Friday, February 22, 2002

Advanced Max Contraction Training For Legitimate Muscle Gains

Advanced Max Contraction Training For Legitimate Muscle Gains

Creator of Max Contraction Training™ shows advanced bodybuilders how to gain major muscle in just one month.

New York, NY (PRWEB) August 17, 2006

John Little, the creator of Max Contraction Training™, shows advanced bodybuilders how to gain major muscle in just one month.

“Groundbreaking. This is truly an incredible discovery that could cause physiology books to be rewritten.” – Ironman Magazine

“[John Little’s] methods…will result in real, meaningful, and sustainable physical results and will help build a confidence in your own abilities that will permeate into all areas of your life.” – Anthony Robbins, Peak Performance Coach and author of Awaken the Giant Within

“This training approach has begun to stimulate our thinking in entirely new directions.” – Muscle & Fitness

To continue to grow bigger and stronger, the advanced bodybuilder must train harder, which requires extremely brief but intense training. However, many personal trainers and bodybuilding champions advocate training methods that are the exact opposite. The advanced bodybuilder tries these routines, fails at his goal, and then – if he hasn’t already – decides that growth drugs are the only solution to his dilemma. Thus begins the end of his legitimate muscle gains, and often the end of any attempt to lead a normal and happy life.

After researching the dilemma of the advanced bodybuilder, bodybuilding pioneer John Little (creator of Max Contraction Training™) offers the first scientific and practical solution – the Omega Set™, an ultra intense variation on the Max Contraction theme. This revolutionary new protocol has been engineered specifically and exclusively for the advanced trainee to gain upwards of 26 pounds in 12 weeks. Little reveals it all in "Advanced Max Contraction Training" (McGraw-Hill; September 2006; Paper, $18.95; ISBN 0-07-145893-X)

Little – whose books have sold more than 600,000 copies and are published in several languages – offers solutions to the physiological and psychological obstacles that await the advanced bodybuilder on the path to his future progress. Unlike most “advanced” bodybuilding books that simply council the advanced trainee to add more and hope for the best, Little clearly and unambiguously reveals precisely the cause and effect relationship between advanced training methods and advanced training results. Advanced Max Contraction Training breaks new ground in bodybuilding training and represents the final word in high intensity training.

John Little’s "Advanced Max Contraction Training":

Reveals the Glycogen Theory, scientifically proven to increase muscle size beyond normal levels

Convincingly debunks popular low-carbohydrate diets

Is packed with tips and secrets used by bodybuilding legends such as Mike Mentzer and Arnold Schwarzenegger to stay motivated and achieve optimal muscle growth

John Little, author of more than thirty books on bodybuilding, martial arts, history, and philosophy, is the creator of the Maximum Contraction System of training. He has worked in the bodybuilding/fitness industry for more than 20 years alongside some of its biggest names, including Joe Weider, Anthony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Reeves, and Mike Mentzer. Little’s four books focusing on fitness training and conditioning have become staples in the health and fitness industry. Currently a columnist for Ironman magazine, he has written articles for every major fitness publication in the world.

Little’s ability to render complicated physiological information into material easily comprehended by laypeople resulted in his series of books on the late Bruce Lee’s health and conditioning methods, The Bruce Lee Library Series (Tuttle Publishing), which sold 480,000 copies in three years. 50,000 individuals have paid for his mail order course on muscle building. Little is the owner, along with his wife, Terri, of Nautilus North Strength & Fitness Centre, which has been described as one of the leading fitness research centers in North America. He is also an award-winning filmmaker.

"Advanced Max Contraction Training"

By John Little

Foreword by Drew Baye, world-renowned personal trainer

141 pages, 100 b&w photos, 8 ½ x 11

Paper, $18.95. ISBN 0-07-145893-X

Publication Date: September 2006

Also of interest:

"Max Contraction Training" by John Little (McGraw-Hill)

Paper, $18.95. ISBN 0-07-142395-8

For review copies and excerpts, contact:

Kenya M. Henderson

Publicist, McGraw-Hill Companies

2 Penn Plaza, 12th Floor

New York, NY 10121

P: 212.904.3346 F: 212.904.4091
