Monday, March 28, 2005

Healthcare Data Solutions Announces Latest Database, PrescriberPRO@Home

Healthcare Data Solutions Announces Latest Database, PrescriberPRO@Home.

Healthcare Data Solutions (HDS) has recently expanded its healthcare provider databases with the launching of PrescriberPRO@Home. This Database will allow marketers to send targeted offers to Physicians, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants at either their home postal or email address.

Foothill Ranch, CA (Vocus) April 23, 2010

Healthcare Data Solutions (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email) (HDS) has recently expanded its healthcare provider databases with the launching of PrescriberPRO@Home.

This Database will allow marketers to send targeted offers to Physicians, Dentists, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants at either their home postal or email address. All email addresses are CAN-SPAM compliant and postal addresses have been delivery point validated by USPS for maximum deliverability.

Healthcare data Solutions PrescriberPRO@Home (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/prescriber-pro-home. html/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email) Database includes the following counts:
415,000 @Home Physician Postal Addresses 87,500 @Home Dentist Postal Addresses 47,000 @Home NP & PA Postal Addresses 190,000 @Home Prescriber Email Addresses

The PrescriberPRO@Home Database is linked to HDS' PrescriberPRO (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/prescriber-pro. html/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email) provider database allowing a marketing to narrow their selection by hundreds of different selects, including:

Practice Name Group or Hospital Affiliation License Information Specialty NPI & DEA Number And more

In addition to traditional one-time use programs HDS is offering annual, unlimited use database licenses with regular updates to provide clients maximum ROI on their marketing investment.

For more information on PrescriberPRO@Home or any other HDS product or service, please contact them (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/contact-b. html/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email) or visit their website, HealthcareDataSolutions. com (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email).

About Healthcare Data Solutions
Healthcare Data Solutions (http://www. healthcaredatasolutions. com/?utm_campaign=HDS_email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pressrelease_email) is an original source data compilation company focused on building and distributing Physician, Pharmacy, Dentist, Nurse and Hospital databases. HDS provides healthcare data, data processing, web services and new customer acquisition programs for leading healthcare marketing firms. With over 2 million healthcare provider profiles and 1 million healthcare provider emails, HDS is the fastest growing provider of sales and marketing Healthcare Data today. For more information, visit HealthcareDataSolutions. com.


Saturday, March 26, 2005

CALIFORNIA SAFE SCHOOLS <a href="http://www. calisafe. org" onclick="linkClick(this. href)">www. calisafe. org</a> SHARES SECRET FOR SUCCESS!


California Safe Schools created the most stringent pesticide policy in the nation for schools at Los Angeles Unified (2nd largest school district in the nation) Policy has become a national model!

(PRWEB) June 13, 2003



Wednesday June 11, 2003

LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) - California Safe Schools Coalition, having successfully worked with Los Angeles Unified School District (2nd largest district in USA) to implement a LEAST - TOXIC, LOW RISK pest management policy, whose preamble includes the "PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE", is sharing its secret for success on their website: http://WWW. CALISAFE. ORG (http://WWW. CALISAFE. ORG)

"Precautionary is an action taken in advance to protect people and a principle is a rule. The "PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE" protects everybody against danger or injury. It's better to be safe than sorry!", said LAUSD student Alexandria Gracian, age twelve.

"The policy, which has become the model for school districts and communities nationwide, mandates the use of preventative measures and least toxic methods first in schools. Only when preventative measures fail does the district turn to pesticides on the approved list. Pesticides on the approved list cannot contain products known to cause cancer, neurological disruption, birth defects, genetic alteration, reproductive harm, immune system dysfunction, endocrine disruption, or acute poisoning, which stops the routine use of the most hazardous pesticides in our schools," said Robina Suwol Executive Director.

"We are pleased with California's assumption of leadership in this critical field of children's health. The LAUSD's courageous position is to be applauded and, hopefully, emulated nationwide." said CSS Board Chair, and parent of LAUSD students, Ashley Posner, Esq.

"Every parent knows that it is smart to keep children away from toxic chemicals." said Harvey Karp, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA School of Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics. "That's why I salute California Safe Schools Coalition. The coalition has helped the Los Angeles Unified School district to adopt the best solution in the country for getting rid of pests while protecting children."

"Our website will help others understand the policy. There are downloadable "Parent Right To Know Forms", a copy of the groundbreaking policy, and links to other environmental organizations. A special attraction on the website are illustrations and posters designed by internationally celebrated artist Michael Bruza", said Action Now's Annie Waterman, founding member of CSS.

California Safe Schools is committed to ensuring that all students, teachers, staff, and community members who live near school sites are in a safe toxic-free environment.

For more information, contact:

Robina Suwol

Executive Director

California Safe Schools


Schoolipm@yahoo. com

Web site: http://www. calisafe. org (http://www. calisafe. org)

Friday, March 25, 2005

Fitness Poll Says Initial Workout Pivotal to Getting in Shape

Fitness Poll Says Initial Workout Pivotal to Getting in Shape

250,000 kickstart first workout free.

New York, NY (PRWEB) September 4, 2007

GymTicket. com, the leading health club search engine, asked 10,000 people who are thinking about joining a gym why they hadn’t started working out yet – and 65% answered that conjuring up enough motivation for their first workout is the hardest part to getting back into shape. Other contributing factors people indicated was that they couldn’t find the time, and only 10% said it was because they disliked exercise too much. A large amount of respondents thought the hardest part of getting started was literally getting started with their first workout.

“The results of this survey indicate the significant role the initial workout plays in starting and maintaining a regular fitness regiment,” said Jeff Rutstein, fitness expert, owner of Custom Fitness, and author of "Rutstein on Fitness." “After the ice is broken, each workout becomes a little easier – so making that first workout as convenient as possible is key to launching a healthier you.”

To help as many people as possible ease into their first workout, GymTicket. com gives away free passes for over 2,000 top-tiered health clubs, fitness clubs and gyms across the country. Since its launch in March, the company has given away 250,000 free “ice-breaker” workouts.

“This survey underscores the biggest hurdle to getting fit: your first workout,” said Howard Lerman, CEO of GymTicket. com. “We’ve set out to make getting your first workout as easy as possible and have helped hundreds of thousands of people do so already.”

About GymTicket. com
GymTicket. com is the leading online destination for people looking to join gyms or health clubs. Users can view information, pictures, and details about local gyms and access guest passes and exclusive discounts for over 2,000 gyms across the county.

Brian Distelburger
Www. gymticket. com


Vital Information Management Announces the Launch of Vital Vault (SM) Personal Electronic Medical Records System

Vital Information Management Announces the Launch of Vital Vault (SM) Personal Electronic Medical Records System

VIMSystems' Vital Vault product will empower patients to increase the quality and reduce the cost of healthcare by taking control of their medical records. Vital Vault is the patient portion of VIMSystems Multi-centered Healthcare Management Platform, a new model for the business and practice of medicine. This innovative suite of management tools puts the right information in the right hands at the right time, encouraging economy, accountability, and patient self - management.

(PRWEB) August 16, 2004

Chesterfield, MO August 16, 2004 -- Vital Information Management (VIMSystems) is pleased to announce the launch of the Vital Vault(SM) personal medical records management system. The Chesterfield, Missouri based company developed Vital Vault to answer the outcry for patient controlled electronic medical records. Vital Vault will be live beginning today at www. vitalvault. com. Vital Vault gives users the tools to create, view, and access their medical records 24 hours a day through secure online storage. Users can have healthcare providers send documents directly into Vital Vault, as well as fax or e-mail documents directly out of their accounts. Vital Vault also contains an emergency medical information summary that provides emergency workers with a concise overview of important medical information.

“The launch of Vital Vault is the result of more than seven years of development to create a secure and efficient system allowing individuals to control their own medical records.,” said neurosurgeon Dr. Alex Marchosky, CEO and cofounder of VIM, “According to the Institute of Medicine, medical errors cost millions of dollars and thousands of lives a year. Our hope is that by ensuring the accuracy and availability of records, we can reduce those losses and increase the quality of care.”

Marchosky and other leading St. Louis physicians teamed with Unified Development, Inc., a Chesterfield, MO based software firm, to develop the tools to support a new model for the business and practice of healthcare. Vital Vault is the patient controlled portion of VIMSystemsÂ’ suite of healthcare information management solutions.

Vital Vault is available on the web 24/7/365 at www. vitalvault. com. Subscriptions start at $21.95 per year for unlimited access and data storage. For additional information or to request a media kit, contact jr narayan at 636-532-4284.

Vital information Management, LLC 

17813 Edison Avenue, Suite 101

Chesterfield, MO 63005 

Toll Free: 800-572-3539

FAX: 636-532-4948

Www. vitalvault. com

Www. vimsystems. com


Thursday, March 24, 2005

RSS Feeds, A Growing Trend In Business

RSS Feeds, A Growing Trend In Business

Informational feeds are an excellent source of text to use as content filler on websites.

Saginaw, MI (PRWEB) December 22, 2005

RSS feeds involve a type of web syndication in which a portion of a website’s content is made available for other websites to use. SAMSA offers RSS feeds at www. samsa. com. These informational feeds are an excellent source of text for owners to use as content filler on their websites. A majority of feeds are free, unlike many other types of on-line news subscription services.

As versions and standards have advanced, RSS has been an acronym for Rich Site Summary and is most currently known as Really Simple Syndication. XML is the technological format that delivers the information to the subscriber’s site. The providing website creates an RSS file which then gives permission for others to syndicate their news. News aggregators act as readers that check the RSS feed provider’s site and then publishes the newest information on the subscriber’s site for viewing. This type of information distribution has grown from being initially popular in the weblogging community to now having a defined presence in many types of organizations. Subscription to syndication of information for both small and large businesses alike is becoming popular.

Sites that provide RSS feeds are those that are frequently updated with new content, and the benefits of subscribing to RSS feeds are numerous. They also help to decrease the amount of email clutter that comes from belonging to e-mail news groups. The subscriber chooses which type of information they’d like to receive and have a variety of options to choose from in displaying the RSS feed content on their site. This includes displaying headlines or article summaries that aren’t too wordy. Generally, a full article can be accessed by clicking on a link in the title that directs you to the provider’s site where the article is located. Subscribing and un-subscribing can take place at any time. Subscribers need not worry about copyrights and other protection rights as well when using a disclosed feed provider. RSS feeds are a great feature to include on your site if you want to keep visitors up to date on pertinent information in your industry. Feeds act as great content fillers, text providers and help to keep your site up to date.

Allowing others to subscribe to RSS feed from your site is just as beneficial as being a subscriber. Being a provider can bring additional traffic to your site and boost your presence on the Internet.

About System and Market Services of America

SAMSA (http://www. samsa. com (http://www. samsa. com)) is lead by a highly qualified group of diverse business and technology professionals whose collective backgrounds include marketing, business development, software engineering and design, accounting, administrative, copywriting, and customer service experience. This in-depth experience is in a well-rounded cross section of business sectors specializing in healthcare, government agencies, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, retail, and education. SAMSA offers full IT services to clients in the state of Michigan, and web based and programming work for clients around the world.


Harrison Ford Puts Spotlight On Protecting Species -- Ford Stars in Conservation International Public Service Announcement

Harrison Ford Puts Spotlight On Protecting Species -- Ford Stars in Conservation International Public Service Announcement

Comparing the human heart to the EarthÂ’s most vital biological regions, actor and conservationist Harrison Ford explains how biodiversity is essential for a healthy planet in a public service ad campaign launched today by Conservation International (CI).

(PRWEB) August 14, 2002

Washington, DC – Comparing the human heart to the Earth’s most vital biological regions, actor and conservationist Harrison Ford explains how biodiversity is essential for a healthy planet in a public service ad campaign launched today by Conservation International (CI).

“The human heart. Just over one percent of your body weight, but critical to your survival. Our Earth has places, just over one percent of its surface, which are critical to our survival,” says Ford in the PSA. “They’re called biodiversity hotspots, and Conservation International is fighting to protect them before they disappear forever. These hotspots are home to over 60 percent of the world’s species. Plants and animals that provide food and medicine that clean our air and water. That keep our planet alive.”

The 25 biodiversity hotspots cover just 1.4 percent of the EarthÂ’s land surface, yet claim more than 60 percent of total terrestrial species diversity. Under extreme threat, many hotspots have lost more than 90 percent of their original natural habitat. CI is a global, field-based environmental group that works to protect biological diversity. By working through local and international partnerships, CI uses a strategic, scientific approach targeting the biodiversity hotspots, tropical wilderness areas and key marine ecosystems.

“Conservation International’s message is positive, and while I think people need to understand the urgency of species extinctions, they also need to see that there is a solution that they can help support,” said Ford.

Harrison Ford has served on Conservation InternationalÂ’s Board of Directors for more than 10 years and has actively participated in the strategic design and growth of the organization. Ford has been honored with a number of environmental awards including, most recently, the 2002 Global Environmental Citizen Award bestowed by the Harvard Medical School.

“Harrison Ford is a dedicated conservationist who understands the issues and has helped CI evolve into the strong organization we have today,” said Peter Seligmann, CI’s chairman and CEO. “Helping people understand the urgency and importance of biodiversity conservation is another tremendous contribution he is making for this cause.”

New York based Green Team Advertising, led by President and Creative Director Hugh Hough, contributed its services to create the PSA. Companies that contributed production services included: video editing by Go Robot! and Rhinoceros Editorial; computer animation by Turbulence Effects; and camera equipment by Broadcast Video Rentals, LTC. The broadcast PSA was completely shot with HDTV technology and incorporates some of the latest advances in animation design.

Conservation International is a certified 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. The PSA campaign is part of the organizationÂ’s communications strategy to broaden the publicÂ’s understanding of the importance of global biodiversity.

The print and broadcast PSAs can be viewed online at www. conservation. org. Media representatives who would like broadcast or print versions of the PSA to review should call Jason Anderson at (202) 912-1464.

The full PSA script is as follows:

“The human heart. Just over one percent of your body weight, but critical to your survival. Our Earth has places, just over one percent of its surface, which are critical to our survival. They’re called biodiversity hotspots, and Conservation International is fighting to protect them before they disappear forever.

These hotspots are home to over 60 percent of the worldÂ’s species. Plants and animals that provide food and medicine; that clean our air and water; that keep our planet alive.

Conservation International is a hands-on, get-it-done organization. We involve science, business, governments and local people to get results. Conservation International has helped save millions of acres and hundreds of species. ItÂ’s working.

One percent may not seem like much, but sometimes it can make all the difference in the world. Literally. Find out more. Visit www. conservation. org.”


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Lodging Interactive Launches Travel 2.0 Marketing Services for Hotels - HotelSocialBlogs. com

Lodging Interactive Launches Travel 2.0 Marketing Services for Hotels - HotelSocialBlogs. com

Lodging Interactive, a leading interactive marketing agency servicing the hospitality industry, today announced the roll out of its Travel 2.0 Marketing Services for Hotels, HotelSocialBlogs. com.

Parsippany, NJ (PRWEB) September 4, 2008

Lodging Interactive, a leading interactive marketing agency servicing the hospitality industry, today announced the roll out of its Travel 2.0 Marketing Services for Hotels, HotelSocialBlogs. com. Through HotelSocialBlogs. com hotels can leverage Travel 2.0 technologies to maximize their online reach through conversational marketing opportunities on major social media websites such as Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo, Twitter and many others.

"Research indicates there are over 72 million registered users who interact on social media websites at least once a month. And, 89% of US online buyers read customer reviews before they make a purchase," said DJ Vallauri, Lodging Interactive's Founder and President. "Social media websites are a viable distribution and marketing opportunity for hotels that will continue to grow. Our HotelSocialBlogs. com Travel 2.0 Marketing Services seeks to exploit this opportunity in a manner that makes it easy for a hotel to 'join in the conversation'.

HotelSocialBlogs. com is a turn-key marketing service which leverages Travel 2.0 technologies to extend a hotel's online branding, marketing and communication strategies. HotelSocialBlogs. com combines blogging, RSS feed syndication, Twittering and email harvesting with hotel profiles on Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, Photobucket, Squidoo, Wikipedia and others.

"While it is important that you monitor social media websites to stay informed about guest experiences and opinions, it is equally important to join the conversation and to present your hotel to potential guests in a social environment," added Mr. Vallauri.

HotelSocialBlogs. com provides RSS feed syndication which 'pushes out' hotel specials, promotions and announcements to subscribers. In addition, HotelSocialBlogs. com is fully integrated with the major social media websites via Travel 2.0 custom widgets and badges. The result is fast and cost-effective distribution of a hotel's marketing communications to millions of potential social media members.

Sample HotelSocialBlogs. com integrated distribution platform:

Richard Walsh, Vice President of Business Development for Lodging Interactive added "The basic element underlying an effective hotel marketing strategy is to provide relevant and appealing information and social media extends this ability beyond just a presence on the page, it opens the door for a personal dialogue with a past or future guest. The goal as with all online marketing is, of course, to attract potential guests to your website. But, it is also an opportunity to create a viral network of guests and potential guests. The unique benefit to social media is the opportunity to build a relationship between buyers and sellers. Your social media relationship will exist prior to the purchase as well as after the purchase, creating a viral network of guests and potential guests. Social Media will not displace commercial advertising or brand standardization, but it does provide an opportunity for each hotel to deliver its unique sales message, interact with past and future guests, travel agents and meeting planners directly and to build on its presence where shoppers go to make their buying decisions."

About Lodging Interactive:
Lodging Interactive is a leading provider of Internet Marketing Services to the hospitality, spa and restaurant industries. The company provides a portfolio of effective Internet Marketing Services to hundreds of hotels, resorts, timeshares, spas and restaurants. Clients included branded hotels from nearly every major brand as well as prestigious, landmark independent hotels.

The Company offers effective online tools and services: ChatterGuard. com, an online social media monitoring and reputation management system, HotelSocialBlogs. com, a turn-key Travel 2.0 Distribution & Marketing service, CommentCards. com, a full-service business-2-consumer comment card service, eProposalSystem. com, an online RFP response system hotel Sales Managers, RFPLink. com, a group RFP lead generation, HotelDirectBook. com, a consumer hotel portal, and reporting system, DiningClick. com, Internet Marketing Services for the restaurant industry, and Spa Interactive, Internet Marketing Services for the health spa industry.

Lodging Interactive is a proud member of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA), The California Hotel Association, the Day Spa Association, and a supporter of the Hotel Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI). For more information contact Richard Walsh, Vice President of Business Development at rjwalsh@lodginginteractive. com or at 877-291-4411. The company's website is located at www. LodgingInteractive. com.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Online Boutique "Agele" Features Organic Platinum Restorative Anti-Aging Skin Products

Online Boutique "Agele" Features Organic Platinum Restorative Anti-Aging Skin Products

Organic, all natural ingredient skin care pruducts hits the market not just for women concerned about aging but for all members of the family including those with eczema and other skin maladies.

Beverly Hills, CA (PRWEB) July 4, 2006

“Agele” is the new organic platinum anti-aging skin care formula that is a winner in today’s market place is now available online at Pureaegle. com. The formula lets the body produce maximum new cellular regeneration through organic, natural, scientifically selected and formulated, herbal plant ingredients. Although a premium anti-aging product, the pure natural and organic skin care product line is geared toward the entire family. It began when Agele founder, LaShone Renee, decided she had enough of testing various skin care products on her son who was born with asthma, allergies and eczema. Renee brought her more than 9 years career experience in the biotech field to explore better options for natural skin care products.

I knew through my association with major biotech firms in the Bay area, in the labs did not tell the whole story. They most often ignored anything ‘natural’ or ‘chemical free.’ It just did not make sense that if we are supposed to eat healthy and chemical free, why would we want to put anything less that that on our skin? ” said Renee. "I thought it was possible to create a skin care line for the entire family that not only offered quality natural skin care, but also had replenishing qualities.” Renée’s mission soon bought on board Alaine Sankofa, who had more than 10 years of experience in the beauty and cosmetic industry. “We knew we wanted to create the essence of clean, healthy, regenerating and most of all, a natural supplement. We did that with Agele,” Renee said.

Renee and Sankofa blended their knowledge of the science and beauty industry to begin researching natural alternates with skilled chemist Dr. Shiail Shikakra of Washington, DC. The team spent four years of intense research and product development to produce the Agele skin and makeup product line. “The clinical trials and tests gave us remarkable results of rapid cellular regeneration capabilities that instantly improve skin, said Renee.”Now we are excited to share it with the public.”

Industry beauty experts agree the need for natural products is huge and vastly underdeveloped

“A beauty product such as Agele is a winner in today’s market place, “ said Leslie Meyer, professor of Biochemistry and Natural Science. “It stays true to its focus of using natural ingredients to produce a product that offers restorative qualities, especially for many age groups and skin types. Even at a glance the product label tells you that what is not in the product. That is as important as what is in the product. Often people think just being natural makes it good. What makes a natural product great is combining the scientific research to substantiate why particular ingredients are blended and the proven results. In that regard, Agele hits the mark.”

Agele CEO Renee also believes Agele hits the market for organic and natural skin care for the entire family. “We are offering a “Lifetime” money back on all our products,” said Renee. “That is how much we believe Agele will prove invaluable to our clients.”

Agele does not contain mineral oil, petroleum, propylene glycol, DPG, harsh detergents, drying DS alcohol, formaldehydes, lanolin, or Parabens. For more information, call 1- (877) Agele My (877-243-5339) or write 8350 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200, Beverly Hills, CA 90211 or www. PureAgele. com.


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Registration Now Underway for Skywire Software’s “Trends in Rating Technology” Webinar

Registration Now Underway for Skywire Software’s “Trends in Rating Technology” Webinar

Event on Thursday, September 20, will feature Celent, LLC., Senior Analyst Craig Weber.

Frisco, Texas (PRWEB) September 13, 2007

Skywire Software, a leading global provider of software and services for the insurance industry, will host the Webinar, “Trends in Rating Technology”:

When:  Thursday, September 20, 2007 Time:  1:00 p. m., CT (2:00 p. m., ET) Who Should Attend:  Rating business analysts, underwriters, actuaries, IT developers and other insurance professionals To Register:  Visit www. skywiresoftware. com/rating (http://www. skywiresoftware. com/rating) or call 1-800-735-6620

Insurers attending the event will learn how the use of innovative software can help them speed time to market of new lines and reduce time spent on maintaining rates. Skywire SoftwareÂ’s InsBridge is an easy-to-use, Web-based rating, rules and underwriting system that empowers business users with an understanding of underwriting logic to quickly create, deploy and manage even the most complex rates and rules with supreme accuracy.

“As pricing and business complexity continues to rise the software used to manage pricing and underwriting logic increases in importance,” says Craig Weber, senior analyst, Celent, LLC. “Implementing tools to manage the risk/price equation easily and accurately provides a clear competitive advantage.”

InsBridge also can integrate with any platform and operate on all major operating systems, making it an ideal solution for insurers seeking to enhance their existing technology investments with rating functionality.

About Skywire Software

Skywire Software is a leading software company serving the insurance, financial services, health care, utility, legal and professional services industries. The Company develops industry-specific software products that help companies integrate processes, people and information. With products and services that span a range of key functions, including rating, rules, underwriting, business intelligence, agency management, data movement, and enterprise-wide document automation and compliance, Skywire Software is dedicated to providing an unparalleled customer experience to more than 2,300 customers in 45 countries worldwide. For more information, contact Skywire Software at 1-800-735-6620 or visit www. skywiresoftware. com.

2401 Internet Blvd.

Suite 201

Frisco, Texas 75034

Phone: 972-377-1110

Fax: 972-377-1109

Http://www. skywiresoftware. com (http://www. skywiresoftware. com)

© Skywire Software is a registered trademark. All other names, brands or products referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. All rights reserved.


NYIT Receives Multi-Million Dollar Donation from Lumeta Corporation for Cyber Security Program

NYIT Receives Multi-Million Dollar Donation from Lumeta Corporation for Cyber Security Program

IPsonar to be used as a teaching tool in training students to defend organizations against cyber attacks

Old Westbury, N. Y. (Vocus) March 17, 2010

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) received a multi-million dollar donation of services, hardware, and software systems from Lumeta Corporation, a leading provider of network discovery solutions for enterprise and government agencies, to support its Center for Network and Information Security.

Following the events of Sept. 11, 2001, NYIT received a federal grant to build a new cyber security lab for the purpose of meeting the growing need for students trained to defend private organizations and government agencies against cyber attacks. Lumeta has donated its IPsonar network solutions system, an unlimited scanning license, and five years of maintenance and training support to be used in conjunction with these efforts.

“As our students and faculty probe the constantly growing threat of cyber attacks on both private and public sector organizations, it is important that we use the same systems that security experts have deployed within large companies and government agencies,” said Ayat Jafari, Ph. D., chair of NYIT’s Department of Engineering and Computer Science. “We are grateful to Lumeta, as its IPsonar application will serve as a valuable, state-of-the-art tool for NYIT student and faculty as they conduct research and independent network security projects.”

With IPsonar, students will analyze the connectivity between assets and networks, uncover risk patterns, and automate the enforcement of network policies as they research ways to improve cyber security and uncover new threats.

“With our network discovery system deployed at most of the U. S. government’s top agencies and many Fortune 500 companies, we believe it is important for cyber security students to receive hands-on experience with IPsonar,” said Michael Markulec, chief operating officer at Lumeta. “We are proud to provide one of the nation’s leading cyber security educational centers with our system.”

About NYIT

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees in more than 90 fields of study, including architecture and interior design; arts and sciences; education; engineering and computing sciences; health professions; management; and osteopathic medicine. A non-profit independent, private institution of higher education, NYIT has more than 15,000 students attending campuses in Long Island and Manhattan, online, and at its global campuses. For more than 50 years, NYIT has been guided by its mission to provide career-oriented professional education, offer access to opportunity for all qualified students, and support applications-oriented research that benefits the larger world. To date, 81,500 students have graduated from NYIT. For more information, visit www. nyit. edu.

Briana Samuels
Communications Specialist


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

AllMed Healthcare: Cancer Trials

AllMed Healthcare: Cancer Trials

AllMed Healthcare Management Medical Specialist Keith Hansen has recently authored a feature article “Cancer Trials - Are They Ready for Prime Time?” that is featured on the AllMed Healthcare website.

Portland, OR (PRWEB) April 25, 2006

AllMed Healthcare Management Medical Specialist Keith Hansen has recently authored a feature article “Cancer Trials - Are They Ready for Prime Time?” that is featured on the AllMed Healthcare website. The article may be viewed by clicking the following link: http://www. allmedmd. com/resources/articles/cancertrials. html (http://www. allmedmd. com/resources/articles/cancertrials. html)

Clinical trials are an essential process for improving the survival rate & quality of life for people diagnosed with cancer. There are different trial stages:

Phase 1: The first step in testing a new approach in humans.

Phase 2: For determining the safety and effectiveness of a new treatment.

Phase 3: Comparing a new treatment to a standard therapy.

Experimental or Investigational: A drug or procedure that has undergone basic laboratory testing and received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be tested in human subjects. It may be approved by the FDA for use in one disease or condition, but be considered investigational in other diseases or conditions.

When insurers cover the cost of nationally sanctioned cancer clinical trials, they are investing in better standards of are for all patients. Ultimately, such trials reduce cancer recurrence and the amount of health care dollars spent on these cancer patients decreases.

More information on AllMed and the company’s peer review & medical review services can be found on AllMed’s web site at http://www. allmedmd. com/ (http://www. allmedmd. com/).

About AllMed Healthcare Management

Founded in 1995, AllMed (http://www. allmedmd. com/ (http://www. allmedmd. com/)) is a URAC-accredited Independent Review Organization (IRO) serving insurance payers, providers, TPAs and claims managers nationwide. Reviews are conducted by board-certified physicians in active practice. AllMed’s growing customer base includes premier organizations, such as Educator’s Mutual Life, IMS Managed Care, Tenet Healthcare Corporation, HealthGuard, several Blue Cross Blue Shield organizations, TriWest Healthcare Alliance, Allianz and many other leading healthcare payers.


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Furnishings from The Apprentice Season 5 Trump Tower Suite to be Auctioned by Clubfurniture. com for Charity

Furnishings from The Apprentice Season 5 Trump Tower Suite to be Auctioned by Clubfurniture. com for Charity

Fans of The Apprentice can bid for some of the furnishings used to decorate the contestants' bedrooms on the upcoming season of the show. All proceeds from the auctions will be donated to The BReast Cancer Foundation.

Charlotte, NC (PRWEB) February 23, 2006

Clubfurniture. com, a leading online retailer of high-quality, handcrafted, domestically-manufactured furniture and accessories, announced today that it will auction the headboards that were used in furnishing the Apprentice contestants’ Trump Tower suite on the upcoming season of The Apprentice, premiering Monday at 9/8c on NBC, and donate the proceeds to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The auctions will begin on February 27, and 12 Mercer micro-suede twin-size headboards and two complete twin-size Mercer beds will be available (for more information go to: www. clubfurniture. com/comingsoonbeds. html (http://www. clubfurniture. com/comingsoonbeds. html))

“We are excited to be involved with The Apprentice, which has become such a significant part of American culture and with Donald Trump, whose name is synonymous with excellence,” said, Darrin M. King, president of Clubfurniture. com. “We want this opportunity to be about more than just our furnishings and accessories, so we will be auctioning the headboards used on the show with proceeds donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.”

In season five of The Apprentice, 18 international candidates, with backgrounds ranging from Ivy League graduates to self-made entrepreneurs, endure the scrutiny of Donald Trump and his associates George Ross and Carolyn. The last candidate standing wins the title of "The Apprentice" and will be given a high-level job within The Trump Organization, with a starting salary exceeding six-figures.

“We wanted The Apprentice suite to reflect the Trump lifestyle, so we were looking for refined, upscale furnishings from fresh, unique designers,” said Kelly Van Patter, production designer for The Apprentice. “Clubfurniture. com offers exactly what we wanted, plus they were able to meet our unique needs regarding quantity and a pressing deadline. Since Clubfurniture is an online retailer, I was able to easily and efficiently review their products, and when the furniture arrived it exceeded my expectations.”

100% of the proceeds from the auctions will be donated to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, whose mission is to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime by providing critical funding for innovative clinical and genetic research at leading medical centers worldwide.

“We are truly dedicated to curing breast cancer within our lifetime, and we appreciate Clubfurniture contributing to our effort through these auctions,” said, Robbie Finke director of Marketing and Corporate Sponsorships for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. “We hope that this will not only aid our efforts through the donation from the auction, but will further enhance the recognition for a need for prevention and a cure for a health issue that effects millions of Americans.”

About clubfurniture. com

Founded by brothers Darrin and Jeff King in 1998, clubfurniture. com is a leading retailer of Internet and catalogue home furnishings. Clubfurniture. com offers leather, fabric and slipcover upholstered furniture and accessories that are handcrafted by skilled artisans, who have hundreds of years of combined experience in creating truly exceptional pieces. Each piece is built to order and shipped directly from our four US manufacturers.

Clubfurniture. com and its products have been featured by numerous leading media, including NBC’s “The Apprentice,” Fine Living Network’s “Catalogue This,” Inc., Entrepreneur, New York Spaces and AliBarone. com.

For more information go to www. clubfurniture. com.

About The Apprentice

Donald Trump and his associates George Ross and Carolyn Kepcher are back to test a brand new crop of candidates on their business skills. This season 18 candidates will endure the scrutiny of George, Carolyn, and of course Mr. Trump, as they embark on the job interview of a lifetime. These candidates come from varying backgrounds, ranging from Ivy League graduates, to self-made entrepreneurs with no more than a high school education.

Each week two corporations made up of candidates face off against each other in a series of various business oriented tasks. These tasks challenge the candidates to use innovative thinking, superior people skills, and good old-fashioned hard work to be successful. The corporation that wins enjoys a spectacular reward, but the losers go to the boardroom where Mr. Trump grills them on their mistakes. With input from George, Carolyn, and other surprise boardroom guests, Mr. Trump determines who did the worst job and utters those two infamous words "You're fired!"

The last candidate standing wins the title of "The Apprentice" and will be given a high-level job within The Trump Organization, with a starting salary exceeding six-figures.

For more information go to http://apprentice. tv. yahoo. com/trump/05/index. html (http://apprentice. tv. yahoo. com/trump/05/index. html)

About The Breast Cancer Research Foundation

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation was founded in 1993 by Evelyn H. Lauder as an independent, not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to funding innovative clinical and genetic research. The Foundation supports scientists at leading medical centers worldwide whose research is focused on achieving prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime.

A minimum of 85 cents of each dollar donated to the Foundation goes directly to breast cancer research and awareness programs. In October 2005, $22 million was awarded to 110 researchers across the U. S. and in Canada, Europe, Latin America, and Israel. Money magazine named BCRF one of America's eight top charities. The Foundation has received the highest rating from Charity Navigator, four stars, for four consecutive years, which means BCRF has outperformed most other charities in America in efficiently managing its finances.

For more information, visit www. bcrfcure. org or call 1.866.FIND. A.CURE.

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PR-PRomoPRo. com Announces Service to Build Consumer Confidence Through Exposure in Women's Magazines

PR-PRomoPRo. com Announces Service to Build Consumer Confidence Through Exposure in Women's Magazines

PR-PRomoPRo. com uniquely targets media outlets that appeal directly to women's magazines proving a credible resource and content to its readers. Simplifies and helps to make writer's or editor's job easier at the same time.

Miami, FL (Vocus) September 10, 2009

Women are very shrewd when it comes to digesting material they read in magazines. They prefer to read facts outlined in an article. Educated consumers give more credence to information published in their favorite magazines. Articles filled with juicy and beneficial content have more value and credibility than fancy advertisements. PR-PRomoPRo. com facilitates the connection between businesses and esteemed women's magazines to promote products and services in a way that speaks clearly to women while making the writer's or editor's job easier at the same time.

According to Jami Lin, developer of PR-PromoPRo, "There was a time that I couldn't afford to hire a publicist so through trial and error, I taught myself how to send press releases and the benefits of publicity." "It doesn't matter how great the poeduct or service, we all need to speard our message. I want to make getting publicity accessible to others."

If published in a reputable magazine, it has to be good, is a common belief amongst advertisers, business people, and consumers. Consumers have depended upon magazines for decades for quality, dependable, and trustworthy content. Without hiring a publicist or press agent that costs thousands of dollars a month, how to contact magazine editors and writers as well as to attract them to include your content?

PR-PRomoPRo. com has an inside track to contacts at dozens of women's favorite publications. Instead of sending introductions to generic email address such as publicity (at) womensmagazine (dot) com, have PR-PRomoPRo. com send it directly to the media contact in charge of that area. Contact Jane Doe, marketing editor, directly with a concise, yet informative press release detailing the products and services and how the reader will benefit.

Make a writer's job easy! Provide consumer-rich information for the editor to use the content verbatim. With quality content, writers can use the text to speak directly to their readers or be interested enough to request more information. Everybody wins. Magazines get the inside scoop to the benefit of their readers and you spread your message through a credible resource.

When the women's magazines receive positive feedback on their pieces featuring advertised products and services, they will be more likely to seek out more information and continue to expand upon the original release. They know the importance of maintaining the trust of their readers and strive to do so. Other media outlets may pick up on magazine articles adding to the publicity from one press release. Jami Lin, president of PR-PromoPRo recalls, "Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel featured my Feng Shui work and the columnist not only won an award for the piece, it was picked up by The Chicago Tribune and many other national newspapers."

Releases can also be sent directly to applicable newspapers, TV and radio, and online writers and bloggers providing even more potential publicity. The more outlets reached, the more permanent exposure, all without having to pay for advertising! Free media exposure is the most valuable promotional tool to generate sales.

About Us:
PR-PRomoPRo. com (http://www. pr-promopro. com/) is a contact research and press release distribution service committed to helping others create publicity and spread their message in the most affordable, effective, and eco-responsible way.

Jami's media section (http://www. jamilin. com/media/index. php) provides the press with valuable, tailor-made content in: Lifestyle/General Interest, Family/Children, Business Success, Home/Garden, Health: Body, Mind, Energy Medicine, Youth-Enhancing Secrets, and Human Spirit/Awareness.

Jami Lin (www. JamiLin. com]) is a 30-year veteran of interior design. This expertise evolved into Feng Shui (www. Feng-Shui-Interior-Design. com]), six best-selling books, an online home-study certification program, and star of a recent PBS pilot. Her new, award-winning ColorAlchemy book (www. ColorAlchemy. com]), is heralded as "advanced thinking for infinite possibilities."

Media contact:
Joy Starr

Written by:
Andrea Coventry
Montessoriwriter. today. com/where-to-read-me


Monday, March 14, 2005

Vétoquinol USA Receives Exclusive U. S. Distribution Rights to Zylkène® from Orsco Laboratoire Vétérinaire

Vétoquinol USA Receives Exclusive U. S. Distribution Rights to Zylkène® from Orsco Laboratoire Vétérinaire

Zylkène® is a proven tool to help veterinarians manage stress in companion animals

Fort Worth, Texas (PRWEB) August 1, 2010

Vétoquinol USA (www. vetoquinolusa. com) introduced Zylkène® today to the U. S. market at the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB)/American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) Behavior Symposium in Atlanta, GA. Vétoquinol USA has the exclusive U. S. distribution rights for Zylkène® through a contract signed by Orsco Laboratoire Vétérinaire and Vétoquinol.

Companion animals often are exposed to stressful situations such as adoption, weaning, hospitalization, changing owners or homes or reproducing. Failure to adjust to new situations in a reasonable period can result in behavioral problems, such as feeding or digestive problems, inappropriate urination or defecation, destructive behavior, running away, or aggression.

Zylkène® contains a patented decapeptide and helps companion animals overcome periods of stress. Zylkène® is very well tolerated, non-habit forming and has no rebound effect. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in a number of clinical studies in dogs and cats. Its formula is protected by a U. S. patent.

Zylkène® has been marketed in Europe since 2006. During that time, it has become one of the leading products used to help manage stress in companion animals.

“Zylkène® gives veterinarians a new, innovative solution to help pet owners manage behavior issues. We estimate that nearly 10% of all dogs and cats suffer from behavioral disorders. We are excited about bringing Zylkène® to veterinary behaviorists and veterinarians in the U. S.,” stated Manny Martinez, Country Manager.

About Vétoquinol
Vétoquinol USA, based in Fort Worth, Texas, is owned by Vétoquinol an independent veterinary pharmaceutical laboratory serving both the companion and production animal markets. This family-owned group, dedicated exclusively to animal health, is the 9th largest animal health care laboratory in the world. More than 80 percent of its revenues are generated outside France.

Vétoquinol’s business includes research and development, production and marketing of medicinal and non-medicinal products. Vétoquinol has positioned itself in the curative sector and has developed expertise in three therapeutic fields: anti-infectives, pain and anti-inflammatory, and cardiology/nephrology.

The Group currently distributes its products in more than 100 countries throughout Europe, North American and Asia/Pacific, with subsidiaries in 23 countries and a network of 140 distribution partners. The company has more than 1,550 employees worldwide. For more information: www. vetoquinolusa. com

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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Baby Hands Productions Introduces the Award Winning My Baby Can Talk DVD Series to Thailand

Baby Hands Productions Introduces the Award Winning My Baby Can Talk DVD Series to Thailand

Partnership with leading distributor in Thailand addresses growing international demand for teaching hearing babies sign language.

Scotts Valley, CA (PRWEB) March 27, 2006

Baby Hands Productions (www. MyBabyCanTalk. com), a company dedicated to creating educational products to promote early language development from simple gestures to first spoken words, today announced that it has partnered with Thai Soonthorn International Trading Co., Ltd, a leading distributor of quality baby products in Thailand, in its latest move toward an international distribution strategy. A premier importer, Thai Soonthorn is featuring the My Baby Can Talk DVD series in premium department stores and leading hospital nursery shops in Thailand.

My Baby Can Talk is a series of highly acclaimed and award winning videos that teaches babies and parents to communicate at an early age, reducing frustration and creating a special bond that is so important for healthy child development. This series inspires pre verbal babies to communicate using sign language and is designed to delight the senses while tapping into a baby’s natural language abilities. Set to classical music, My Baby Can Talk DVDs feature beautiful real world images, delightful puppet shows, colorful toys in motion and babies communicating with simple gestures.

Using sign language with hearing babies is one of the hottest parenting trends today and My Baby Can Talk is the most popular program available. Parents are teaching their babies to sign as a means to reduce frustration and provide their babies with an emotional and educational head start. Research has shown that babies are able to communicate at a much earlier age than they are able to speak and babies who use sign language tend to speak sooner with larger vocabularies, show an increase in IQ scores and engage in more sophisticated play.

“We are delighted to be partnering with a company that is devoted to offering products that support the remarkable potential of young children. Our partnership with Thai Soonthorn allows us to meet the growing international demand for our high quality, early language development products,” said Kathleen Waidhofer, Creative Director of Baby Hands Productions.

The My Baby Can Talk DVD series is now available in Thailand at Emporium, Paragon, Central Department Stores as well as select hospital nursery shops.

About Thai Soonthorn International Trading Co., Ltd

Thai Soonthorn International Trading Co., Ltd. is a leading importer and distributor of quality baby products, developmental toys and equipment in Thailand. Dedicated to the potential of children and recognizing the importance of a supportive and safe environment, Thai Soonthorn is committed to offering parents high quality and trusted developmental and educational toys for their babies at a good value. Thai Soonthorn products can be found in premium department stores and leading hospital nursery shops.

About Baby Hands Productions 

Dedicated to providing babies with the power to communicate pre verbally, Baby Hands Productions creates products that stimulate a baby’s love for learning as well as a baby’s natural drive to acquire language. The My Baby Can Talk products help babies and their parents realize the amazing benefits of using simple hand movements to communicate as well as encouraging first spoken words. The web site (www. MyBabyCanTalk. com) boasts detailed tutorials, background research, and a video dictionary with more than 200 ASL signs that are most important to and appropriate for babies and toddlers.

Honored with six prestigious parenting awards, My Baby Can Talk is the most popular sign language video series for hearing babies in the US.

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Introducing A New Search Engine That Allows The User To Donate To Charity By Shopping and Searching Online

Introducing A New Search Engine That Allows The User To Donate To Charity By Shopping and Searching Online

GoGoQuick. com offers a search engine that provides relevant search results while donating to charity at the same time.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 1, 2008

GoGoQuick. com offers a search engine that provides relevant search results while donating to charity at the same time.

Ever wondered how to search for information, do online shopping, search for music, recipes and more while donating to charity at the same time? GoGoQuick. com has recently announced the release of a new search engine that will not only provide a useful service to the Internet community, but also participates in donating funds to charitable organizations. Each month GoGoQuick. com donates 50% of it's profits to environmental, animal, wildlife, cancer, educational and health related charities.

GoGoQuick. com provides consumers with the ability to help in improving the world one click at a time. GoGoQuick. com also accepts requests to add new charities to their network. Most people have a cause they care about. Whether it's finding a cure for cancer, saving the environment, or protecting wildlife GoGoQuick. com gives visitors the opportunity to donate to a good cause each day. GoGoQuick. com gives visitors the ability to do that by just simply performing regular daily search activities. Visit GoGoQuick. com blog for more information GoGoQuick. com Information Blog (http://www. gogoquick. com/blog)

The money GoGoQuick. com donates comes from revenue generated by advertisers. The organizations that they donate to do not have to spend one dime! The concept is compelling and simple. Simply use the GoGoQuick. com search engine just as you would use any other search engine. When you click on the advertisers ads, GoGoQuick. com donates 50% of that revenue to charity. Compelling and simple.

Spread The Word

GoGoQuick. com has the goal of helping as many charities and non profit organizations as possible. GoGoQuick. com is extremely interested in the wonderful services that charities and non profit organizations provide to the communities they serve. The company wants users to feel connected to these charities and the people who are helped by these organizations. Doing good should be a part of everyday life. By making GoGoQuick. com part of everyday life. Help others around the world one click at a time.

Because GoGoQuick. com donates such a significant part of their revenue to many of the organizations that users designate, they do not spend allot on advertising. That is why help is needed in spreading the word about their charitable search engine. Please tell your family and friends about GoGoQuick. com.

GoGoQuick's Quick Rank™ algorithm provides relevant search results by identifying the most authoritative sites on the Web. With GoGoQuick's search technology, it's not just about who's biggest: it's about who's best. Not only will users be able to donate to charities but users also will be getting relevant search results.

GoGoQuick Launch Date
The search engine will be available Febrary 15, 2008. Visit their blog for more information on release dates and news about new charities and services GoGoQuick. com Information Blog (http://www. gogoquick. com/blog)


Friday, March 11, 2005

Belize, The Gold Coast Awakes from a Tranquil Slumber as the "Rush" has Begun

Belize, The Gold Coast Awakes from a Tranquil Slumber as the "Rush" has Begun

As Americans and other Nations search for new havens in expectation of changes in the Economy in 2006, many are finding Belize to be just what the Doctor ordered. Or in this case the Savy Offshore Financial Consultant.

(PRWEB) February 1, 2006

For those who don't know, Belize is a young Country located on the Caribbean below the Yuccatan Peninsula of Mexico. It was British Honderas until September of 1981.

What makes Belize special I believe is the following. It's official language is english, It has Offshore Banking as good as anywhere in the world, The Barrier Reef begins at the north end of the Country and runs down along it's coast so, access to great diving is easy, Land prices are low and Land Ownership is secure, The People are very friendly and there is a very high literacy rate, It's only a two hour flight from Huston or Miami, and they've put a hieght limitation on construction of 44 feet to avoid ruining the atmosphere as many other places have done like Cacun Mexico or Costa Rica.

Some of the other things that I find interesting are the amazing varieties of plants, animals, and birds. They have many Mayan Ruins to be seen and many more being uncovered all the time. It's a great place to get certified as a diver and cost only about 350.00 US and can be done in as few as 3 days.

I've been coming here for a few years and moved here in 2004. I admit, more my traveling has been via the Travel Channel or talking to people who've been around. But I first came here as a Consultant on Development issues and fell in love with the place. It amazes me that for less than a house costs in the part of Los Angeles I'm from, here you can purchase an Island.

I'm living on an Island off the Coast Called Ambergris Caye in San Pedro Town. The Island itself is only 33 miles long and San Pedro's the only Township so far. I see the growth and want to be of any assistance I can to help that process not destroy what's so special here. This Countrys peoples are very special and I plan to be here a long time. So far I see many other conciencious type persons attracted here. Whether to relax, go on one of the many eco tours, or volunteering their time with one of the many groups here assisting in education, health, technology or bringing in goods and services or creating the needed jobs. Did I mention the food is awsome and there's no end to the variety? Also I find the music not inundated with only local cultural music. Cell phones and Internet are everywhere and the locals listen to a wide range. Even Country. Who'da thunk it?

I've been spending my time getting familiar with the people and learning whats going on with Real Estate, Offshore Banking and related services like IBC's and Merchant accounts, Job Markets, training and educational opportunities, Import and Export. When I'm not riding my bike around the Islands talking to people or doing my own research for starting my Consulting business, I'm often diving, snorkeling, or fishing. Some silly person has an SUV here but most people ride bikes or golf carts. Being in slow gear is a huge treat for me and I have to say, being "not important" is what I'm loving best.

I haven't gotten Island fever yet, even though, we don't have malls, movie theaters, starbucks, or Home Depots. I'm sure it's not for everyone much longer than a week or two but for me, it's great. My name is Jonathan Mullen and I'll be around town. Perhaps we'll run into each other if you make it down this way.


Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Lifestyle, Reimbursement Issues Frustrate Anesthesiologists -- Physician Salary Survey Indicates Declining Percentage of Anesthesiologists Would Choose Career Again

Lifestyle, Reimbursement Issues Frustrate Anesthesiologists -- Physician Salary Survey Indicates Declining Percentage of Anesthesiologists Would Choose Career Again

Among 615 anesthesiologists responding to a national on-line survey conducted in summer 2006, only 6% said they were not frustrated about practicing medicine in today’s healthcare marketplace. Regardless of their frustration, two-thirds of responding anesthesiologists (66%) said they would choose medicine as a career path if they had it to do over again. This represents a four-percent decline from the 70% of anesthesiologists responding affirmatively to the same question in LocumTenens. com’s 2005 anesthesiologist salary survey. The survey results indicate the average anesthesiologist salary actually decreased slightly (2%), from $317,248 in the physician recruiting firm’s 2005 survey to $309,950 in 2006.

Alpharetta, GA (PRWEB) October 12, 2006

As the American Society of Anesthesiologists prepares to meet in Chicago starting this Saturday (October 14), physician recruiting firm LocumTenens. com offers a snapshot of anesthesiologist compensation and satisfaction in the United States.

Anesthesiologists Identify Frustrations

Among 615 anesthesiologists responding to a national on-line survey conducted in summer 2006, only 6% said they were not frustrated about practicing medicine in today’s healthcare marketplace. The remaining respondents identified with a list of possible physician frustrations as follows:

Lifestyle issues: Too much time at work – 23% Reimbursement issues – 22% Administrative and business agendas interfere with clinical decisions – 19% Medical liability issues – 17%

When asked later in the survey (unaided) what they would change if they could change one thing about the practice of medicine, most of the almost 400 physicians cited one or more of the same issues listed above.

“Because an anesthesiologist’s work hours generally are driven by surgeons and the OR (operating room) schedule, he or she often enjoys less work-life balance than many other specialists,” LocumTenens. com Vice President Lisa Kaeck said. “Physicians also dislike that the complicated business of healthcare today takes them away from their main focus—practicing medicine.”

Regardless of their frustration, two-thirds of anesthesiologists responding to the anesthesiologist salary survey (66%) said they would choose medicine as a career path if they had it to do over again. This represents a four-percent decline from the 70% of anesthesiologists responding affirmatively to the same question in LocumTenens. com’s 2005 anesthesiologist salary survey, and with 2006 respondents from other specialties as follows:

56% of obstetricians/gynecologists 57% of orthopedic surgeons 69% of general surgeons 70% of pediatricians, internists and radiologists 77% of psychiatrists

Anesthesiologist Compensation Varies Widely

Regarding physician salaries, the LocumTenens. com survey results indicate the average anesthesiologist salary actually decreased slightly (2%), from $317,248 in the physician recruiting firm’s 2005 survey to $309,950 in 2006. Physicians in the following specialties also reported decreases over 2005 physician salaries:

Emergency Medicine (10.5% decrease) Otolaryngology (9% decrease) Radiology (7% decrease) Oncology (3% decrease)

More than a third of anesthesiologist respondents (38%) reported earning salaries of $250,000 or less annually, with slightly more than a quarter (26%) earning salaries of less than $225,000 annually. However, almost half of responding anesthesiologists (45%) said they earn salaries of more than $300,000, including 15% who earn more salaries of $400,000 or more annually.

Almost half of respondents (48%) said they don’t receive annual bonuses or incentives. However:

17% reported receiving bonuses or incentives of less than $10,000 annually 18% said they receive bonuses or incentives of $10,000 to $30,000 per year 18% reported receiving bonuses of more than $30,000 or more annually

To see LocumTenens. com’s complete 2006 anesthesiologist salary survey results, click here: http://www. locumtenens. com/anesthesiologistsalary06 (http://www. locumtenens. com/anesthesiologistsalary06)

Eighty-one percent of survey participants were male, 77% were board-certified, and 57% had practiced medicine for more than 10 years. Among those who reported doing locum tenens work currently, 68% said they do so for less than three months per year.

Founded in 1995, LocumTenens. com is a full-service physician/CRNA recruiting firm specializing in supplemental placement of anesthesiologists, radiologists, psychiatrists, surgeons and CRNAs with U. S. hospitals, medical groups and community health centers. LocumTenens. com is part of the Jackson Healthcare Staffing family of companies. To learn more, visit the company’s web sites at http://www. locumtenens. com/media (http://www. locumtenens. com/media) and www. CRNAjobs. com.

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Sunday, March 6, 2005

Natural Health Media Group Wins Awards for Publication Excellence

Natural Health Media Group Wins Awards for Publication Excellence

Alive Publishing Group Inc. is proud to announce that its online publication, alive. com, has been awarded the coveted Grand Award for Best Web & Intranet Site from the 18th annual APEX Awards for Publication Excellence. Alive Publishing Group Inc. also celebrates winning two more APEX Awards of Excellence certificates for alive. com and alive magazine.

Burnaby, BC (PRWEB) July 16, 2006

Alive Publishing Group Inc. is proud to announce that its online publication, alive. com, has been awarded the coveted Grand Award for Best Web & Intranet Site from the 18th annual APEX Awards for Publication Excellence.

Alive. com recently underwent a massive redesign. This award-winning portal now features an extensive searchable archive of articles published in alive magazine since 2000 and in the alive Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. There are also interactive reader forums, contests and quizzes, geographic searches for natural health retailers, and more.

Alive Publishing Group Inc. also celebrates winning two more APEX Awards of Excellence in the following categories:

Magazine & Journal - Most Improved Web & Intranet Sites - Site Content & Writing

According to the APEX 2006 judges, "The awards were based on excellence in graphic design, quality of editorial content, and the success of the entry in conveying the message and achieving overall communications effectiveness."

About the APEX Awards

The APEX Awards for Publication Excellence is an annual competition for writers, editors, publications staff, and business and nonprofit communicators. It is sponsored by Communications Concepts, Inc

About Alive Publishing Group Inc.

Alive Publishing Group Inc. has been leading natural health and wellness in Canada for more than 30 years through alive magazine (Canada’s favourite natural health publication), alive. com (Canada’s largest natural health portal), and the alive Academy of Natural Health. Visit us at alive. com for further details.


New Book Highlights '5 Steps to Becoming an Exceptional Investment Sales Manager in the Ultra Competitive Financial Services Industry'

New Book Highlights '5 Steps to Becoming an Exceptional Investment Sales Manager in the Ultra Competitive Financial Services Industry'

Wiliam F. Cole, CFP(tm), President of The Complete Financial Advisor, a company dedicated to improving personal performance of successful financial advisors and sales managers, announces the immediate availability of their second career boosting book, The Complete Sales Manager, for managers looking for a roadmap to a successful and rewarding career.

Signal Mountain, TN (PRWEB) November 19, 2006

The Complete Financial Advisor, a a firm dedicated to improving the personal performance of successful Financial Advisors and Sales Managers, announced the immediate availability of its latest book, The Complete Sales Manager-5 Steps to Winning the War of Compliance, Operations, and Sales Management, to become an exceptional sales manager in Todays Ultra Competitive Marketplace!"

The announcement is made in advance of their 2 upcoming special Group Tele-seminars in January, The Financial Advisors Accelerator Program and The Sales Manager Advisory Program. For more information on our upcoming tele-seminars, visit their website at http://www. completefinancialadvisor. com/Buildit. html (http://www. completefinancialadvisor. com/Buildit. html) (The Complete Financial Advisor Build It programs) Like the author's first book, The Complete Financial Advisor, this book provides results oriented ideas and strategies for the sales manager and leaves the theoretical discussion to others. The company's mantra, "Helping Advisors and Managers close the gap between knowing and doing," is, once again, illustrated in this book.

The author also publishes a blog and podcast filled with timely tips and ideas for advisors and managers. To read his blog and grab his podcasts, visit http://www. salesacceleratorblog. com(The (http://www. salesacceleratorblog. com(The) Sales Accelerator Blog and Podcast)

About Bill Cole

Bill Cole, CFP(Ttm), is a 20 year veteran of the financial services industry, having worked as both an advisor and manager in all three main channels of distribution - wirehouse, independents, and bank brokerage over the span of his career. He has held licenses in securities, annuities, and life insurance including the NASD series 4, 7, 24, 53, 63, and 66; NYSE Series 8; and various state life/health/variable contracts licenses; he was awarded the designation of Certified Financial Planner, (CFP), in a 1991. He is a member of the Financial Planning Association (FPA), the Society of Financial Services Professionals, (SFSP), and the International Coach Federation, (ICF). The author is also available as a featured speaker on training and business development topics within the industry. He can be reached via email or by calling 1-877-245-5265. His media information is available on the company website under the media tab at http://www. CompleteFinancialAdvisor. com (http://www. CompleteFinancialAdvisor. com) (The Complete Financial Advisor website)


Saturday, March 5, 2005

American Water Works Association Kicks Off Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE09) in San Diego

American Water Works Association Kicks Off Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE09) in San Diego

Water Industry Professionals from Across the U. S, Canada and Beyond Converge to Address Critical Water Issues

Denver (Vocus) June 16, 2009

The world's water community gathered today in San Diego for the opening of the American Water Works Association (http://www. awwa. org)'s (AWWA) Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE09 (http://www. awwa. org/ace09)) from June 15-18, 2009. Thousands of water industry professionals will explore the future of safe water, gain insight into cutting-edge research and best practices, and experience the latest products and services available to the water community.

ACE09, held at the San Diego Convention Center, features a professional program consisting of approximately 100 sessions, comprised of more than 500 presentations given by more than 1,000 experts in the water industry, plus 15 in-depth workshops.

Highlights include:
 The Opening General Session, featuring remarks by AWWA President Michael Leonard. Leonard highlighted the current challenges facing the water community, including new and complex drinking water regulations, water resources and shortages, and aging infrastructure in need of significant repair or replacement. "These are the "seismic events" of our day, which inevitably alter the course of our work. But together, it's our job - in fact, it's our obligation - to push onward and find a way to accomplish our mission," Leonard stated.  International Seminars. Sponsored by the U. S. Department of Commerce and the U. S. Trade and Development Agency, delegations from Asia, Mexico and Jordan spoke to manufacturers and service providers about international business opportunities and potential water projects.

 The "Best of the Best" Taste Test. Scheduled for June 16 at 2pm. A record twenty utilities will represent the most recent winners of AWWA section competitions. Participants include the 2008 "Best of the Best" winner Louisville Water Company, Toronto Water and New York City's Department of Environmental Protection.

Over the next few days, in addition to the numerous professional sessions, ACE09 will feature special events such as the always-entertaining AWWA Pipe-Tapping Contest - a fast-paced competition of skill in which water operators from across North America work against the clock to open cement-lined, ductile-iron pipe and install a tap.

The ACE09 Exposition features 500 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services available to help ensure safe water. These exhibitors offer expert insight and hands-on understanding for everything from pipes to valves, meters to hydrants, engineering services to tank-related companies, membrane filtration systems to laboratory equipment, and security to wastewater.

Established in 1881, AWWA is the oldest and largest nonprofit, scientific and educational organization dedicated to safe water in North America. AWWA has over 60,000 members worldwide, and its 4,600 utility members serve 80 percent of America's population.

AWWA is the authoritative resource for knowledge, information and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. AWWA is the largest organization of water professionals in the world. AWWA advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the water community. Through our collective strength we become better stewards of water for the greatest good of the people and the environment.

Greg Kail


Friday, March 4, 2005

"Healthiest Companies in America" 2007 Winners Announced by Interactive Health Solutions

"Healthiest Companies in America" 2007 Winners Announced by Interactive Health Solutions

Beyond Wellness Plans, Companies Address Employee Health Problems Early to Control Healthcare Costs

Arlington Heights, IL (PRWEB) May 27, 2008

Outstanding progress with their prevention-based healthcare initiatives that encourage employee health and reduce medical costs has led 48 firms to be named the "Healthiest Companies in America" for 2007. The award, based on clinical evaluations of employee participants in key health metrics, was designed by Interactive Health Solutions (IHS), Arlington Heights, Ill., the leading provider of turnkey population health management programs to companies nationwide.

Population health management is a strategic initiative for companies that differs from more commonly known wellness programs, according to Jim Banks, IHS CEO. "What IHS provides is true preventative care, with the goal of involving a high percentage of employees at each company," he explains. "Employers and employees take an active role in their own healthcare through our program, allowing them to assert some control over costs."

Staying Healthy; Saving Money
The IHS program addresses healthcare concerns before they become concerns -- when employees are still at the "no risk" stage. "We employ a very basic premise at our client companies, which is "don't get sick, get help," versus, "get sick, then get help," states Joseph O'Brien, IHS president. "This means that employees are being assessed before they are symptomatic, rather than after they become ill and start incurring medical costs."

Employees who don't get sick save money in medical costs. IHS calculates that on average, the 2007 Healthiest Companies in America spend $2,850 less per employee on annual healthcare costs. "What we are providing is a market-based solution to the current cost crisis facing American companies," explains Banks.

At companies that deploy the IHS program, employees receive annual Health Evaluations, personalized health goals and an array of ongoing resources for any identified health condition. Most organizations brand the proactive health effort as a fun, internal program with incentives that reward progress and healthier lifestyles.

Winners of the 2007 Healthiest Companies in America Award range from manufacturers to service providers to educational facilities and municipalities. The three categories of winners this year include: Most Improved, Best in Class and Healthiest Companies Overall. Winning companies were selected based on best year-to-year aggregate Interactive Health Index (IHI) score improvement; best IHI score in its class; and best overall IHI score, respectively (see last page for full list of 2007 Award winners). Some companies won more than one Award.

A National Issue
IHS' research indicates that in a typical company, as many as 58 percent of employees have medical conditions that are unknown and/or not being treated, and require some type of medical intervention. "We work to stop the employee population of our client companies from trickling into the healthcare system due to a lack of preventative care," O'Brien notes.

A 2007 study recently completed by Zoe Consulting, Inc., Catawba, SC, showed that, for IHS participants, the actual medical cost growth rate was 54 percent less than the medical cost growth rates for non-participants.

Medical problems also carry a high price tag in lost productivity and poor service quality. IHS' data shows that companies with the most unhealthy employees have higher workmen's compensation and short-term disability costs.

IHS also sees rates of "presenteeism" (employees that are at work - but not performing) decrease by 41 percent at the 2007 Healthiest Companies. "The health of the employer's balance sheet is directly proportionate to the health of its employees," says Banks.

Notably, the cost of the entire 12-month IHS preventative care program per employee amounts to less than if an employee had visited his or her physician for one regular check-up. As such, the IHS program serves as a healthcare 'detective,' finding symptoms and indicators before they become a treatable disease. "Doctors are not normally paid to prevent disease, they are called on to treat them," says O'Brien. "What we are trying to accomplish is to focus on healthy people who choose to remain that way."

Taking the Pulse of Employee Health
To assess individual and company-wide health, IHS employs a proprietary metric called the 'Interactive Health Index' (IHI). The Index, developed in conjunction with physicians and other healthcare professionals, tests for indicators of heart disease, diabetes, smoking and other measures of health status that are at least in part controllable by the individual.

The program begins with employee Health Evaluations held on-site at each employer location, conducted by IHS' medical staff. Within 48 hours of the evaluation, IHS issues a report to each employee that summarizes the results of 36 different blood analyses. "The report states in clinically objective terms what the individual's risks are, and where there are opportunities for improvement," explains O'Brien.

Results of the annual IHS screening often lead to employees taking the next steps in treatment and/or lifestyle changes. A customized course of action is recommended following review of the IHI score by the IHS medical staff. IHS then provides medical resources, in-person health courses and online information about specific conditions. IHS also keeps in regular contact with each employee with reminders, status details and helpful recommendations.

At year-end, IHS calculates a cumulative IHI 'score' for the company as a whole. This gives employers a comprehensive report card about their employees' health for the first time - an important benefit of the IHS program for company managers.

The Healthiest Companies in America for 2007 were selected from more than 1,000 organizations that participate in IHS programs. Results from the various winners provide some telling statistics:
Most Improved companies improved their IHI score year to year by more than 50% on average. The Healthiest Companies Overall have 70% of employees in low - or no-risk categories. "IHS is proud to recognize the achievements - and especially, the commitment -- of these companies and their employees," says Banks. The impact of preventative care extends from the individual employee, who may enjoy a longer, more active life, to the employer, who gains healthier, more productive workers, and an effective means of impacting healthcare costs.

Winning companies were presented with crystal awards and certificates of achievement, both designating their Healthiest Companies in America status. Companies, their management and employees will be further recognized through local and national publicity about the Award.

For more information about the IHS preventative care program, contact
Joe O'Brien, Interactive Health Solutions, at (800) 840-6100.

Healthiest Companies in America - 2007

Healthiest Companies Overall Category
(Companies with the best overall Interactive Health Index (IHI) Score)

Terre Haute, IN

Bell, Boyd & Lloyd LLP
Chicago, IL

Central Bancompany
Springfield, MO

City of Batavia
Batavia, IL

City of Florence
Florence, KY

Fairview Ministries 
Downers Grove, IL

Focused Health Solutions
Deerfield, IL

HCH Administration
Peoria, IL

Mettawa, IL

Indiana Blood Center
Indianapolis, IN

Indian Creek School District
Wintersville, OH 

Jenner & Block LLP
Chicago, IL

Kohrs Lonnemann Heil Engineers
Fort Thomas, KY

Lions Clubs International
Oak Brook, IL

Maurice Sporting Goods
Northbrook, IL

MB Financial Bank
Chicago, IL

McDermott, Will & Emery
Chicago, IL

Mercy Health Partners
Cincinnati, OH

Mesirow Financial
Chicago, IL

Versailles, OH

(Missouri Bankers Association)
Jefferson City, MO

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
Provo, UT

North Shore School District
Highland Park, IL

Elk Grove Village, IL

Oxford Bank & Trust
Oak Brook, IL

Shawano-Gresham Schools
Shawano, WI

The Horton Group
Orland Park, IL

Troy City School District
Troy, OH

WILD Flavors, Inc.
Erlanger, KY

Cincinnati, OH

Virchow Krause & Company
Madison, WI

Waubonsee Community College
Sugar Grove, IL

Wittenberg University
Springfield, OH

Best in Class Category
(Companies with the Best IHI Score in their Class)

Central Bancompany
Springfield, MO 

Virchow Krause & Company 
Madison, WI

North Shore School District
Highland Park, IL

City of Batavia
Batavia, IL

Mercy Health Partners
Cincinnati, OH

Insurance Broker (Tie)
Mesirow Financial
Chicago, IL

The Horton Group
Orland Park, IL

Legal Services
Bell, Boyd & Lloyd LLP
Chicago, IL

Manufacturing (Tie)
Cummins-Allison Corporation
Mt. Prospect, IL

Gallatin Steel
Ghent, KY

Medical Services
Terre Haute, IN

Public Service
Chicago Fire Fighters Local 2
Chicago, IL

Third Party Administrator
Meritain Health
Amherst, NY

Iron Workers Local 395
Hammond, IN

Most Improved Category
(Companies that Made the Most Dramatic Improvements in their IHI Scores)

Brook Furniture Rental Inc.
Lake Forest, IL

Catchall Services, Inc.
Centralia, IL

Cherry Corporation
Pleasant Prairie, WI 

Cope Plastics
Godfrey, IL

Cummins-Allison Corporation
Mt. Prospect, IL

Fairrington Transportation Services
Bolingbrook, IL

Gallatin Steel
Ghent, KY

Machesney Park, IL

Hutchison, Inc.
Adams City, CO

Knox College
Galesburg, IL

Lac Du Flambeau
Lac Du Flambeau, WI

Meritain Health
Amherst, NY

Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
Provo, UT

Steel Warehouse
South Bend, IN

Interactive Health Solutions, Inc. (IHS) provides turnkey population health management programs to companies nationwide. Program services are clinically based and fully HIPAA compliant. The year-round IHS program includes annual, on-site Health Evaluations; individualized health goals; in-person courses and online information about specific conditions; as well as full program administration, record keeping and reporting. IHS employs a national staff of medical professionals (physicians, phlebotomists, counselors, nurses and others) that administer the tests. IHS then reviews and recommends courses of action. The company maintains a comprehensive database and a virtual medical file for each participant. For more information, contact IHS at 800-840-6100, or www. healthiestcompanies. com.

For further details, please contact:

Joseph O'Brien, President, IHS, (847)754-2712 or e mail j. o'brien @ interactivehs. com

Robert Reed, Media Relations, (630) 579-1770 or e mail bob @ rurelevant. com

Guy Tichy, Media Relations, (224) 653-8875 or e mail guy @ rurelevant. com

Thursday, March 3, 2005

ComforTrac to Exhibit at MEDICA; Features Cervical and Lumbar Traction Devices to World's Largest Medical Devices Conference

ComforTrac to Exhibit at MEDICA; Features Cervical and Lumbar Traction Devices to World's Largest Medical Devices Conference

ComforTrac to Exhibit at MEDICA, Hall 4 booth F58. ComforTrac to feature cervical and lumbar traction products that remain in high demand by healthcare professionals within the rehabilitation, physical therapy, and sports medicine marketplaces.

Keysville, VA (PRWEB) November 8, 2006

ComforTrac, Inc. (ComforTrac) announced today that it will be exhibiting at MEDICA, November 15-18 in Dusseldorf, Germany. ComforTrac will be located in Hall 4, booth F58.

"MEDICA is widely considered to be the premier medical device event " said Christian Hunt, CEO, ComforTrac. "We are extremely committed to product innovation and ensuring our medical devices are efficacious and comfortable for our patients. We are equally committed to healthcare professional education and making certain the medical community is keenly aware how our products can benefit their patients" added Hunt.

"As the leading provider of comfortable cervical and lumbar traction, our products are perfectly suited for the aging population and remain in high demand by medical professionals who serve patients within the rehabilitation, physical therapy, and sports medicine marketplaces" added Hunt.

About ComforTrac

ComforTrac is the industry leader and manufacturer of traction devices used in the sports medicine and rehabilitation market. ComforTrac is committed to innovative product design, quality manufacturing and a relentless pursuit of excellence in service to customers. For further information, visit http://www. comfortrac. net (http://www. comfortrac. net)


Josh Witmer, 703.891.0455

Http://www. comfortrac. net (http://www. comfortrac. net)

# # #

PharmaOmega. com Announces Free Omega 3 Trial Program in Response to CNN Feature Exposing Widespread Omega 3 Deficiency

PharmaOmega. com Announces Free Omega 3 Trial Program in Response to CNN Feature Exposing Widespread Omega 3 Deficiency

PharmaOmega announced today a program to offer a free trial of their concentrated omega 3 pharmaceutical grade "Life" product in response to CNN feature exposing a widespread omega 3 deficiency.

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) September 25, 2007

PharmaOmega announced today a program to offer a free trial of their concentrated omega 3 pharmaceutical grade "Life" product in response to CNN feature exposing a widespread omega 3 deficiency.

In a special feature that aired six times this past weekend, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta examined how we Americans really are what we eat. All aspects of the American diet were covered in the story - what we eat, how much, what's missing, and what the effects are.

In particular, the CNN Special Investigation Unit story reported that we are getting too much omega 6 (primarily from soybean oil) and not enough omega-3 fish oil in our diets. This imbalance has been shown to lead to the psychiatric disorders that are currently plaguing the American population. Dr. Gupta interviewed CDR Joseph R. Hibbeln, MD, of the National Institutes of Health and National Institutes of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, who has extensively studied the connection between omega-3 deficiency and mental health issues such as depression and bi-polar disorder.

"We're excited to see CNN focusing on this important issue: the deficiency of Omega 3's in today's diets," stated Jason Way, VP Customer Experience of NourishLife. "Our mission is to address nutritional deficiencies, so having CNN speak out goes to the core of what we are all about. I'm hopeful that their feature story will raise awareness and motivate people to act to improve their health". As the web's premier source of omega-3 information, research and news, PharmaOmega creates specialty omega 3 nutrition products of the highest concentration, quality and purity (www. PharmaOmega. com).

The company has launched a free trial program to provide their Life Omega 3 to help address the widespread deficiency and related health issues, particularly depression. "It's in everyone's best interest to consume more Omega 3's", stated Mark Nottoli, co-founder of NourishLife. "That's why I decided to augment CNN's education efforts by making our concentrated and purified Omega 3 available to everyone." The free trial program is available on the company's website at: www. pharmaomega. com/shop/freetrial/omega3-news-cnn. aspx (http://www. pharmaomega. com/shop/freetrial/omega3-news-cnn. aspx)

About NourishLife:
NourishLife (www. NourishLifePPP. com) intends to contribute to a major improvement in health and wellness by addressing nutritional deficiencies. The firm expects it work to help significantly reduce healthcare costs. Founded by nutrition industry veterans, the firm employs expert scientists and nutritionists passionate about health.

The PharmaOmega division of NourishLife (www. PharmaOmega. com ) is the web's premier source of omega-3 information, research and news. PharmaOmega creates specialty omega 3 nutrition products of the highest concentration, quality and purity.

NourishLife is a privately held company located in the Chicago area.

Sign up below for our FREE newsletters:
NourishLife - Doing Well by Doing Good
PharmaOmega - Wellness Matters
BeneOmega - Look Smart


Housewife Develops Exciting Home-Based Business: Significantly Improves Her Own Health with Revolutionary Antioxidant Product

Housewife Develops Exciting Home-Based Business: Significantly Improves Her Own Health with Revolutionary Antioxidant Product

ViaViente, launched as an Internet-based distribution company, is sold in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines and will soon be in Hong Kong and Singapore. Within the next five years it will be available in 50 countries.

(PRWEB) September 29, 2005

Lisa Parks, 44, mother of three from Orlando, Florida, stepped into the world of natural health two years ago when she developed a severe case of hives for which nothing seemed to help until she discovered the whole plant healing agent (Phytotonic), "ViaViente."

"I had no idea how important whole food was to the body until I started taking ViaViente. ViaViente is food for the body and the antioxidants in the Phytotonic aid the body in elevating the immune system so it can heal. My husband, an ophthalmologist, also has experienced the tremendous benefits of the product. We can't live without it. I personally feel that being able to share this product with friends and family has brought me tremendous fulfillment as well as financial gain."

ViaViente is a liquid "whole food" containing nine fruits and two roots plus the mineral waters of Vilcabamba, Equador. Vilcabamba was investigated in the 70's and mentioned in National Geographic as one of the only areas in the world where 1 in 64 people live over 100 years of age and disease is a rarity! For centuries, Vilcabambans have found medicinal cures in the pure water flowing down the Andes Mountains.

The drink was created by a team of doctors in 1991. After years of research and development, the fruits and roots were carefully chosen to impact the entire body. Because the ingredients of ViaViente grow near the equator, their very essence gives them more powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties than whole fruits grown in other regions. The drink has provided relief for numerous ailments, including aches and pains, digestive problems, and arthritis.

Unlike synthetic products, ViaViente has no side effects. Drinking ViaViente means one is getting the skin, pulp, juice and life-generating seeds of all 11 fruits and roots, and 13 essential minerals and it tastes delicious! Recently "MSNBC" featured ViaViente and its team of scientific developers, and aptly called it," the most powerful nutrient tonic of all time."

ViaViente, launched as an Internet-based distribution company, is sold in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines and will soon be in Hong Kong and Singapore. Within the next five years it will be available in 50 countries.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Parks, ViaViente Distributor

407-492-5771 or www. LisaParks@myviaoffice. com

Www. viaviente. com

# # #

Motorola Ranked Fourth Among America's '100 Best Corporate Citizens'

Motorola Ranked Fourth Among America's '100 Best Corporate Citizens'

- CRO Magazine recognizes Motorola for outstanding governance, environment, community and employment practices - Motorola earns fourth spot for second year in a row - The Motorola Foundation increased charitable giving to more than $21 million in 2006 - Motorola has been recognized repeatedly for its corporate responsibility efforts

Schaumburg, Ill. (PRWEB) February 15, 2007

CRO magazine has named Motorola, Inc. (http://www. motorola. com/) (NYSE: MOT) to its list of the "100 Best Corporate Citizens (http://www. thecro. com/?q=node/304)." The 2007 ranking, released this week, marks the second year in a row that Motorola has earned the fourth spot on the list and the fourth time that Motorola has appeared in the top 10.

The annual ranking is based on the evaluation of more than 1,100 of the largest U. S. publicly traded companies in eight key categories: shareholders, community, governance, diversity, employees, environment, human rights and product.

"Corporate responsibility is inherent in everything we do - from our commitment to strong environmental, health and safety practices to our community support and efforts to foster a diverse and engaged workforce," said Maryann Clifford, corporate vice president, who leads Motorola's corporate responsibility efforts (http://www. motorola. com/content. jsp? globalObjectId=1646). "Being named as one of the country's top corporate citizens is a testament to the work of our employees around the world to uphold such strong standards that benefit both Motorola and our customers."

Analysis by KLD Research & Analytics to develop the ranking noted that Motorola is particularly effective in reporting on social, environmental and economic performance measures, and that the company has taken significant steps to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate contributions to global climate change and air pollution.

Recycling is another priority for the company. Motorola has developed a variety of reuse and recycling programs for mobile phones and accessories. The Race to Recycle (http://www. racetorecycle. com/index. asp) program encourages U. S. K-12 students to collect used phones - Motorola or other brands - in exchange for a cash contribution to their schools.

The Motorola Foundation's global support (http://www. motorola. com/content. jsp? globalObjectId=5123-8160) for education-focused initiatives also was scored as a company strength in the list analysis. In 2006, Motorola and the Foundation's charitable giving increased to more than $21 million, with primary focus on math, science, technology and engineering educational programming for both teachers and students. Motorola also became a global partner of (RED), selling a range of phones from which a percentage of profits is donated to the Global Fund to help eliminate AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa. The company also continues to promote economic activity in developing countries through greater access to mobile telecommunications.

"The 100 Best distinguish themselves from their peers at other large public companies by embracing higher standards - combining strong financial performance with responsible practices on environmental and social issues," said Michael Connor, publisher and editor of CRO magazine. "We salute the 100 Best for their leadership roles in the field of corporate responsibility."

Motorola has been recognized repeatedly for its corporate responsibility efforts. In addition to being named as one of the country's "100 Best Corporate Citizens," several rating agencies and indices recognized Motorola as a socially responsible investment in 2006. The company also was named one of Fortune magazine's Most Admired companies in 2006 (http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/mostadmired/snapshots/907.html) and has received numerous awards for its employment, environment and supplier diversity initiatives.

The 100 Best Corporate Citizens list was developed by Business Ethics magazine, which was incorporated last year into The CRO, a premier membership organization for corporate responsibility officers. CRO magazine will publish the full list in its January-February 2007 issue. More details regarding the 100 Best Corporate Citizens list are available on the CRO Web site (http://www. thecro. com).

About Motorola

Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.9 billion in 2006. For more information about our company, our people and our innovations, please visit http://www. motorola. com (http://www. motorola. com).
