Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Beware, Vitamin Enhanced Drinks Can Make You Fat, says Dr. C. W. Randolph, Author of the Upcoming Book, From Belly Fat to Belly Flat

Beware, Vitamin Enhanced Drinks Can Make You Fat, says Dr. C. W. Randolph, Author of the Upcoming Book, From Belly Fat to Belly Flat

People trying to lose want to feel their best, says Dr. Randolph, but some of these new vitamin feel good drinks are packing back on the calories of dieters.

Jacksonville Beach, FL (PRWEB) July 30, 2007

People trying to lose want to feel their best, says the author of the upcoming book "From Belly Fat to Belly Flat" C. W. Randolph, Jr., M. D., R. Ph., "Most people trying to lose a few pounds want to be healthy and vital, not puny and listless as the pounds come off. At first glance it would seem that the new plethora of vitamin infused drinks -- such as Vitamin Water, SoBe Life Water, Airforce Nutrisoda and Propel Fitness Water - would be just what they need. Look again. There are real calories in all those nutrient-fortified sodas."

Before you sip your vitamins through a straw, consider this: your good health has suddenly become a big dollar business and that could put you at risk of being conned.

According to an article published in the July 24th issue of the Wall Street Journal, the explosion of nutrient-laced drinks reflects consumers' desire for more healthful choices than soda. These drinks' combined U. S. volume more that tripled from 2001 to2006, according to the Beverage Marketing Corp., compared to 5% growth for the U. S. beverage industry overall.

"These growth statistics tell me that a lot of health-conscious Americans are being duped," says Dr. Randolph. "Many of the nutrients touted to be in these drinks are present in such small amounts that they won't make a difference. And, these hyped 'healthy drinks' are sold at prices up to twice as high as that of plain bottled water."

So what's a well-intentioned, health-conscious individual supposed to do? "Very simply, eschew those hyped-up calorie-ridden health drinks, drink filtered or bottled water and take a good multi-vitamin and, also, a calcium-magnesium supplement. When it comes to water, drink at least eight 10 oz glasses a day. Drink a glass of water with each meal and, then, sip throughout the rest of the day. Although water contains no calories and may contain no micronutrients, it is an indispensable aid to digestion, nutrient absorption and waste-elimination. "

Dr. Randolph continues, "Water also impacts how your body metabolizes fat. Let me explain. One of the functions of the liver is to convert stored fat to energy. Another function of the liver is support kidney function. If the kidneys are water-deprived, the liver has to do their work along with its own, lowering its total productivity. It then can't metabolize fat as quickly or efficiently as it could when the kidneys were pulling their own weight. If you allow this to happen, not only are you being unfair to your liver, but you're also setting yourself up to store fat."

Water and Vitamins equal 0 calories and a Healthier, Thinner Body says Randolph.

For more information on "From Belly Fat to Belly Flat," go to www. hormonewell. com. For media inquiries, please contact Nanette Noffsinger at 615-776-4230.
