Saturday, May 2, 2009

How To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercise

How To Lose Weight Without Dieting Or Exercise

If you are tired of dieting, food restrictions and short-term weight lost this book is for you. The books author Diana Lynelle Smith has lost up to five pounds a week and without dieting pills. And her book will teach you how to do the same. This book will teach its readers how to become fit for life.

(PRWEB) September 18, 2004

Having been on many diets and experiencing the misery of such Smith promised herself that sheÂ’d never diet again and she has keep her word. Throughout her book youÂ’ll learn countless ways to get in shape while enjoying food. In chapter three youÂ’ll find sensible substitutes to higher fat and calorie foods.

In her book youÂ’ll learn three ways to flatten your stomach without sit ups. One technique that Smith has used to flatten her stomach without sit-ups is what she refers to as her natural tummy tuck.

Many people eat when they are not hungry when they are stressed, etc and it causes them to put on unwanted pounds. Chapter two will help you to Overcome Emotional Eating so that youÂ’ll maintain weight loss. In chapter three youÂ’ll learn how to change your unhealthy eating habits gradually while making slight changes to the foods you eat now. And in chapter five youÂ’ll learn how to Lighten Up your favorite foods.

In chapter eight youÂ’ll learn that it is sometimes better to Eat What You Want lest youÂ’d eat a considerably larger portion of a food that you didnÂ’t want.

In chapter nine she make you aware of various challenges that you may face after youÂ’ve achieved your weight loss goal. Readers will learn how to handle being around a friend or loved one who tries to make you overindulge in food.

To purchase her book visit http://www. lulu. com/nostress (http://www. lulu. com/nostress)