Sunday, August 17, 2003

Testosterone Can Cure/Treat Diabetes in Men; The U. S. Can Save $50 Billion and Men Can Reverse Diabetes (<a href="http://www. usdoctor. com" onclick="linkClick(this. href)">www. usdoctor. com</a>)

Testosterone Can Cure/Treat Diabetes in Men; The U. S. Can Save $50 Billion and Men Can Reverse Diabetes (www. usdoctor. com)

Testosterone: A simple, inexpensive, and bio-identical pharmaceutical drug created 70 years ago will gain universal popularity now that it as been proven to improve, arrest and potentially reverse adult onset diabetes in men. Ten years of experience and scientific research are referenced in Dr. Lichten's 'Textbook of Bio-Identical Hormones' published in 2007. As Dr. Lichten states, "Most of my patients have thrown away their expensive oral medications and reduced their insulin usage by 50%." (http://www. usdoctor. com)

Detroit, MI (PRWEB) February 4, 2008

How Much is a Leg Worth? Testosterone Can Cure/Treat Diabetes in Men. $15 per month treats diabetic men better than expensive standard meds!

Dr. Lichten has rediscovered the 1939 secret that as little as $15 of injectable testosterone is superior to all other diabetic medications. Where insulin is used in 10% of all diabetics, testosterone is applicable to almost all men, that's 50% of 30 million known American diabetics and 60 million more undiagnosed diabetics! As he reported to the media in 1999, and Ding reiterated from Harvard in the Journal of the American Medical Association on March 15, 2006, all diabetic men have low levels of testosterone. "And since testosterone is the key to energy in the male, it only makes sense that the body's reversal of diabetic breakdown comes from having improved energy from replacing natural testosterone," Lichten explained.

His 'Textbook of Bio-Identical Hormones' published in December 2007 reported that Lichten's hospital-based study and ten additional years of clinical trials proved oral hypoglycemic agents were of no value to two-thirds of his volunteers; furthermore, the inexpensive testosterone injections consistently improved diabetic control (measured as glycogenated hemoglobin; Hemoglobin A1c). Dr. Lichten further notes, "we have known for years that high levels of testosterone in women induce insulin resistance in poly-cystic ovarian disease. We are just learning that too much estrogen and too little testosterone may be even more important in creating the pre-diabetic condition men."

Testosterone does more than lower blood sugar in diabetic men. Not only does it increase the ability to remove glucose (sugar) from the blood stream, it also increases the breakdown of glycogen, stored glucose, into sugar. As a rule, even the most brittle diabetics do not report the dangerously low glucose level, and comas, that makes control difficult.

And testosterone has wondrous effects for men: from improved cardiac performance, improved sexual performance, improved muscle building, positive moods and lowering the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's to strokes. The problem is that the prescription topical gels do not have the effectiveness of the weekly or monthly injections.

The pharmaceutical industry stands to lose $20 billion dollars in sales when the public and the physicians realize the secret to diabetic and men's health is so inexpensive and so readily available. And for the naysayer, low levels of testosterone are correlated with prostate cancer not high levels say Morgantaler in JAMA 1996.

The next discovery? Amgen's $30-50,000 per patient Epogen for treating the anemia of dialysis can be reduced by 50% when a form of testosterone is added. The potential health care savings are 3 billion dollars. That is what they use in Europe and we should be using here-- testosterone. The $15 medical miracle.

James Sowers, M. D., FACE, FACP, FAHA professor and chairman of endocrinology and metabolism at Wayne State University and now at the University of Missouri-Columbia was the supervising professor on the 1999- #601 Providence Hospital Study.
