Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Sea Change Design Consortium Launches at Sustainable Brands '09 with Comprehensive, Cross-discipline and Integrated Design Process

Sea Change Design Consortium Launches at Sustainable Brands '09 with Comprehensive, Cross-discipline and Integrated Design Process

Experts Design Life-Sustaining Solutions by Collaborating with Corporations, NGOs, Non-Profit Organizations, Academia, and Governments

Monterey, Calif. (PRWEB) June 1, 2009

The Sea Change Design Consortium debuted at the Sustainable Brands Conference with inaugural members in the disciplines of design thinking, business strategy, consumer research, branding, public relations, interactive design, organizational development, and sustainability. The tightly-knit web of consultants is committed to designing life-affirming solutions to serious economic, social, and environmental challenges facing the world today.

Design is the common language for collaborating in an integrated and iterative fashion, with each Consortium member combining mastery in his or her own area of expertise with a working knowledge of the Sea Change Design Process(sm). This creative, generative methodology embraces a whole-system, whole-business point of view while recognizing the necessity of drawing from a deep authentic core. In use for over a decade, the process has helped build corporate innovation capabilities, search for new ways to protect human rights, inspire ocean conservation, and form global alliances around emerging technologies. Projects currently under consideration by the Sea Change Design Consortium include corporate governance, water, diversity, caring economics, local food systems, urban revitalization, and women and children's issues.

According to Lauralee Alben, creator of the Sea Change Design Process and founder of the Consortium, "We believe that design is uniquely suited to help solve a wide range of challenges. That's because we define design differently. We assert that design is the conscious planning of meaningful acts that influence our relationship to humanity, the future, the sacred, and the natural world. By designing with our clients and their stakeholders we can do together what no single entity can do alone: create a continuum from sustainable products and services to social movements to a global consciousness."

Sea Change Design Consortium members believe that today's formidable challenges require the combined experience and honed skills of people from wildly differing fields of expertise. Strong bonds need to be forged, connecting business with sustainability, science and industry with health and spirituality, politics with human rights, and communications with art and technology. A core tenet of the Consortium's design approach is this: crises can be resolved and opportunities realized only when looking at the interdependencies and interrelationships of problems and their potential solutions.

About the Members
Alben Design serves as the hub of the Sea Change Design Consortium. We engage leaders in transformative strategies that foster integrity, innovation, and sustainability. As the source of the Sea Change Design Process, we provide inspiring products and services, workshops, coaching and training programs. These bring about resilient and robust change in lives, corporations, non-profits, professional forums, and academia. Recognized for our thought leadership, we speak and consult on challenges including business strategy, culture changes, human rights, ocean conservation, women's leadership, and a partnership world. http://www. albendesign. com (http://www. albendesign. com)

Communications4Good tells strategic stories that create connections and inspire goodness in a sustainable world. As a triple bottom line public relations agency, we provide businesses, early stage companies and organizations with sustainability communications strategy, media relations and social media program implementation for company launches, product introductions, campaigns, and internal programs. We create messaging and content that matches aspirations, builds consensus, and energizes enthusiasm among all stakeholders. http://www. communications4good. com (http://www. communications4good. com)

Design Uprising integrates human-centered interaction design with emerging technologies to create sustainable solutions. We thrive on trans­forming complex systems into desirable human experiences. We consult with Fortune 100 companies and aspiring start-ups to explore and create new opportunities for products, services and technologies. Through our holistic approach, we design biomedical interfaces that translate physiological data into well-being; enterprise networks that turn data efficiency into energy efficiency; and social networks that transform green concepts into regenerative resources. http://www. designuprising. com (http://www. designuprising. com)

Fit Associates is pioneering the application of research and design methods not only to products and strategy, but also to the social contexts in which those products are created. We combine a deep capability in ethnographic research with a history in product and interaction design, aligned with an intention to seek the greatest impact for the common good. Fit has established long-term relationships with corporate and institutional clients aiming to make a viable, sustainable difference for people and society. Increasingly, Fit is turning its attention to work in sustainability, local development, and cross-sector issues. http://www. fitassociates. com (http://www. fitassociates. com)

Heller Communication Design creates brands that embody a vibrant future and inspire the behavior needed to get there. We apply the principles of sustainability to making businesses more human, humans more innovative, communication more inspiring, and brands more relevant and resilient. We have helped Fortune 100 and start up companies in nearly every industry grow through brand and communication strategy, employee programs, naming, start-up and product launches, identity and interactive design, and complete marketing programs. http://www. hellercd. com (http://www. hellercd. com)

The Murson Group creates innovation leadership capability, connecting leaders and organizations with their inner strengths to address complex business and global challenges. With over 28 years of experience in multi-national enterprises, we understand the challenges faced by large, interdependent organizations striving for triple bottom line growth. We work with consumer products and services firms ranging from start-ups to Fortune 25 enterprises. Our strengths are in the creation of consumer-based business and innovation strategies, organizational design, leadership development and diversity mentoring to enable global transformation.

About the Sea Change Design Consortium
The Sea Change Design Consortium is an association of seasoned consultants who are committed to surfacing viable solutions to the serious economic, social, and environmental challenges facing the world today. Our intention is to design a life-enhancing world that ensures the future is worth inheriting. By engaging on individual, organizational, and global levels, we generate sea changes--positive, profound, and lasting transformations. http://www. seachangedesign. com (http://www. seachangedesign. com)
