Friday, November 5, 2010

Three Warning Signs That Curiosity is Becoming a Cult-Like Obsession

Three Warning Signs That Curiosity is Becoming a Cult-Like Obsession

An estimated five to seven million Americans are involved in cult-like groups, and 180,000 new people are pulled into cults every year. Yet most people think something like this could never happen to them or their families.

Aspen, CO (PRWEB) September 9, 2004

An estimated five to seven million Americans are involved in cult-like groups and 180,000 new people are pulled into cults every year. Yet most people think something like this could never happen to them or their families.

“Cult leaders are appealing, intelligent, committed and cunning, and they’re always a step ahead of the rest of their group,” explains Gail Wanman Holstein, author of "Waking the Ancients" (ThunderCloud Books, www. ThundercloudBooks. com). “Whether you’re talking about the Elizabeth Smart, kidnapping, Jonestown, the Branch Davidians, the Heaven’s Gate/Hale-Bopp suicide zealots or any other cult, the basis is the same: a charismatic leader convinces followers of his or her reality. But they must first be vulnerable.”

Surprisingly, a person can recruited into a cult group because of an interest, hobby, or even simple curiosity. So how does a healthy interest in something “normal” develop into a fascination and then a cult-like — even deadly — obsession? And how can you help your family avoid this dangerous trap?

Here are three signs an innocent interest could be becoming an obsession:

1) Followers distance themselves from others — saying people don’t understand them or share or appreciate their new passion.

2) The followers believe their previous life was a lie, that they weren’t their “real” selves until now. They even disparage aspects of their “former” life that used to be important to them.

3) Followers make radical changes and commitments without much planning.

To discover how one family fell victim to the allure of a cult-like group and how one woman helped them escape, visit www. ThundercloudBooks. com for a free preview of "Waking the Ancients."


Gail Wanman Holstein

(970) 925-1588

Info@ThundercloudBooks. com

Www. ThundercloudBooks. com

Waking the Ancients: a Novel of the Mogollon Rim, Thundercloud Books, Gail Wanman Holstein,

Fiction, ISBN: 0-9740806-3-2; $14.00 Search the Bookstore for Waking the Ancients or visit www. ThundercloudBooks. com

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