Friday, March 2, 2007

Learn How to Avoid Success Killers in Real Estate Investing

Learn How to Avoid Success Killers in Real Estate Investing

The audio program “Get Started Now – 12 Success Killers in Real Estate Investing and How to Avoid Them”, discusses why uneducated and uninformed investors become paralyzed by challenges...

(PRWEB) May 6, 2005

The audio program “Get Started Now – 12 Success Killers in Real Estate Investing and How to Avoid Them”, discusses why uneducated and uninformed investors become paralyzed by challenges that face them and how to overcome them. You will learn conventional and unconventional ways to make money in real estate, how to buy, sell, and tenant property, as well as building and managing teams of experts that do the work so that you don’t have to, plus much more.

It is estimated that 95% of people who want to become investors never purchase property above and beyond their own home. Why? Fear! You can break that down and say “I don’t have the money, the time, or the knowledge”, but ultimately it is fear that holds people back.

But what happens if they donÂ’t jump in and give it a try? The answer may surprise you. It is notable to mention that based on statistics from the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, at the age of retirement 54% of 65 year olds are financially dependant, 36% are still working, and 5% are dead. So 95% of potential retirees are either dead or dead broke! Only a measly 1% are wealthy. But guess what; 74% of the wealthy retirees in this country hold their wealth in business ownership and real estate investing.

Tanner REI Solutions, LLC is a company that was established to assist those who are facing a fear of getting into investing. They are offering the free audio for a limited time. Copies are available by calling 1(877)323-4181 or on their website www. treisolutions. com. You may also submit an email to freeaudio@treisolutions. com to request this free audio program. Interested individuals may also request to receive a free telephone consultation and action plan report. LetÂ’s get out of the 95% club and join the 1% who are wealthy.

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