from real life, ‘Hard To Be Me’ is reminiscent of the best comedy dramas of the past 3 decades. Blending multimedia technology with old-fashioned classics in creative ways (from the depths of midnight role-playing-games to the heights of rapping Shakespeare), the characters of ‘Hard To Be Me’ reveal their stories about friendships, family, and life in the modern world, in an engaging and entertaining way. Unlike many of today’s TV programs that view the world, and particularly young people, in a cynical light, ‘Hard To Be Me’ captures today’s youth and families in a comical and positive manner that has not been seen on TV in recent years.

Screenplay Competition
The Grand Prize Feature Screenplay was awarded to Gabriel’s Calling written by Megan Breen (USA). A Pullman Porter denies his artistic talent and defers his dreams as he remains with the railroad mentoring younger porters. The hostile relationship with his conductor leas to years of conflicts; the deepening relationship with a white female passenger sustains him through the years leading to ultimate fulfillment.

The 1st Place Feature Screenplay was awarded to The Voyeur written by John Bengel (Hong Kong). An ethicist/college dean with an obsession for voyeurism sees something that creates the ultimate ethical dilemma.

The 2nd Place Feature Screenplay was awarded to Lesser Kings written by Farshad Allahdadi (USA). Former US Marine, JD Ershadi, desperately tries to maintain a normal civilian life, but is haunted by his experiences in Iraq. Now a police officer, JD patrols the streets of Portland Oregon, plagued by violent memories of combat and visions of an angel of death coming for him. When the unexpected appearance of an old family friend (Siamak ‘The Ghost’ Nazem) coincides with the attempted assassination of a visiting Iranian politician, JD’s world finally spins out of control. He is thrust onto the front-lines of the Global War on Terror and is forced to reconcile how the course of his life is mirroring that of the shadowy ‘Ghost’.

The 3rd Place Feature Screenplay was awarded to Burn written by Derek Willis (USA). A lawyer, whose life revolves around drugs and music, has positioned himself as the converging factor of four rival crime syndicates. When forced to repay a major debt to one, it pulls him far deeper into a shadow world of the city’s past, promise for the future, and introduces him to the true puppet masters, causing everything around him to burn

The Grand Prize Short Screenplay was awarded to Somewhere Down The Road A Ways written by Steve Schoen (USA). Lisa and Jimmy Ray are young in love and on the run from Lisa’s father “borrowing” cars as they go. All is well until they borrow one Jimmy Ray decides he is going to keep.

The 2nd Place Short Screenplay was awarded to Carla written by Christoph Schinko (USA). This is a diverse love story about the introvert Josef, who falls in love with his next-door neighbor Carla. They never even met in person, but he can hear her through his bedroom wall, and starts to imagine a relationship. It explores how different minds cope with loneliness and the irony of having somebody very close to you, but yet indefinitely far away.

The 3rd Place Short Screenplay was awarded to Not Safe No More written by Kimberly Coleman (USA). A little girl is killed in Chicago and her grandmother finds the gangstas who did it. It’s a bad day in gangsta-land.

The 4th Place Short Screenplay was awarded to Men on a Bus written by Kimberly Coleman (USA). Fat girls need love too, even in Afghanistan.

The 5th Place Short Screenplay was awarded to The Last Cowboy written by Kevin K. Berry (USA). December 1984, a young man returning to Portland from San Francisco takes his mother to her parent’s gravesite in a small farming town to tell her he’s dying.

Screenplay Official Finalists
“The Other Woman” by Elizabeth Dwyer Sandlin
“Caretaker” by Steve Schoen & James S. Loos
“Chasing Thunderbirds” by Kyle Fleishman
“Ganymede Pan” by David Johnson
“There Always Is” by Drew Repp
“Crenshaw” by Brian Webster
“Escape Routes” by Lucia Smith
“Russell and Friends Against Fringy and the Space Pirates” by Marce Swing
“You, Only Better” by Suzanne LaGrande
“Stealing Balloons” by Kathryn Waters

About The Oregon Film Awards:
The Oregon Film Awards honors and celebrates the brightest talent in the global filmmaking community while at the same time expanding viewers and their appetite for independent films in the state of Oregon.

Visit http://www. oregonfilmawards. com for more information.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

An Anti-Oxidant Power Shot

An Anti-Oxidant Power Shot

Power Noni beats out pomegranate, grape, wine, and contains 8 times more antioxidants than orange juice in antioxidant benefits. A two-ounce serving provides more antioxidant protection than the recommended daily allowance of 5 servings of fruits & vegetables.

Lake Arrowhead, CA (PRWEB) June 16, 2006

Riverside, California based Tahiti Trader company manufacturer and developer of Tahiti Trader Noni, Bio-Noni for Women and now is introducing Power Noni, a new product that’s taking the juice market by storm. The USDA Certified Organic Power Noni formula contains no pesticides or fertilizers and has the maximum potency available anywhere.

This high ORAC antioxidant contains more than 60,000 ORAC units per bottle. Just two-ounces of Power Noni delivers more antioxidant protection than the recommended daily allowance of 5 servings of fruits & vegetables. What is ORAC?? Scientists measure the antioxidant potency in foods by measuring the “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity” of the food to create its ORAC rating. Power Noni beats out pomegranate, grape, wine, and contains 8 times more antioxidants than orange juice in antioxidant benefits. Each two-ounce serving provides 20,000 mg Noni fruit solids per ounce, more antioxidant protection than the recommended daily allowance of 5 servings of fruits & vegetables. Tahiti Trader has their own proprietary extraction process which combined with the worlds freshest and purest Noni fruit delivers everything the consumer expects when taking Noni for its healthful benefits.

President and Founder of Tahiti Trader company, Larry Logsdon adds, " A “Power Shot” of Power Noni is an easy, tasty, natural way to maintain your good health by delivering high value antioxidants in a delicious drink. With the trends in high powered juices at an all time high…Power Noni is simply the best available on the market today. As we all know… antioxidants act as a shield against cellular damage and have been shown to help support your body's immune system, this in turn guards against premature aging and may even help to prevent some degenerative disorders and helps to manage pain and inflammation in the long run.”

Power Noni available in health food stores and soon to be released in mass retail has a whole host of potential health benefits that the “other” juices can’t even measure up to. From promoting heart health to helping manage pain and inflammation throughout the body, Power Noni provides a lot of health benefits with a delicious premium flavor. Power Noni contains natural enzymes that help to improve digestion and improve your body’s absorption of minerals. The only side-effect to date…increased stamina and energy.


Monday, May 25, 2009

The 2010 Bio-IT World Best Practices Call for Entries has been Released -- Highlight your Company's Excellence in Innovation

The 2010 Bio-IT World Best Practices Call for Entries has been Released -- Highlight your Company's Excellence in Innovation

Bio-IT World is announcing its 2010 Best Practices awards program and is opening the call for entries. Established in 2003, this prestigious awards program is designed to recognize outstanding examples of technology and strategic innovation--initiatives and collaborations that manifestly improve some facet of the R&D/drug development/clinical trial process.

Needham, MA (PRWEB) October 8, 2009

Bio-IT World is announcing its 2010 Best Practices awards program and is opening the call for entries. Established in 2003, this prestigious awards program is designed to recognize outstanding examples of technology and strategic innovation--initiatives and collaborations that manifestly improve some facet of the R&D/drug development/clinical trial process.

The deadline for entry in the program is January 18, 2010 with an early bird deadline of December 18, 2009.

The awards attract an elite group of life science professionals: executives, entrepreneurs, innovators, researchers and clinicians responsible for developing and implementing innovative solutions for streamlining the drug development and clinical trial process. Bio-IT World's distinguished peer-review panel of judges has reviewed almost 400 entries in the program's history, with last year's 70+ entries and 10 awards breaking all previous records.

"These awards spotlight examples of the most outstanding innovations, technologies and practices in the fields of biomedical research, drug development and clinical research--spotlighting the tools and strategies that can make a difference in the conduct of basic and clinical research, speeding the drug discovery pipeline, and changing the way we generate, share and analyze data and knowledge," says Kevin Davies, editor-in-chief, Bio-IT World.

Winners last year included Merck, Abbott Laboratories, National Center for Genome Resources, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Amgen, the Broad Institute, GlaxoSmithKline, Vanderbilt University, Wyeth, Genentech, and AstraZeneca and were featured in the July/August 2009 issue of Bio-IT World.

Entries will be accepted in nine categories: Basic Research & Biological Research; Drug Discovery & Development; Clinical Trials & Research; Translational Medicine; Personalized Medicine; IT & Informatics; Knowledge Management; Health-IT; and Manufacturing & Bioprocessing.

The 2010 winners will receive a unique crystal award to be presented at the Best Practices Awards dinner on Wednesday, April 21, 2010, in conjunction with the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston. The 7 track event is designed to be highly interactive with lectures, panel discussions, and various receptions as a way to facilitate networking opportunities and hear differing views and perspectives on poignant issues facing the industry today.

For more information on the program and to download the entry form, please visit www. bio-itworld. com/bestpractices (http://www. bio-itworld. com/bestpractices).

For more information on the 2010 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, please visit www. bio-itworldexpo. com.

Allison Proffitt
Managing Editor, Bio-IT World
Aproffitt (at) healthtech (dot) com

Bio-IT World (www. bio-itworld. com), the flagship publication of Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI), is the leading source of news on technology and strategic innovation in drug discovery, development, and clinical trials. Bio-IT World explores the tools and results of predictive biology as the industry adapts to the new world of personalized medicine.

Bio-IT World has won 34 national and regional awards, more than any other magazine covering the life sciences industry. Bio-IT World was acquired by CHI in 2006 and is part of the Cambridge Healthtech Media Group that offers a suite of published resources that include Bio-IT World magazine, numerous topic-specific eNewsletters, white papers, webcasts, podcasts, conferences, and the Bio-IT World Best Practices Awards. Established in 2001, the magazine is based in Needham, Mass.

About Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI)
Founded in 1992, Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) -- www. chicorporate. com -- strives to develop quality information resources that provide valuable new insights and competing points of view while offering balanced coverage of the latest developments in the life sciences industry. Basic research related to commercial implications is covered, with heavy emphasis placed on end-user insights into new products and technology as well as coverage of the strategy behind the business.

CHI is the preeminent life science network for leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech, CROs, academia, and niche service providers. CHI is renowned for its vast conference portfolio--500 conferences held worldwide--and offers a fully integrated life sciences portfolio of products, services, educational programs, analytical research reports, management consulting services, multi-media solutions, and publications including Bio-IT World. For a comprehensive listing and detailed information, visit www. chicorporate. com.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

EcoBabyWorld Announces Their Eco-Friendly Product Picks Holiday 2009

EcoBabyWorld Announces Their Eco-Friendly Product Picks Holiday 2009

EcoBabyWorld,(www. ecobabyworld. com), the premier portal for environmentally-friendly baby products and businesses today announced its 2009 Holiday Product Picks. The list was announced just in time for the holiday gift shopping. The product picks includes everything ranging from a BPA free baby nail trimmer to an alpaca/organic cotton dress.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) November 18, 2009

EcoBabyWorld,(www. ecobabyworld. com), the premier portal for environmentally-friendly baby products and businesses today announced its 2009 Holiday Product Picks. The list was announced just in time for the holiday gift shopping. The product picks includes everything ranging from a BPA free baby nail trimmer to an alpaca/organic cotton dress.

Some of the product picks include a natural teething toy from Ringley, wooden toys from Manny and Simon, eco play dough from Eco-Kids and the book The Joy of Green Cleaning by Leslie Reichert. The complete list of the 2009 Product Picks is available at http://ecobabyworld. com/productpicks2009.html (http://ecobabyworld. com/productpicks2009.html)

"There is a demand for eco-friendly baby products and consumers are concerned about the quality of what they are buying", says EcoBabyWorld's CEO Jeanne Holm Ackah. "Parents are starting to look for the quality of the wooden toys from their childhood, and for products that are durable and safe for their child at the same time", Holm Ackah explains.

About EcoBabyWorld:

EcoBabyWorld (http://www. ecobabyworld. com (http://www. ecobabyworld. com)) is dedicated to everything natural and organic for your baby, and is an information source that includes a shopping portal, a gift registry and articles such as "How to create an eco-friendly nursery".

The website is about enhancing your baby's life. If a reader merely buys a natural cleaning product, learn how to make their own, or creates healthy eating habits for their baby, our mission is accomplished. Too many children grow up with allergies and asthma due to the toxins in their everyday environment, and we are hoping that we can change that, even if it is just one family at a time.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DEBTXS™ Experts Provide Tips for Creating A Budget Consumers Can Stick With

DEBTXS™ Experts Provide Tips for Creating A Budget Consumers Can Stick With

Experts from DebtXS™, a national leader in debt settlement and negotiation, encourage consumers to get back on track by setting up a realistic budget that will eliminate debt.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) May 1, 2006

Each year, thousands of Americans make a New Year’s resolution to get their finances in order, but settle back into old spending habits by mid-year. Experts from DebtXS™, a national leader in debt settlement and negotiation, encourage consumers to get back on track by setting up a realistic budget that will eliminate debt.

“A good long-term budget starts with truly understanding where your money is going,” says Paul Boyd, executive vice president of DebtXS™. “Calculate every penny that is coming in and going out. It’s not easy, but in the end you will have a clear understanding of your overall financial situation so that you can make realistic plans for the future.”

Boyd says many consumers will try to set up a budget by keeping a running tab in their heads or using a best guess. When using this method to set up a budget, it is easy to overestimate income and underestimate expenses.

Consumers then become frustrated when it is difficult to live within that budget. He stresses that a precise account of current household income and average monthly expenses is critical to creating a successful budget that will become a long-term routine.

“It takes some time, hard work and a true commitment in order to make a budget work for you and ultimately eliminate debt,” Boyd says.

Before preparing a budget, Boyd suggests the following:

1. Set a day, usually the first of the month, to start gathering information, and commit to a day at the end of the month to start using the information to set up a budget.

2. Spend some time each day to gather information. Be sure to collect 12 months worth of bank statements, checks and check registers, and income statements including investments, pay stubs, rental income, child support, etc.

3. For one month, track all your expenses. Keep a small notebook with you at all times and note the date, item and amount spent each time you make a purchase. Be sure to include soda, coffee or snack purchases, dinner, movies, gas, groceries, utility bills, loan payments, etc. This will give you an overall snapshot of how you are spending your money and where some future cuts could be made.

4. At the end of the month, take a legal pad and all the information you have gathered and prepare your budget.

When preparing the actual budget, Boyd recommends first looking at current household income. This should include your average monthly salary (without taxes), as well income from other sources such as rental property, interest and dividends, alimony, maintenance or support payments, social security or other government assistance, pension or retirement.

Once current income is established, Boyd says the hard work comes in figuring average monthly expenses.

“It’s important to take the time to account for every single expense, not just focus on the fixed monthly payments,” Boyd says. “By adding as much detail as possible to the budget, you reduce your chances of straying from it.”

Boyd recommends including the following items into any budget:

 Rent or home mortgage payments (include lot rented for mobile home)

 Real estate taxes (if not included in your regular mortgage payments)

 Property Insurance (if not included in your regular mortgage payments)

 Utilities: electricity, heating fuel, water and sewer, telephone, gas, cable, DSL service, cell phone

 Home maintenance – figure out what you spend a year and divide by twelve. (fix a leak, paint, general overall house maintenance.)

 Food (you can get that from your small notebook)

 Clothing (every year when the kids go back to school and they get new clothes; figure out the monthly average)

 Laundry and dry cleaning

 Medical and Dental expenses: prescriptions, co-pays, etc.

 Transportation (not including car payments): oil changes, regular vehicle maintenance, registration fees, etc.

 Recreation, clubs and entertainment, newspapers, magazines, etc.

 Charitable contributions

 Insurance (not deducted from wages or included in home mortgage payments), including homeowners/renters, life, health, auto and any other.

 Car Loan payments

 Minimum monthly credit card payments

 Minimum payments for furniture, appliances, electronics

 Alimony, maintenance or support you pay to others

“Seeing these expenses on paper helps consumers determine areas where they can cut back on unnecessary purchases and shop around for a better insurance rates or a better long distance plan,” says Boyd.

Current monthly income should be subtracted from the average monthly expenses. Boyd says that any amount left over should be applied toward reducing debt, set aside for an emergency cash reserve, or invested.

Consumers who do not end up with a budget surplus, even after cutting out unnecessary expenses, are encouraged to seek professional assistance to manage and ultimately eliminate debt.

About DebtXS™

DebtXS™ is a recognized leader in the debt settlement/negotiation industry and was recently ranked number 17 on Entrepreneur magazine’s Hot 100 list of the fastest-growing companies in the United States.

DebtXS™ was founded by Ken Talbert in 2002 after identifying a need for a company that would empower consumers with honorable alternatives to bankruptcy through the personalized and proven services of debt negotiation. DebtXS™ has grown exponentially and now has more than 120 employees, serving more than 12,000 customers and settling more than $3 million in consumer debt each month.

As the industry grows and matures, a steadfast approach will make certain that settlement/negotiation becomes a permanent option for the consumer who is burdened with debt and is facing financial hardship. DebtXS™ actively works with TASC and other organizations to promote the debt settlement/negotiation industry, as well as to draft new standards and legislation to help consumers.


Want a New Lease of Life for your Pet? – Try a Magnet

Want a New Lease of Life for your Pet? – Try a Magnet

Dogs, cats and horses (and their owners) all over Australia can now benefit from an innovative range of health, lifestyle and healthcare products. Established 14 years in Europe, UK company Ecoflow have just launched their network in Sydney, Australia (November 2005). The company are now seeking enthusiastic people to represent their products as a low-cost business start-up or add-on. An ideal article for your general interest, health or lifestyle sections.

SYDNEY, Australia (PRWEB) November 30, 2005

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference to our lives, and the lives of those we care about. Gill Clark discovered the benefits of magnetic therapy and a great, low-cost business opportunity whilst out walking in the countryside…

She had spotted an old Labrador struggling to jump out of a car. The dog’s owner confessed that the walks might soon have to stop due to the animal’s severe arthritis. Several weeks later Gill saw the same dog again - but this time it was running around! She was intrigued.

The dog’s owner said that the change had occurred after the dog started wearing a special kind of magnetic collar. He explained that the magnets work by creating a powerful magnetic field through which the blood flows. There are several theories as to exactly what happens, but one is that is that the magnetised blood is able to somehow regulate its acid/alkali balance, allowing it to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently around the body. Waste materials and toxins, including lactic acid (one of the most common cause of pain in cases of injury, inflammation or illness) are then thought to be removed more quickly.

But theories aside, Gill was so impressed with what she saw with her own eyes that she wanted to know more. She learned that the magnet in the dog’s collar was a ‘Bioflow’ - different from ordinary static magnets because it uses a technology called Central Reverse Polarity. This was designed by a British inventor to try to mimic the therapeutic effects of electromagnetic units often used to aid healing and relieve pain.

Bioflow magnets have been popular since they were first introduced into the UK ten years ago. They are not available in shops but are only sold through a network of independent distributors. More than 2.5 million units have been bought and there is a range of products catering for people, cats, dogs and horses.

Manufacturer Ecoflow is so confident in the magnets that it sells them with a 90 day money back satisfaction guarantee (-15% admin deduction.)

Bioflow magnetic therapy products are now available in Australia, following a recent launch in Sydney and Ecoflow is offering motivated individuals an opportunity to join a well-established and vibrant international network as independent distributors. Ecoflow distributorships are often run alongside an existing business or occupation and anyone can do it.

If you are interested in joining the Ecoflow network in Australia, email Gill Clark, who is now an Independent Ecoflow Distributor at gill@careflow. co. uk or visit http://www. careflow. co. uk/ecoflow-business-opportunity (http://www. careflow. co. uk/ecoflow-business-opportunity).

Bioflow for people and animals is just one of a range of Ecoflow’s innovative health, lifestyle and environmental products, which include devices designed to help the body cope with the effects of mobile phone and computer use and a range of magnetic products designed to condition fuel in cars, heating systems and water in the home. To find out more about Ecoflow visit: http://www. ecoflow. plc. uk (http://www. ecoflow. plc. uk).

PHOTOS: You can download hi-res pictures (300dpi jpeg) of images to accompany this article from http://www. careflow. co. uk/australia/PR. htm (http://www. careflow. co. uk/australia/PR. htm)

Note to Editor:

For almost a decade Ecoflow has been at the forefront of developing the science behind ‘Bioflow’ magnets which use Central Reverse Polarity™ magnets into practical, user friendly products which it markets through its own network of Independent Distributors. Established since 1991 the company currently has distributors across the UK and Europe and in 2005 an Ecoflow network opened in Australia. Ecoflow has twice been included in the Virgin Fast Track 100 list of top one hundred fastest growing UK private companies and has achieved ISO 9001 quality certification and ISO 14001 environmental accreditation. In 2002 Ecoflow was acclaimed as visionary by the BT Vision research & awards programme.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Autumn Gives Rise to Rapid Butterfly Migration West from New York to California - "National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week" Campaign Set to Begin

Autumn Gives Rise to Rapid Butterfly Migration West from New York to California - "National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week" Campaign Set to Begin

While the migration of thousands of butterflies (the insect) is an incredible sight to behold, you may find yourself more strongly affected by butterflies (the human kind) alighting in designated locations across the U. S. the last week of October! This coming October 25 marks the first day of "National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week" as designated by Congress and the Senate in late 2006, in honor of Americans with the genetic disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). People with EB are known as "butterflies" or "butterfly children" because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wings. This disorder is set to receive a liberal serving of public awareness with its upcoming "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" Relay-Rally!

New York, NY / Stanford, CA (PRWEB) October 22, 2007

While the migration of thousands of butterflies (the insect) is an incredible sight to behold, you may find yourself more strongly affected by butterflies (the human kind) alighting in designated locations across the U. S. the last week of October.

This coming October 25 marks the first day of "National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week" as designated by Congress and the Senate in late 2006, in honor of Americans with the genetic disease, Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). People with EB are known as "butterflies" or "butterfly children" because their skin is as fragile as a butterfly's wings.

This disorder is set to receive a liberal serving of public awareness with its upcoming "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" Relay-Rally! This inaugural campaign (www. ebrelay. org) is the brainchild of EB advocate Gena Brumitt Gruschovnik, whose late mother had a severe recessive form of the condition. The campaign will begin in New York on October 25, and end in California on October 31.

EB is a group of genetic disorders characterized by exceptionally fragile skin and chronic, painful wounds and blisters caused by the slightest trauma, even normal day-to-day activities. This circumstance is caused by a missing or damaged protein that causes a breakdown between skin layers, resulting in skin that can slip off as easily as that of a ripe peach. The disease affects people of both genders and every ethnicity. It is believed that as many as 500,000 people worldwide suffer from one of the forms of EB, and carriers of the mutated gene are more prevalent than one might guess. It is an "orphan disorder," meaning the condition itself affects less than 200,000 Americans.

Common occurrences in severe forms of EB include open wounds, disfiguring scars, musculoskeletal deformities causing restricted function, internal and external blistering, malnutrition, and deterioration of the eyes and teeth. It is often disabling and life-threatening, requiring daily wound care similar to that given to acute burn patients. Checking wounds for infection is a necessity, so baths and bandaging are a daily occurrence - an ordeal that is often so excruciating that it requires strong pain medication. One ray of hope comes from major event sponsor, RegeneRx, which is doing Phase II clinical testing on Thymosin Beta 4, a multifaceted molecule that influences tissue and organ repair.

The impact of EB on patients and their families is often grueling because they face physical, psychological and economical extremes. One of the greatest concerns is that the public, most healthcare professionals, educators, and the majority of government officials are just now learning about the disorder. The healthcare workers who have experience with it are far and few between, and that reality exacerbates an already challenging existence.

Ms. Gruschovnik is committed to leading a movement that will fundamentally change the present circumstances for EB patients, where physicians don't know how to help, and bandages are not covered by insurance in many states. "The existing situation is a travesty, and while we are extremely thankful for the exceptional doctors and nurses who know our community, they are in short supply. Healthcare workers must be trained to take effective action when they encounter an EB patient! Time and again, they are handled like a regular patient by medical personnel who don't know about EB, and injured by those who are supposed to heal."

Two registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that are tenacious in helping people with EB have joined forces with Gruschovnik: DebRA of America (www. debra. org) and the EB Medical Research Foundation (www. ebkids. org). Gruschovnik, an American living in Ontario, is on the Board of Directors of DebRA Canada and a Coordinator for DebRA International.

Gruschovnik says, "The objective of the "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" campaign is to build a bridge of compassion, and create a culture of advocacy. We need to change the experiences and the expectations of the EB community, and work in harmony so that effective treatments and a cure are our reality, not just a dream. There are several components to this campaign, and one of them is available for participation to people anywhere in the world!"
An EB Advocacy Team will travel about 500 miles a day, crossing the U. S. from New York to Stanford, California, sharing EB awareness along the way. EB Rallies will be held at Battery Park in New York; Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia; Cincinnati Children's Hospital; St. Louis Children's Hospital; Denver Children's Hospital; Covey Center for the Arts in Provo; and finally at Stanford University. Associated events are happening throughout America, to raise funds and share about EB. On Second Life (www. secondlife. com) at Persnickety Isle, a "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" EB Benefit will be happening on October 28 - get into the game and join Epidermolysis Bullosa Butterflies or contact the character Caeleigh Lamington.

What the public can do right now:
Visit the website to view Route Details and Rally information, and join the EB Advocacy Team where they will slow to a cavalcade of vehicles and walk the remaining miles to destination Rallies, and attend the Rallies to support this initiative; Distribute information to clubs, organizations, libraries, businesses, the media, and those in the medical or educational field; Contact your government representatives and ask them to issue a public proclamation of National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week (see website to learn how to do this); and Tell everyone you know about this EB awareness campaign, and use viral marketing tools including blogs and social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, to urge others to visit www. ebrelay. org]; Donate by sending a check to "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" Relay-Rally, 122 Chalet Crescent, London, Ontario, N6K 3C6, or donate online to DebRA and EBMRF through the website's Network for Good charity badge; and/or Join Second Life and participate in the EB Benefit on October 28.

Singer-songwriter Natalie Merchant and Warner/Rhino Records have given approval for the use of Natalie's song "Wonder" to be used as the "Walk a Mile in My Shoes" theme song. "Wonder" is an effective reminder that we are all unique and wonderful miracles, no matter how different we may be from our fellow man.

The media is invited to attend each and every Rally to report on these events. This campaign has received national media coverage in Canada since August, and we seek affiliated representation in the U. S. For local Rally information in the seven destination cities, please contact Coordinators listed on the EB Relay website, or contact Gena Brumitt Gruschovnik, Event Organizer, in regards to national coverage or event details.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Book is Perfect Transplant for Spiritually Afflicted Heart

New Book is Perfect Transplant for Spiritually Afflicted Heart

Registered nurse's reflections will impact the way readers live for God

Longwood, FL (PRWEB) May 22, 2008

Many followers of Jesus Christ are experiencing a spiritual disconnect--although they studied His Word, prayed, and believed in Him for miracles, they just don't feel his presence anymore. They are suffering what Xulon author Anne Dutton calls "a spiritual heart attack." Dutton, an RN who works in the coronary unit, understands the care needed to treat most people suffering from heart disease. In her new book, A Heart Renewed (paperback, 978-1-60647-303-0), she helps readers to see a correlation between a healthy physical heart and a healthy spiritual heart through 14 lessons based on the Bible.

Says the author, "Good care of our heart results in strong physical bodies fit for ministry and strong spiritual hearts fit to praise and worship God. Often there is a direct relationship between a hurting heart and heart disease. Sadness, depression, guilt, and loss--among others--cause stress (and) lead to disease and loss of joy. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe there is hope for renewal that brings wholeness leading to productive, joy-filled living. It is then that we are whole persons fit for ministry, service, and praise."

For more than 40 years, Dutton has enjoyed leading Bible studies in her church. It is through studying with people from all walks of life that she saw what she has always known: people need a relationship with Jesus Christ, and knowing His Word leads to knowing His will. To that end, her God-inspired work will help readers to find the close relationship between what they think and believe in their hearts and the effect it has on the way they live for God.

Xulon Press, a part of Salem Communications Corporation, is the world's largest Christian publisher, with more than 5,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order A Heart Renewed through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. Salem Communications is the country's leading Christian communications company with interests in radio, Internet, and magazine publishing.

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Rebound In Executive Job Creation Reveals Corporate Growth Plans

Rebound In Executive Job Creation Reveals Corporate Growth Plans

Recruiter Confidence Gains Mirror Improved Consumer, Economic Outlook

Norwalk, CT (PRWEB) December 3, 2010

ExecuNet. com - ExecuNet’s benchmark Executive Job Creation Index (EJCI) held positive for an eleventh consecutive month in November as executive recruiters reported employers are encouraged by improving economic indicators and plan to create more management jobs over the next six months.

The number of employers expected to add executive jobs during that time topped those planning to eliminate or postpone filling top roles by 21 points, a 12-point gain from October and a signal that more companies will recruit executive talent to rebuild their management teams and realize their 2011 strategic growth objectives.

ExecuNet’s Recruiter Confidence and Job Creation Indices are recognized leading indicators of economic growth, and combined with positive GDP trend lines, increased consumer confidence and other favorable economic reports. "It seems the tide is finally turning in favor of more significant executive hiring activity as companies prepare to tackle 2011 business priorities,” says Mark Anderson, President and Chief Economist of ExecuNet, the leading private executive membership organization founded in 1988.

“ExecuNet has seen a 30 percent gain in private executive job postings for the exclusive consideration of our members in the past month over November 2009. We continue to see high-tech and healthcare companies doing some of the most aggressive executive hiring,” he added. “Searches by recruiters networking with our executive members have increased 55% over the same period last year.”

For example, one executive member just reported his relocation to Alaska where he accepted a new management role after two years of unemployment in Michigan, and another who made a fast transition to a new executive role after only seven weeks of membership. Executive recruiters who leverage ExecuNet’s membership to develop candidates for executive search assignments have increased their outreach to members by 55 percent over the past year.

In November, executive recruiters were confident that the prospects for new management hiring activity will be positive, as 61 percent were confident or very confidence the executive employment market would improve over the next six months.

(ExecuNet’s EJCI is derived from data collected as part of the firm’s widely recognized Recruiter Confidence monthly survey of executive search firms and reflects responding executive recruiters’ expectations of how companies are managing their executive talent needs. The Job Creation Index compares the number of companies expected to add executive positions over the next six months versus those planning to downsize their management teams or delay filling vacant management roles. The November data is based on responses from a total of 155 firms.)


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ashanti Develops New Fragrance Line

Ashanti Develops New Fragrance Line

"Precious Jewel by Ashanti" to debut at Wal-Mart Holiday 2005.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) September 27, 2005

On behalf of its Grammy Award-winning client, Ashanti, Bravado International Group is extremely pleased to announce the launch of this yearÂ’s hottest new fragrance line, Precious Jewel by Ashanti.

A celebrated recording artist, actress, and even author, Ashanti has captured the hearts of millions around the world, inspiring fans with her grace and tenacity. Now, Ashanti shares her spirit and latest gem with Precious Jewel, her new fragrance launching this fall.

The inspiration for the line stems from Ashanti’s successful recording career and those that put her in the position she is today – her fans, “I wanted to pay tribute to all my fans who have supported me throughout the years by creating a signature scent that would be accessible to everyone,” explained Ashanti.

Just in time for this year’s holiday season, the line of health and beauty products will debut at Wal-Mart for a limited time with expanded retail distribution slated for the future. “The Ashanti team is very excited to be launching this program with a great retailer that really targets Ashanti’s core audience,” said Ian White, Director of Licensing for licensing agent, Bravado International Group. “Her fans everywhere can pickup her music, movies, and now, perfume, all in one place!”

Additional licensing categories are currently available in a number of categories, including but not limited to apparel, accessories, jewelry, home furnishings, social expression, toys, and gifts & collectibles.

About Ashanti

A native of Long Island, New York, Ashanti is one of the pre-eminent female entertainers in the world. A multi-platinum recording artist, Ashanti has won numerous awards for her achievement in music with her four top-selling album releases. Additionally, she has starred in a #1 box office hit with “Coach Carter,” as well as penned two different book titles. Please visit www. AshantiThisIsMe. com for more information.

About Bravado International Group

Bravado International Group is a worldwide licensing and merchandising agency focused on developing high-quality and innovative products, on behalf of its roster of new and established entertainment clients. In addition to Ashanti, select clients include Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Who, Guns nÂ’ Roses, Iron Maiden, The Clash, Kelly Clarkson, and Jesse McCartney, among many others. Please visit www. bravado. com for more information.

Licensing Contact Information

Ian White

Director of Licensing

Bravado International Group

(310) 237-7115

Ian. white@bravado. com

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Co-Founder Gavin MacBeath, Ph. D. Joins Merrimack Pharmaceuticals as a Senior Director and the Head of Translational Research

Co-Founder Gavin MacBeath, Ph. D. Joins Merrimack Pharmaceuticals as a Senior Director and the Head of Translational Research

Gavin MacBeath, Ph. D., will be responsible for leading the MM-121 research team through Development and creating the Company’s general strategy for predictive medicine.

Cambridge, MA (PRWEB) May 26, 2010

Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a privately held biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel treatments for cancer and inflammation, today announced that Gavin MacBeath, Ph. D., one of the Company’s six founders, has been hired as a Senior Director and the Head of Translational Research.

“Gavin joining Merrimack underscores the pivotal next step of our vision to extend Network Biology beyond discovery research and apply it to clinical development of drugs. We believe translational science anchored in Network Biology is a key recipe for developing next generation drugs as we better characterize the underlying tumor biology for the patients we are treating,” says Clet Niyikiza, Ph. D., Merrimack’s Senior Vice President of Development.

Since Merrimack was founded in 2000, Dr. MacBeath has served on the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, where he has focused on developing technology that facilitates basic research in the area of systems biology. In this new position, Dr. MacBeath will be responsible for leading the MM-121 research team through Development and creating the Company’s general strategy for predictive medicine.

“Merrimack provides the resources and environment needed to address what I believe is the biggest challenge in biomedical research for the twenty-first century - the problem of matching patients to therapies” said Dr. MacBeath. “Research and development at Merrimack over the coming years will determine how important Network Biology is in the context of co-developing drugs and companion diagnostics that identify which patients will respond most effectively.”

Dr. MacBeath will continue to direct a research lab at Harvard Medical School and will serve as a bridge between Merrimack and Harvard’s academic community. Dr. MacBeath received his Bachelors of Science at the University of Manitoba and his doctorate in Macromolecular and Cellular Structure and Chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute.

About Merrimack
Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel medicines for the treatment of cancer and inflammation. The Company is advancing a robust pipeline of engineered therapeutics paired with molecular diagnostics. Merrimack’s first two oncology candidates, MM-121, partnered with sanofi-aventis, and MM-111, are in Phase 1 clinical testing with multiple pre-clinical development and research stage programs in the pipeline. MM-121 and MM-111 are investigational drugs and have not been approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration or any international regulatory agency. The Company’s proprietary Network Biology discovery platform, developed with the help of leading scientists from MIT and Harvard, integrates the fields of engineering, biology and computing to enable mechanism-based model driven discovery and development of both therapeutics and diagnostics. Merrimack is a privately-held company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For additional information, please visit http://www. merrimackpharma. com.

Contact: Kathleen Petrozzelli, Corporate Communications, 617-441-1043, kpetrozzelli(at)merrimackpharma(dot)com; Betsy Raymond Stevenson, 860-984-1424, RaymondStevenson Healthcare Comms betsy(at)raymondstevenson(dot)com


CGI Awarded Five-Year, US$73.2 Million Contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CGI Awarded Five-Year, US$73.2 Million Contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Support for websites and citizen portal helps empower 44 million beneficiaries

Fairfax, VA (Vocus) May 19, 2010

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has awarded CGI Federal Inc. (CGI), a wholly-owned U. S. operating subsidiary of CGI Group Inc. (NYSE: GIB ; TSX: GIB. A), a competitive, five-year contract worth US$73.2 million to continue its modernization, application management, and maintenance efforts on three external websites that provide information to 44 million beneficiaries and millions more healthcare providers and other stakeholders.

The three websites—Medicare. gov, cms. hhs. gov, and MyMedicare. gov—garner more than 500 million page views each year and serve as CMS’ online communication channels for beneficiaries and providers and represent a critical component of the agency’s mission to provide quality care. Through this award-winning online presence, CMS empowers beneficiaries to make informed decisions about their health care coverage and conduct online transactions with CMS. The sites also support the customer support specialists who run the 1-800-Medicare help lines.

“CMS is at the forefront of the National Health Agenda. CGI is proud to be chosen again to support their efforts which directly impact so many citizens,” said George Schindler, President of CGI Federal. “We will continue to bring both our healthcare knowledge and technical expertise to this proven partnership as we help CMS achieve its vision to deliver a transformed and modernized healthcare system.”

CGI has been working with CMS to evolve the websites to better meet the agency’s mission of education, outreach and service, as well as Open Government requirements for increased transparency, participation, and collaboration. For example, the ‘Hospital Compare’ and ‘Nursing Home Compare’ tools combine geographical data from Google maps with healthcare provider quality-of-care information to help users locate and assess healthcare facilities near them.

“CMS is always focused on continuous improvement and innovative ideas to improve services to its beneficiaries, which makes the work very rewarding,” said Cheryl Campbell, Vice-President, CGI Federal. “If you watch Secretary Sebelius’ YouTube video (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=KHWMEnt_Fs0) announcing the re-designed Medicare. gov site, you see that approach in action—from the way beneficiary feedback was used to make the site easier to navigate to the use of a YouTube video to announce the redesign.”

About CGI Federal Inc.
CGI Federal Inc. (http://www. cgi. com/usfederal (http://www. cgi. com/usfederal)) is a wholly-owned U. S. operating subsidiary of CGI Group Inc., dedicated to providing effective IT solutions for federal government agencies by combining over 30 years of government experience and technology skills. Founded in 1976, CGI Group Inc. is one of the largest independent information technology and business process services firms in the world. CGI and its affiliated companies employ approximately 26,000 professionals. CGI provides end-to-end IT and business process services to clients worldwide from offices in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific as well as from centers of excellence in North America, Europe and India. As at March 31, 2010, CGI's order backlog was $11.4 billion. CGI shares are listed on the NYSE (GIB) and the TSX (GIB. A) and are included in both, the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the FTSE4Good Index. Website: http://www. cgi. com (http://www. cgi. com).

Forward-looking Statements
All statements in this press release that do not directly and exclusively relate to historical facts constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of that term in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and are “forward-looking information” within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. These statements and this information represent CGI’s intentions, plans, expectations and beliefs, and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, of which many are beyond the control of the Company. These factors could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. These factors include but are not restricted to: uncertainties as to the timing of the tender offer and the merger; uncertainties as to how many of the Stanley stockholders will tender their shares in the offer; the risk that competing offers will be made; the possibility that various closing conditions for the transaction may not be satisfied or waived, including regulatory approvals; the timing and size of new contracts; acquisitions and other corporate developments; the ability to attract and retain qualified members; market competition in the rapidly evolving IT industry; general economic and business conditions; foreign exchange and other risks identified in the press release, in CGI’s Annual Report on Form 40-F filed with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (filed on EDGAR at http://www. sec. gov (http://www. sec. gov)), the Company’s Annual Information Form filed with the Canadian securities authorities (filed on SEDAR at http://www. sedar. com (http://www. sedar. com)), as well as assumptions regarding the foregoing. The words “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “foresee,” “plan,” and similar expressions and variations thereof, identify certain of such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. In particular, statements relating to future performance are forward-looking statements and forward-looking information, including, without limitation, any statements related to the acquisition of Stanley being accretive to CGI's GAAP earnings within the first twelve months. CGI disclaims any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements or on this forward-looking information. You will find more information about the risks that could cause our actual results to differ significantly from our current expectations in the Risks and Uncertainties section.

Stock Market Symbols

Http://www. cgi. com/newsroom (http://www. cgi. com/newsroom)

For more information:

Lorne Gorber
Vice-President, Global Communications and Investor Relations

Linda Odorisio
Vice-President, US Communications


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bupa International Website Turns Spotlight on Health

Bupa International Website Turns Spotlight on Health

Bupa International, the world's largest expatriate health insurer, has launched a new online portal with expatriate medical information and health news as part of its redesigned website.

(PRWEB) September 8, 2009

The new-look bupa-intl. com, launched in August, features weekly columns from medical experts and industry specialists, plus regular news updates and videos tackling the health issues that matter to expatriates (http://www. bupa-intl. com/health/in-our-perspective/risingcost-healthcare), providing them with a trusted and relevant source of health information wherever they are in the world.

The new site also includes a section on Bupa International's Medical Centre, run by a team of doctors and specialist who provide 24-7 emergency help and advice to customers. At a click of a button, visitors to the website can now watch interviews with doctors and evacuation specialists or read testimonials from Bupa International customers.

Tune in to our customers

Putting customers at the heart of the new website, has been key to its redesign. A Bupa International Twitter page (http://twitter. com/bupa_intl) page has been set up as an active platform for Bupa International customers to share their thoughts and ideas with the company. The new website will also offer easy step-by-step guides for claiming and pre-authorisation of treatment.

Customers can also watch health videos from Bupa International's medical director (http://www. bupa-intl. com/health/in-our-perspective/risingcost-healthcare), Dr Sneh Khemka in a new You Tube channel feature, and find information about Bupa's charity projects around the world. Right now Bupa International is taking part in a mission to set up temporary health clinics in an area of Vietnam where medical services are in short supply. Our medical director, Dr Sneh Khemka, is one of 20 volunteer doctors who will trek into villages in the northern district of Mai Chau where infections and malnutrition are major concerns. Read more about our medical health mission to Vietnam here (http://www. bupa-intl. com/health/in-our-perspective/vietnam).

Mette Nohr, head of eBusiness at Bupa International says: "Our new redesigned website has been driven by two guiding principles - creating a more interactive site to increase our dialogue with customers and developing our health information content to provide expatriates with a trusted health e-resource, wherever they are in the world. Leveraging social media has played a key role in our strategy and will continue to do so - we are already looking at mobile applications as mobile phones are flexible and a very personal media that the customers already know and use."

Who is Bupa International?

Bupa International was established in 1971 to extend the Bupa health cover to expatriates
Around the globe. Since then, we've expanded our network to 190 countries and grown our membership to over 800,000 people.

Find us on Twitter (http://www. twitter. com/bupa_intl), You Tube (http://www. youtube. com/bupainternational) or on Bupa Internationals mobile website. (http://bupa-intl. mobi)


Escape Together to Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village for a New Unforgettable Romantic Getaway

Escape Together to Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village for a New Unforgettable Romantic Getaway

Indulge in a romantic retreat at the Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village with the brand new "Just for the Two of You" Romantic Escape with prices starting at $164 per night.

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 13, 2007

Indulge in a romantic retreat at the Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village with the brand new "Just for the Two of You" Romantic Escape with prices starting at $164 per night.

Whether for a honeymoon or a romantic vacation, discover the enchanted atmosphere at this remarkable hotel in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Discover this newly renovated hotel which combines comfort and convenience in the heart of Lake Buena Vista. Delight in enhanced amenities, such as the new Revive bedding packages which include deluxe mattresses, cotton-rich linens, and top-of-the-line pillows, resulting in a rejuvenating night of rest.

Courtyard Orlando is perfectly positioned one mile from the Walt Disney World Resort as well as to renowned Orlando area golf courses and invigorating day spas. Complete with a refreshing indoor/outdoor pool, this remarkable hotel makes for the perfect setting to say "I love you," whether for the first time or not.

Turn a romantic weekend into a vacation of a lifetime and experience all that the Courtyard Orlando has to offer with this unforgettable romantic Orlando vacation package which includes:
 King suite with spa tub  Daily hot breakfast buffet for two in Courtyard Café  Chilled champagne upon arrival  Box of Godiva chocolates  Late check-out of 3:00 PM  Prices from $164 to $264

Surprise someone special with this premier Orlando hotel package; whether it's a honeymoon, an anniversary, or a getaway spent rekindling your love, a weekend away might be just the thing to keep the sparks burning bright.

About Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista in the Marriott Village:
Perfect for both business and leisure travelers, the Courtyard Lake Buena Vista, Florida Hotel near Disney World Orlando offers a variety of unique amenities. Located only 1 mile from Walt Disney World Resort®, this Orlando, FL hotel offers close proximity to upscale shopping outlets and the area s top attractions. Tickets to nearby attractions and shuttle service may be purchased in the hotel lobby. The Courtyard Hotel in Orlando, FL offers exceptional business class accommodations with a well-lit work desk, ergonomic chair, dual-line phone, and complimentary high speed Internet access. Start your day by enjoying a reasonably priced healthy breakfast buffet with cooked-to-order items or stop by the Marriott Village food court for ice cream, pizza, deli items, coffee, and more. Relax in the heated indoor/outdoor pool or workout in the Marriott Village fitness center with other guests from this gated community. The Courtyard Orlando Lake Buena Vista, FL hotel invites you to relax, unwind, and enjoy! Click on the "Check Availability" link to make your reservation on Marriott. com. Be sure that the promotional code ROM appears in the Corporate/Promotional code box when making your online reservation, or call 1-877-682-8552 in the US and ask for promotional code ROM. For more information or to make a reservation call 407-938-9001 or visit http://www. marriott. com/hotels/travel/mcoly-courtyard-orlando-lake-buena-vista-in-the-marriott-village/ (http://www. marriott. com/hotels/travel/mcoly-courtyard-orlando-lake-buena-vista-in-the-marriott-village/).

Hard Times at Home Yield Record Crowd for InternationalLiving. com’s Live & Invest Overseas Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada

Hard Times at Home Yield Record Crowd for InternationalLiving. com’s Live & Invest Overseas Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada

A faltering economy, high cost of living, skyrocketing health care costs, and political gridlock have combined to help sell out InternationalLiving. com’s annual conference on living and investing abroad, with a record 500 seats reserved for attendees heading to Las Vegas, Nevada, for the two-day event.

Baltimore, MD (Vocus) August 30, 2010

Hard times at home mean more Americans than ever are exploring the option of living better for less by moving abroad.

No one knows exactly how many people have already moved overseas looking for a lower cost of living, more affordable health care, lower property taxes, and better investments. But if attendance at InternationalLiving. com’s annual Live & Invest Overseas Conference is any indication, more will be joining them soon.

Registration for InternationalLiving. com’s only U. S.-based lifestyle conference of the year has set a record with 500 seats reserved for attendees, making the annual conference the largest event in the company’s 30-year history.

“Attendance at all our conferences has been rising,” says Jackie Flynn, Publisher of InternationalLiving. com. “Most of our half-dozen events each year take place outside the U. S., so we knew there would be some pent-up demand for our only U. S.-based lifestyle conference in September. But we didn’t anticipate filling every seat in our 500-seat Las Vegas venue and having to cut off registration weeks before the actual event.”

The Live & Invest Overseas Conference will take place at the Red Rock Casino, Resort, and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 17-18. Attendees at the two-day conference will hear first-hand from experts and current expats from around the world about the best places outside the U. S. to retire, relocate, or invest.

“We were gratified earlier this year when we had more than 350 attendees at our event in Quito, Ecuador,” says Flynn. “We knew that drawing that many people all the way to South America meant that interest was keen in the U. S. for ways to live better for less money and get better health care than is possible in the States right now.

“This record-setting interest in our Las Vegas event bears that out. If this interest in escaping the economic and political problems in the U. S. continues, we’ll have to find larger venues for our events.”

For 30 years, InternationalLiving. com has been providing information on how to live better for less in safe, healthy, and beautiful locations around the world. InternationalLiving. com helps readers and subscribers improve their quality of life will lowering their cost of living through the monthly International Living magazine, free daily email postcard from around the world, and through the website at www. internationalliving. com.

For more information:
Dan Prescher
+1 (402) 403-1941
Www. internationalliving. com


Client X Client Launches Services to Deliver CRM's Final Frontier

Client X Client Launches Services to Deliver CRM's Final Frontier

Client X Client LLC launches CRM solution to reduce CRM costs, shorten project timelines and accelerate revenue growth. Breakthrough, new solution emphasizes technology and policy integration points across demand chain (CRM) through the supply chain (ERP) to deliver fastest, simplest path to enterprise CRM.

(PRWEB) October 4, 2004

Client X Client, LLC launches CRM solution to reduce CRM costs, shorten project timelines and accelerate revenue growth. The breakthrough, new solution emphasizes technology, process and policy integration points across demand chain (CRM) through the supply chain (ERP) to deliver fastest, simplest path to enterprise CRM.

Michael Hoffman, Client X Client President and CEO says, “Client X Client accelerates companies journey to end-state CRM which drastically reduces project, technology and transition costs and shortens project time lines.”

Mr. Hoffman says, “IDC projects CRM expenditures to continue at more than ten billion dollars per year through 2008, yet companies still don’t know what CRM is supposed to look like when it is done. That is all we do. We show companies their CRM end-state and their current-state and then provide companies a method to quantify their future decisions and how to achieve a superior competitive strategy. We help companies realize top line revenue, service and product innovation opportunities faster than any alternative.”

Client X Client, LLC helps companies grow yield per customer through strategic and technical consulting and customer process software. Client X Client works with all size companies and their consulting, technology and services partners. The company specializes in financial services, insurance, retail, healthcare, business to business, high-tech, non-profit and direct marketing industriesand typically works with corporate strategists, Finance, Marketing and Information Technology departments and their software, consultant and system integrator partners. The firm offers customized consulting, strategic research and executive coaching.

Client X Client is in the process of publishing “Think Like a Customer, Your Customers are Trying to Tell You Something” a company guide to complete guide to customer centricity and “The Customer Experience Matrix Workbook” both due out early 2005

Websites: ClientXClient. com; CRMBPM. com

For More Information Contact:

Corrine Ruediger, Marketing Manager, CRuideger@ClientXClient. com Telephone:(908) 542-1134

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Iatria Day Spa Announces “Eggstravaganza”

Iatria Day Spa Announces “Eggstravaganza”

Iatria Day Spa has announced that they will hold a month-long Easter Egg Hunt, open to the public, with free services, product discounts and complimentary service upgrades, hidden in colorful eggs at all four Iatria Day Spa locations throughout the month of April.

RALEIGH, N. C. (PRWEB) April 6, 2006

Iatria Day Spa has announced that they will hold a month-long Easter Egg Hunt, open to the public, with free services, product discounts and complimentary service upgrades, hidden in colorful eggs at all four Iatria Day Spa locations throughout the month of April. In addition to the egg hunt, the firm is offering holiday specials, and custom and premade gift baskets.

“We are very excited to offer Easter specials for our customers,” said Erika Mangrum, President of Iatria Day Spa. “We are confident that the egg hunt and promotions will be a fun and rewarding addition to the services that we already provide.”

About Iatria Day Spa:

Iatria Spa and Health Center is a full-service medically oriented spa with four locations in the Triangle area of North Carolina. Under the direction of Erika Mangrum, President of Iatria Day Spa, the spa specializes in nourishing the body, mind and spirit through massages, facials, hand, face and body treatments, and spa day packages. Partnering with Dr. Angela Baylis, DC, Iatria Health Center offers chiropractic and applied kinesiology, ion cleanse, acupuncture and nutrition counseling services. The firm offers its own line of health and body care products, as well as a Caleel+Hayden glō™minerals cosmetic line. Iatria Spa and Health Center was named a Five-Star Beauty Destination by NewBeauty Magazine, one of the Top 20 Day Spas in the country by Launchpad Magazine, and the Best Spa in western Wake County in The Cary News’ yearly “Best of the West” poll. The Triangle Business Journal’s 2005 Book of Lists named Iatria Spa and Health Center one of the Top Women Owned Businesses in the Triangle and the firm is a two-time recipient of the Pinnacle Business Award for Steady Growth and Profitability. The company is in the process of becoming the first medically oriented day spa on the East Coast to offer an expansion model for prospective spa owners. For more information, call (919) 870-1975 or visit http://www. iatria. com (http://www. iatria. com).

Patty Briguglio

MMI Associates, Inc.



Monday, May 11, 2009

HIPAA: Critical Compliance Areas and Solutions

HIPAA: Critical Compliance Areas and Solutions

Industry experts discuss compliance strategies for HIPAA.

Tampa, FL (Vocus) November 3, 2010

Navigating legislative changes within the healthcare community such as HIPAA and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are often difficult and cumbersome. Regulation compliance is compulsory, but often confusing. Organizations cannot adapt quickly enough to new regulations.

Leaders in HIPAA compliance will discuss:
 Preparing for an HIPAA audit by agencies such as OCR  Addressing HITECH Breach Notifications mandates  Examining Meaningful use and its mandate for risk analysis  The HIPAA Statute and HITECH; required disclosures and how to comply with privacy standards WHO: Ali Pabrai, Chief Executive Officer, ecfirst, HIPAA Academy
William Maruca, Attorney at Law, Fox Rothschild, LLP

DETAILS: To attend, go to https://www2.gotomeeting. com/register/444837155

WHEN: November 11th, 2010
1:00 p. m. – 2:00 p. m. ET (10:00 a. m. – 11:00 a. m. PT)

HOSTED BY: Animus Solutions, Inc.
Animus Solutions, Inc. is a management consulting firm helping organizations solve the toughest enterprise issues and reach their peak performance through the most innovative techniques, processes and technology. Serving both private and public sectors, Animus provides leading industry expertise in areas such as Enterprise Asset Management; Compliance and Risk Management; Change Management; Homeland Security & Emergency Management; IT and Software Asset Management; and Information Technology. For more information visit: http://www. animussolutions. com.

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MadCap Software Adds Web-Based Training Expert to Lead Madcap Mimic Product Management

MadCap Software Adds Web-Based Training Expert to Lead Madcap Mimic Product Management

Patricia Dear Brings 25 Years of Training Experience to Evolve Mimic Native XML Software Simulation Package to a Full eLearning Solution

La Jolla, CA (PRWEB) March 10, 2008

MadCap Software, the leader in multi-channel content authoring and a showcase company for Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft XPS, today announced that Patricia Dear has joined the MadCap team as product manager for MadCap Mimic. In this role, Ms. Dear will build on MimicÂ’s powerful, native XML capabilities for creating software simulation movies to evolve it into a robust application for eLearning. Mimic, featuring a small-footprint movie format, currently is used worldwide to create movies that simulate actions on the computer screen and produce interactive instructional videos.

Ms. Dear brings 25 years of experience in training and eLearning. A pioneer from PLATO (the first eLearning system), she joins MadCap Software from Cardinal Health Inc., where she chaired its enterprise-wide Training Standards Sub-Committee; led development and administration of a Learning Management System; and managed Web-based training design and development, producing more than 140 courseware titles. She is a member of the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) and The eLearning Guild.

“Pat’s extensive experience developing online training and systems, as well as her efforts to foster training standards will be invaluable in transforming Mimic from a state-of-the-art software simulation tool to a solution that redefines the eLearning development experience,” said Anthony Olivier, MadCap CEO. “We are excited to have Pat join our team in delivering a best-in-class XML-based suite for the complete documentation needs of an enterprise—now and into the future.”

“I am thrilled to be part of MadCap Software which is leading some of the most innovative developments in content authoring today,” said Patricia Dear. “I look forward to working with the talented development professionals there to help Mimic realize its potential as a next-generation eLearning solution.”

Prior to Cardinal Health, Ms. Dear developed Web-based training for Pixel Solutions and The Webb Group. At Cambridge Technology Partners, she led the technical training efforts of an enterprise network migration project for a metropolitan city government. She also held training and development positions at The Art Institute of Seattle; Birdrock Media Corporation, Inc.; Coconut Computing, Inc.; Courseware, Inc.; and Online Computer Systems, Inc. Ms. Dear received her masterÂ’s in instructional systems design from the University of Maryland and bachelorÂ’s degree in human development from The Pennsylvania State University. She also has been certified as a Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS).

About MadCap Software 

MadCap Software, headquartered in San Diego, is just a new name for a group of familiar faces that have been leading the technical writing and documentation community for over a decade. With its flagship product, MadCap Flare, MadCap Software is leading the documentation industry into the future. Through its strategic partner Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT), MadCap is delivering solutions optimized for Microsoft Vista, Visual Studio, and the. NET environment. MadCap is home to some of the most experienced software architects and product experts in the industry, including many former core members of eHelp® Corporation, creators of RoboHelp®. Learn more about MadCap Software and its Help authoring suite at www. madcapsoftware. com.

MadCap Software, the MadCap Software logo, MadCap Flare, MadCap Feedback, MadCap Lingo, MadCap Mimic, MadCap Capture, and MadCap Blaze are trademarks or registered trademarks of MadCap Software, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Other marks are the properties of their respective owners.

PR Contact:

Rebecca Hurst

Kinetic. PR for MadCap Software

Rebecca@kineticprllc. com



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Insurance Alternative Now Available to Families and Small Businesses Nationwide

Insurance Alternative Now Available to Families and Small Businesses Nationwide

Last year, over 175 milion Americans had little or no dental insurance, and the majority of maintainence, supplies, and operating expenses. Small businesses were forced to cut or reduce their health programs. The main reasons why people and small companies have to deal with this problem is due to the high cost of maintenance, expenses, and operating costs.

(PRWEB) November 26, 2004

Working-class families unable to afford dental exams, teeth cleanings, and regular procedures encounter long-term health problems relating to dental; such as tooth decay, erosion of teeth, and the potential of severe tooth loss.

Small businesses over the years were forced to offer little or no insurance to their employees; due to the rising costs of monthly payments insurance companies charge, as well as the declining quality of service and extensive delays in claim payments with little or no guarantee of being paid.

Dentists and dental offices all across the nation offered only two solutions of guaranteeing payment of dental services; either by means of insurance or payment in full.

The insurance method is the most common because the claim form is submitted by either the client or the dentist to the insurance company, where they wait approval (if any) of the treatment to be performed, and the process of payment is determined by the insurance company. The length of time has also been considered pending approval. However, if the client had no insurance, the only options are to either pay the full price for treatment or no service is to be performed without payment. So the customer is left with dental problems that continue to grow severe over a period of time.

The nagging dilemma of customers unable to afford dental coverage and services, along with the dentists' concern about being paid promptly for their services without the hassle of insurance, has been solved in 1992 by a Dallas-based company called AmeriplanUSA.

Co-founders Dennis and Daniel Bloom made affordable dental coverage for all Americans possible, by eliminating the need for insurance and offering dental services at a reduced fee so the dentists can get paid immediately. The customer is not required to fill out a claim form, nor requiring to meet a certain deductible; therefore eliminating the hassle of getting pre-approval for dental procedures and lenghty waiting periods. And unlike traditional insurance, the customer does not need to wait a certain period of time to visit a dentist and can visit a dentist as many times as they choose. The customer can also choose a dentist within the AmeriplanUSA network, and can change a dentist at anytime without notifiying AmeriplanUSA. Specialists are also included within the network such as orthodontists, periodontists, oral surgeons, and children's dental. And customers that have had dental problems in the past (such as pre-existing conditions) are accepted by AmeriplanUSA.

In order for customers to get the necessary treatment without paying the full price, or they have been turned down by insurance, the AmeriplanUSA program is only $11.95 per month for an individual, and $19.95 per month for a family. The customer receives a vast array of services from exams to teeth cleanings, to fillings and oral surgery, performed by over 25,000 AmeriplanUSA dentists nationwide, at a reduced savings cost from 25% to 80% off. In addition to afforable dental coverage, the program also comes with a reduced fee-for-service vision, prescription drug, and chiropractic coverage.

Exclusive Discounts of Chicagoland is a proud partner with AmeriplanUSA, and offers dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic coverage and services to individuals, working-class families, and small businesses throughout Chicagoland and nationwide. Their website is www. exclusivediscounts. com. Individuals, families, and small business owners can also benefit from other discounts and services as well. Mike and Serena Wagner are proud business owners of Exclusive Discounts and can be reached in person at 847-212-8841 or e-mailed at mikewagner@exclusivediscounts. com.

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