Monday, January 26, 2004

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Volunteers to Hold 50 Fundraising Events Nationwide this Fall to Raise Funds for SMA Research

Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Volunteers to Hold 50 Fundraising Events Nationwide this Fall to Raise Funds for SMA Research.

In September and October, all over the United States, volunteers come together to raise funds for Spinal Muscular Atrophy research and patient support programs. These events include the FSMA’s signature Walk-n-Roll, golf outings, fun comedy nights, community garage sales and more. Over 10,000 people will attend these events across the nation. FSMA hopes to raise $1 Million in this short time.

Elk Grove Village, IL (PRWEB) September 16, 2010

In September and October, all over the United States, volunteers come together to raise funds for Spinal Muscular Atrophy research and patient support programs. These events include the FSMA’s signature Walk-n-Roll, golf outings, fun comedy nights, community garage sales and more. Over 10,000 people will attend these events across the nation. FSMA hopes to raise $1 Million in this short time. Funds raised will be used to support the leading research programs directed by FSMA to develop a treatment and cure for SMA, and fund important support programs for families and critical patient care.

FSMA welcomes new volunteers and communities each year to help aid in this important fundraising effort. These yearly fundraising events make a profound difference in SMA research, in the local communities and to families everywhere affected by SMA.

Click here to see a full list of the events.
Http://www. fsma. org/Fundraising/EventsCalendar/EventsFiles/index. cfm? ID=5573&TYPE=1574 (http://www. fsma. org/Fundraising/EventsCalendar/EventsFiles/index. cfm? ID=5573&TYPE=1574)

Click here to see an events calendar.
Http://www. fsma. org/Fundraising/EventsCalendar/ (http://www. fsma. org/Fundraising/EventsCalendar/)

Event volunteers raise funds on their own, or join or lead a team. FSMA has substantial support available for these events, including the experience, tools and materials to help make local events a success.
Families of SMA Programs:

With volunteer support FSMA has funded over $50 million dollars to date directly to SMA research, including five new therapeutic development programs specifically for SMA: The FSMA Stem Cell program; The FSMA Quinazoline program; The FSMA Paratek Tetracycline program; and then more recently, the ISIS Oligos program and the OSU Gene Therapy program. FSMA funded five clinical trials with existing drugs that have potential to treat SMA and funded the entire Project Cure clinical trial network. The FSMA research funding model was created on independent research and expert medical evaluations to recommend specific projects to fund.

Families of SMA is a not-for-profit organization involved in remarkable programs in many areas. In addition to important medical research, FSMA funds critical family support and patient care programs. This includes sending information, care packages and much-needed medical equipment to families affected by SMA. FSMA has also coordinated and hosted the Annual SMA Conference for 22 years. It is the largest conference in the world for those affected by SMA.

Support Local FSMA Fundraising Events:
FSMA research and family support programs are funded through grassroots fundraising efforts. It is because of SMA families and their supporters that FSMA has been able to mark the incredible progress that they have in research and family support.
If a community or group in your area is interested in having an FSMA fundraiser, FSMA can lend the support, tools, materials and encouragement to help make the event a success. FSMA supplies banners, yard signs, flyers, donation cards, bracelets and much more. Call FSMA directly for information: (800) 886-1762 or email, fundraising(at)fsma(dot)org.

About Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy:
FSMA is dedicated to creating a treatment and cure by: Funding and advancing a comprehensive research program; Supporting SMA families through networking, information and services; Improving care for all SMA patients; Educating health professionals and the public about SMA; Enlisting government support a; Embracing all touched by SMA in a caring community.

Contact Information:
Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Phone (800) 886-1762
Fax (847) 367-7623
Email info(at)fsma(dot)org
Www. curesma. org
