Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Expectant Parents Win Free Cord Blood Banking

Expectant Parents Win Free Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood bank awards expectant parents free cord blood banking in celebration of Mother's Day.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 19, 2008

Family Cord Blood Services, a private cord blood bank (http://www. familycordbloodservices. com), has awarded Jamie Alarcon and Trygge Toven of Newark, California, free cord blood banking for their baby due in August. In celebration of Mother's Day 2008, the company offered expectant parents a chance to win free cord blood banking, a value of $1650, which includes enrollment, collection kit, medical courier transport of cord blood, processing, and one year of storage.

"We're thrilled about winning free cord blood banking. We would have saved our baby's cord blood with Family Cord Blood Services regardless because investing in your baby's future health is one of the most important lifetime decisions that every expectant parent should consider" says Jamie.

For many expectant parents such as the Alarcons, cord blood banking is an easy decision due to emerging medical advancements and life saving benefits of umbilical cord blood (http://www. familycordbloodservices. com) stem cells. Jamie suffers from Celiac and has been informed that her new baby may have Down's Syndrome. She hopes that cord blood stem cell treatments will be able to help the family if not now, at some point in the future.

This giveaway marks the second year that company has sponsored free cord blood banking (http://www. familycordbloodservices. com) for expectant parents in honor of Mother's Day. The giveaway is part of Family Cord Blood Services' mission to give back to the community. To help expectant parents with lowering cost, Family Cord Blood Services is providing new enrollees before August 31, 2008 an additional free year of storage - a value of $120. Interested expectant parents can call 888-828-CORD or visit http://www. familycordbloodservices. com (http://www. familycordbloodservices. com) to learn more about the storage offer.

About Family Cord Blood Services

Family Cord Blood Services provides expectant families the industry's highest quality cord blood banking at family-friendly prices. Founded in 1997, Family Cord Blood Services, a subsidiary of California Cryobank, Inc., provides umbilical cord blood processing and storage for families throughout the United States and worldwide. Family Cord Blood Services is registered with Food and Drug Administration (FDA), accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and licensed by Pharmastem.
