Thursday, March 24, 2005

RSS Feeds, A Growing Trend In Business

RSS Feeds, A Growing Trend In Business

Informational feeds are an excellent source of text to use as content filler on websites.

Saginaw, MI (PRWEB) December 22, 2005

RSS feeds involve a type of web syndication in which a portion of a website’s content is made available for other websites to use. SAMSA offers RSS feeds at www. samsa. com. These informational feeds are an excellent source of text for owners to use as content filler on their websites. A majority of feeds are free, unlike many other types of on-line news subscription services.

As versions and standards have advanced, RSS has been an acronym for Rich Site Summary and is most currently known as Really Simple Syndication. XML is the technological format that delivers the information to the subscriber’s site. The providing website creates an RSS file which then gives permission for others to syndicate their news. News aggregators act as readers that check the RSS feed provider’s site and then publishes the newest information on the subscriber’s site for viewing. This type of information distribution has grown from being initially popular in the weblogging community to now having a defined presence in many types of organizations. Subscription to syndication of information for both small and large businesses alike is becoming popular.

Sites that provide RSS feeds are those that are frequently updated with new content, and the benefits of subscribing to RSS feeds are numerous. They also help to decrease the amount of email clutter that comes from belonging to e-mail news groups. The subscriber chooses which type of information they’d like to receive and have a variety of options to choose from in displaying the RSS feed content on their site. This includes displaying headlines or article summaries that aren’t too wordy. Generally, a full article can be accessed by clicking on a link in the title that directs you to the provider’s site where the article is located. Subscribing and un-subscribing can take place at any time. Subscribers need not worry about copyrights and other protection rights as well when using a disclosed feed provider. RSS feeds are a great feature to include on your site if you want to keep visitors up to date on pertinent information in your industry. Feeds act as great content fillers, text providers and help to keep your site up to date.

Allowing others to subscribe to RSS feed from your site is just as beneficial as being a subscriber. Being a provider can bring additional traffic to your site and boost your presence on the Internet.

About System and Market Services of America

SAMSA (http://www. samsa. com (http://www. samsa. com)) is lead by a highly qualified group of diverse business and technology professionals whose collective backgrounds include marketing, business development, software engineering and design, accounting, administrative, copywriting, and customer service experience. This in-depth experience is in a well-rounded cross section of business sectors specializing in healthcare, government agencies, transportation, manufacturing, distribution, wholesale, retail, and education. SAMSA offers full IT services to clients in the state of Michigan, and web based and programming work for clients around the world.
