Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lamson & Cutner to Participate in "Age in Action 2007" May 9th at Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, New York

Lamson & Cutner to Participate in "Age in Action 2007" May 9th at Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, New York

Lamson & Cutner, P. C., a New York City law firm that focuses its practice on the representation of the elderly and disabled, will participate in "Age in Action 2007," the annual New York City festival to celebrate Older Americans Month.

New York, NY (PRWEB) May 9, 2007

Lamson & Cutner, P. C., a New York City law firm that focuses its practice on the representation of the elderly and disabled, will participate in "Age in Action 2007," the annual New York City festival to celebrate Older Americans Month. The law firm will be represented by David Cutner (http://www. elder-law-cutner. com/David-Cutner. html), one of the firm's founders, and by Tracy Connors. Seniors and their families are invited to stop at Lamson & Cutner's booth to obtain information about Medicaid, Medicare, and other Elder Law issues (http://www. elder-law-cutner. com/Law-Firm-Overview. html). Also, seniors and their families are invited to put their names on Lamson & Cutner's mailing list to receive a copy of The Elder Law Exchange, the firm's newsletter about current legal issues of concern to the elderly and disabled.

David Cutner said that "Seniors and their families should not miss this great event. There will be entertainment, music, and art, and many exhibits designed to educate and inform. The event's sponsors are expecting about 10,000 to attend, and there will be something of interest for everyone. Look for our blue and white banner, and we will be pleased to meet you."

"Age in Action 2007" is sponsored by the Aging in New York Fund, Inc., and the New York City Department for the Aging. The event is conveniently located in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, which can easily be reached by public transportation. Take the #7 subway train to the Willets Point / Shea Stadium stop, or the Q48 bus to Willets Point Boulevard and Roosevelt Avenue. From there, it is an easy walk, or take the free shuttle anytime from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. The official hours for the event are 10 am to 3 pm, but many people come early.

Those who are unable to attend the event may want to view Lamson & Cutner's website, www. lamson-cutner. com], for up-to-date information about Medicaid planning, asset protection, powers of attorney, health care proxies, supplemental needs trusts, pooled income trusts, and other subjects of concern to the elderly and disabled. Send Lamson & Cutner an email at info(at)lamson-cutner. com (http://www. elder-law-cutner. com/contact. html) or call toll free at 866-524-1818, if you would like to receive a free copy of The Elder Law Exchange.

Also, look for announcements about Lamson & Cutner's upcoming presentations on "Planning and Paying for Long-Term Care" at Senior Centers and Health Fairs around New York City. These are given on a regular basis. Current events on the calendar are on May 30th at the Bronx House for Seniors on Pelham Bay Parkway, and on June 15th at the Health Fair of the Methodist Church Home for the Aged in Riverdale.

Lamson & Cutner, P. C., looks forward to seeing you at "Age in Action 2007."

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