Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Since Democracy in IRAQ, California Company Opens Fitness Centers in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan

Since Democracy in IRAQ, California Company Opens Fitness Centers in Libya, Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan

California Company profits in the Middle East since the IRAQ elections.

(PRWEB) June 1, 2005

“Professional Fitness centers are opening up in the Middle East like nothing I’ve ever seen before" says Steve Paterson, President of Used Gym Equipment. com in Gardena California.

“Our customers are Businessmen, and tell us they are not political. They say their people have more expendable money these days and the demand for American Health Clubs is strong;” explains Adam Stewart, sales representative at UsedGymEquipment. com.

“The buyer for Libya actually lives in West Germany but is the investor in a hotel fitness project in Libya where he was born and raised;” informs Adam Stewart.

“The buyers from Lebanon have five Gyms in the business plan to open in the next 24 months. They are excited about the interest in American style Health Clubs;” repeats Mr. Stewart.

“Our Pakistan client told us he is opening his new fitness center in what he called the ‘Hollywood’ of Pakistan;” describes Steve Paterson

“Syria can’t accept direct shipments from the USA. So we have to ship the order to the port of Dubai. Then it will be delivered into Syria;” educates Steve Paterson.


Used Gym Equipment

400 West 157th street

Gardena, Ca. 90248

Contact: Steve Paterson:

Cell phone: 714-308-5784 

Email: FitnessEq@cox. net

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